3 And beholde, there appeared vnto the Moses and Elias talkinge with him.
Matthew 17:3 Cross References - Coverdale
Deuteronomy 18:18
18 I wil rayse them vp a prophet from amonge their brethren like vnto the, and wyl put my wordes in his mouth, & he shal speake vnto them all that I shal comaunde him.
Deuteronomy 34:5-6
Deuteronomy 34:10
10 And there arose no prophet more in Israel, like vnto Moses, whom the LORDE knewe face to face
1 Kings 17:1
1 And Elias ye The?bite one of the inhabiters of Gilead, saide vnto Achab: As truly as the LORDE God of Israel lyueth, whose seruaunt I am, there shal nether rayne ner dew come this yeare, excepte I speake it.
1 Kings 18:36-40
36 And whan the tyme was to offer ye meatofferynge, Elias stepte forth, and sayde: O LORDE God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowne this daye, that thou art God in Israel, and I thy seruaunt, and that I haue done all this acordinge vnto yi worde.
37 Heare me O LORDE, O heare me, yt this people maye knowe, how that thou art the LORDE God, that thou mayest afterwarde turne their hertes.
38 Then fell downe the fyre of the LORDE, and consumed the burntofferinge, the wodd, the stones and the earth, and licked vp the water that was in the pytt.
39 Whan all the people sawe that, they fell vpon their faces, and sayde: The LORDE is God, ye LORDE is God.
40 Elias sayde vnto them: Laye handes vpon Baals prophetes, yt none of them escape. And they toke them. And Elias broughte them downe vnto ye broke Cyson, & slewe the there.
2 Kings 2:11-14
11 And as they were goinge together, and he talked, there came a fyrie charet with horses of fyre, and parted the both asunder. And so wente Elias vp to heauen in the storme.
12 But Eliseus sawe it, & cryed: My father, my father, the charetman of Israel and his horsme. And he sawe him nomore. And he toke holde of his clothes, and rente them in two peces,
13 and toke vp Elias cloke that was fallen from him, and turned backe, and stode by the shore of Iordane,
14 and toke the same cloke of Elias which was fallen from him, and smote it in the water, and saide: Where is now the LORDE God of Elias? And he smote it in to the water, and then parted it asunder on both the sydes, and Eliseus wente thorow.
Malachi 4:5
5 Beholde, I will sende you Elias ye prophet: before the comynge off the daye of the great and fearfull LORDE.
Matthew 11:13-14
Matthew 17:10-13
10 And his disciples axed him, and sayde: Why saye the scrybes then, that Elias must first come?
11 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Elias shall come first in dede, and bringe all thinges to right agayne.
12 But I saye vnto you: Elias is come all ready, & they knewe him not, but haue done vnto him what they wolde. Eue so shal also the sonne of man suffre of them.
13 Then the disciples perceaued, that he spake vnto them of Ihon the baptist.
Mark 9:4
4 And there appeared vnto the Elias with Moses, and they talked with Iesus.
Luke 1:17
17 And he shal go before him in the sprete and power of Elias, to turne the hertes of ye fathers vnto the children, and the vnfaithfull vnto the wyssdome of the righteous, to make the people ready for the LORDE.
Luke 9:30-31
Luke 9:33
33 And it chaunsed, whan they departed fro him, Peter sayde vnto Iesus: Master, here is good beynge for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias, and wyst not what he sayde.
Luke 16:16
16 The lawe and ye prophetes prophecied vnto Ihon, and from that tyme forth is ye kyngdome of God preached thorow ye Gospell, and euery man preasseth in to it by violence.
Luke 24:27
27 And he beganne at Moses and at all the prophetes, and expounded vnto them all the scriptures, that were spoken of him.
Luke 24:44
44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes, which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you. For it must all be fulfilled that was wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses, in the prophetes, & in the Psalmes.
John 1:17
17 For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ.
John 5:45-47
2 Corinthians 3:7-11
7 But yf the mynistracion yt kylleth thorow the letter, and was figured in stones, was glorious, so that the childre of Israel mighte not beholde the face of Moses, for ye clearnesse of his countenauce, (which glory neuertheles is done awaye)
8 how shal not ye mynistracion of ye sprete be moch more glorious?
9 For yf the office that preacheth damnacion be glorious, moch more doth the office that preacheth righteousnes exceade in glory.
10 For ye other parte that was glorified is nothinge glorified in respecte of this exceadinge glory.
11 For yf that which is done awaye, be glorious, moch more shal yt which remayneth, be glorious.
Hebrews 3:1-6
1 Wherfore holy brethren, ye that are partakers of the heauely callynge, consyder the Embasseatour and hye prest of or profession, Christ Iesus,
2 which is faithfull to him that ordeyned him, euen as was Moses in all his house.
3 But this man is worthy of greater honoure then moses, in as moch as he which prepareth the house, hath greater honoure in it, then the house it selfe.
4 For euery house is prepared of some ma: but he that ordeyned all thinges, is God.
5 And Moses verely was faithfull in all his house as a mynister, to beare witnes of those thinges which were to be spoken afterwarde:
6 But Christ as a sonne hath rule ouer his house, whose house are we, yf we holde fast the confidence and reioysinge of that hope vnto the ende.