4 Then answered Peter, and sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, here is good beynge for us. Yf thou wilt, let us make here thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias.
Matthew 17:4 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 33:18-19
Psalms 4:6
6 There be many yt saye: who wil do vs eny good? where as thou (o LORDE) hast shewed vs the light of yi countenauce.
Psalms 16:11
11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy saynte to se corrupcion. Thou hast shewed me the wayes off life: thou shalt make me full of ioye wt thy countenaunce. At thy right hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.
Psalms 63:1-5
1 O God, thou art my God: early wil I seke the.
2 My soule thursteth for the, my flesh longeth after the in a bare & drie lode, where no water is.
3 Thus do I loke for the in thy Sactuary, that I might beholde yi power & glory.
4 For thy louynge kyndnesse is better then life, my lyppes shal prayse the.
5 As loge as I liue wil I magnifie the, & lift vp my hondes in thy name.
Isaiah 33:17
17 His eyes shal se the kynge in his glory: & in the wyde worlde,
Zechariah 9:17
17 O how prosperous and goodly a thynge shall that be? The corne shall make the yongemen chearefull, and the new wyne the maydens.
Mark 9:5-6
Luke 9:33
33 And it chaunsed, whan they departed fro him, Peter sayde vnto Iesus: Master, here is good beynge for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias, and wyst not what he sayde.
John 14:8-9
John 17:24
24 Father, I wil, that they whom thou hast geuen me, be with me where I am, yt they maye se my glory, which thou hast geue me: for thou hast loued me, or euer ye worlde was made.
Philippians 1:23
23 I shal chose, for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)
1 John 3:2
2 Dearly beloued, we are now ye childre of God, and yet hath it not appeared what we shalbe. But we knowe yt when he shal appeare, we shal be like him: for we shal se him as he is.
Revelation 21:23
23 and the cite hath no nede of the Sonne, nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God doth light it: and the lambe is the lyght of it.
Revelation 22:3-5
3 And there shalbe no more cursse, but the seate of God and ye labe shalbe in it: and his seruauntes shal serue him:
4 And shal se his face, and his name shalbe in their for heades.
5 And there shalbe no night there, and they nede no candle, nether light of the Sonne: for the LORDE God geueth the light, and they shal reygne for euermore.