Matthew 22:36 Cross References - Diaglott

36 O teacher, which commandment great in the law?

Matthew 5:19-20

19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the commandments of these of the least, and teach thus the men, least he shall be called in the kingdom of the heavens; who but ever shall do and teach, the same great shall be called in the kingdom of the heavens. 20 I say for to you that except abound the righteousness of you more of the scribes and Pharisees, by no means you may enter into the kingdom of the heavens.

Matthew 15:6

6 then not not may honor the father of him or the mother of him. And you annul the commandment of the God through the tradition of you.

Matthew 23:23-24

23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you tithe the mint, and the dill, and the cummin; and pass by the weightier (things) of the law, the justice, and mercy, and the faith. These but it is binding to do, and those not to omit. 24 Guides blind; the straining out the gnat the but camel swallowing down.

Mark 12:28-33

28 And approaching one of the scribes, having heard them disputing, knowing that well to them he answered, asked him: Which is first of all commandment? 29 The and Jesus replied to him: That first of all commandment; Hear you Israel, a Lord, the God of us, Lord one is; 30 and thou shalt love a Lord the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee, and out of whole of the strength of thee. This first commandment. 31 And second like, this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. Greater of these another commandment not is. 32 And said to him the scribe: Well, O teacher, in truth thou speakest, that one he is and not is another besides him; 33 and the to love him out of whole of the heart, and out of whole of the understanding, and out of whole the soul, and out of whole of the strength, and the to love the neighbor as himself, more is of all of the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Luke 11:42

42 But woe to you the Pharisees, for you tithe the mint, and the rue, and every pot-herb; and you pass by the justice and the love of the God. These things you ought to have done, and those not to omit.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.