Isaiah 47:5 Cross References - ECB

5 Sit silent, and get into darkness, O daughter of the Kesediym: for they no more call you, The lady of sovereigndoms.

1 Samuel 2:9

9 He guards the feet of his mercied and the wicked hush in darkness; for no man prevails mightily by force.

Psalms 31:17

17 shame me not, O Yah Veh; for I call on you: shame the wicked to hush in sheol;

Psalms 46:10

10 Slacken and know that I - Elohim loft among the goyim - loft in the earth.

Isaiah 13:10

10 For the stars of the heavens and kesil halal not their light: the sun darkens in its going, and the moon illuminates not its light.

Isaiah 13:19-20

19 And Babel, the splendour of sovereigndoms, the adornment of the pomp of the Kesediym, becomes as when Elohim overthrew Sedom and Amorah 20 - neither to settle therein in perpetuity nor to tabernacle therein from generation to generation: neither the Arabiy tent there; nor the tenders crouch there:

Isaiah 14:4

4 - to lift this proverb against the sovereign of Babel, and say, How the exactor shabbathizes! The extortioners of gold shabbathize!

Isaiah 14:23

23 I set it a possession for the bittern, and marshes of water: and I sweep it with the broom of desolation - an oracle of Yah Veh Sabaoth.

Isaiah 47:1

Descend, and sit in the dust; O virgin daughter of Babel, sit on the earth; there is no throne, O daughter of the Kesediym: for you add not to be called tender and delicate.

Isaiah 47:7

7 And you say, I am a lady eternally: so that you neither set these to your heart nor rememer the latter end thereof.

Jeremiah 8:14

14 Why sit we? Gather together; and enter the fortified cities: and hush there: for Yah Veh our Elohim hushes us and gives us water of rosh to drink - because we sin against Yah Veh.

Jeremiah 25:10

10 I destroy from them the voice of rejoicing and the voice of cheerfulness; the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; the voice of the millstones and the light of the lamp:

Lamentations 1:1

How she settles solitary - the city abounding with people - become as a widow! This great among the goyim and governess among the jurisdictions - becomes a vassal!

Daniel 2:37-38

37 You, O sovereign, are a sovereign of sovereigns: for Elah of the heavens gives you a sovereigndom - power and empowerment and esteem: 38 and everywhere the sons of men whirl; and he gives the live beings of the field and the flyers of the heavens into your hand, and has you dominate over them all: you are this head of gold.

Habakkuk 2:20

20 And Yah Veh is in his holy manse: silence at his face, all the earth.

Zechariah 2:13

13 Hush, O all flesh, at the face of Yah Veh: for he wakens from his holy habitation.

Matthew 22:12-13

12 and he words to him, Comrade, how entered you here, not having a marriage enduement? - and he is muzzled. 13 Then the sovereign says to the ministers, Bind him hand and foot and take him away and eject him into outer darkness; there becomes weeping and gnashing of teeth:

Jude 1:13

13 raging waves of the sea frothing their own shame, planetary stars - to whom is guarded the blackness of gloom to the eons.

Revelation 17:3-5

3 So he bears me in spirit to the wilderness: and I see a woman sitting on a scarlet beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman is arrayed in purple and scarlet and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls; having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and impurity of her whoredom: 5 and on her forehead, a name scribed, MYSTERY! BABEL THE MEGA THE MOTHER OF WHORES AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

Revelation 17:18

18 And the woman you see is that megalopolis, having sovereigndom over the sovereigns of the earth.

Revelation 18:7

7 as much as she glorifies herself and luxuriates so much torture and mourning give her: because she words in her heart, I sit a sovereigness and am no widow and never no way see mourning.

Revelation 18:16-19

16 and wording, Woe! Woe! - that megalopolis arrayed in white linen and purple and scarlet and gilded in gold and precious stones and pearls! 17 Because in one hour so vast riches are desolated.
And every pilot and all the homogeneous crowd in sailers and ship crew and as many as work by sea stand from afar; 18 and seeing the smoke of her firing, they cry, wording, What is like to this megalopolis! 19 And they cast dust on their heads and cry, weeping and mourning, wording, Woe! Woe that megalopolis, wherein all who had sailers in the sea enriched from her preciousnesses! Because in one hour she desolated.

Revelation 18:21-24

21 And one mighty angel takes a stone as a mega millstone and casts it into the sea, wording, Thus with violence is that megalopolis Babel cast; and are never ever no way still found in you: 22 and the voice of citherists and musicians and of flutists and trumpeters are never ever no way still heard in you; and any technician of whatever technique, are never ever no way still found in you; and the voice of a millstone are never ever no way still heard in you; 23 and the light of a candle are never ever no way still manifested in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride are never ever no way still heard in you: because your merchants are the magistrates of the earth; because in your pharmacies all goyim are seduced: 24 and in her are found the blood of prophets and of the holy and of all those slaughtered on the earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.