3 Therfore sent he vnto Hoham the kynge of Hebron, and to Pirea the kynge of Iarmuth, and to Iaphia the kynge of Lachis, and to Debir the kynge of Eglon, and caused to saie vnto them:
Joshua 10:3 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 23:2
2 and dyed in the head cite which is called Hebron, in the lande of Canaan. Then wente Abraham, to mourne and wepe for her.
Genesis 37:14
14 And he sayde: Go thy waye, and loke whether it be well wt thy brethren and with ye catell, and brynge me worde agayne how it is. And he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, to go vnto Sichem.
Numbers 13:22
22 They wente vp also towarde the south, and came vnto Hebron, where Ahiman was, and Sesai and Thalmai, the children of Enack (Hebron was buylded seuen yeare before Zoan in Egipte.)
Joshua 10:1
1 Whan Adonisedech the kynge of Ierusalem herde, that Iosua had wonne Hai, and damned it, and done vnto Hai and ye kynge of it, like as he dyd vnto Iericho and to the kynge therof, and that they of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were come vnder them, they were sore afrayed.
Joshua 10:5
5 Then came the fyue kynges of the Amorites together, and wente vp, the kynge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebron, ye kynge of Iarmuth, the kynge of Lachis, the kynge of Eglon, with all their armies, & layed sege vnto Gibeon, and foughte agaynst it.
Joshua 12:10-13
Joshua 14:15
15 But afore tyme was Hebron called Kiriatharba, & greate people were there amonge the Enakims. And the lode ceassed from warre.
Joshua 15:35-39
Joshua 15:54
54 (Omitted Text)
Joshua 15:63
63 But the Iebusites dwelt at Ierusalem, and the children of Iuda coude not dryue them awaye. So the Iebusites remayne with the children of Iuda at Ierusalem vnto this daye.
Joshua 18:28
28 Zela, Eleph, and the Iebusites, that is Ierusalem, Gibeath, Kiriath: these are fourtene cities and their vyllages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds.
2 Samuel 2:11
11 The tyme yt Dauid was kynge at Hebron ouer the house of Iuda, was seuen yeare and sixe monethes longe.
2 Kings 18:14
14 Then sent Ezechias the kynge of Iuda to ye kynge of Assiria vnto Lachis, sayenge: I haue offended, turne back fro me: loke what thou layest vnto me, I wil beare it. The the kynge of Assiria layed vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda, thre hundreth talentes of syluer, & thirtie talentes of golde.
2 Kings 18:17
17 And the kynge of Assiria sent Thartan, and the chefe chamberlayne, & the chefe butler from Lachis to kynge Ezechias with a greate power vnto Ierusalem. And they wete vp: and whan they came there, they stode styll at the condyte by the ouer pole, which lyeth in the waye vpo the fullers londe,
2 Chronicles 11:9
9 Adoraim, Laches, Aseka,
Micah 1:13
13 The greate noyse off the charettes shall feare them, that dwell at Lachis, which is an occasion of ye synne of ye doughter of Sion, for in the came vp the wickednesses of Israel.