Exodus 6:4 Cross References - Coverdale

4 My couenaunt also haue I made with them, that I wil geue them the londe of Canaan, the londe of their pilgremage, wherin they haue bene straungers.

Genesis 6:18

18 But with the wyll I make a couenaunt, and thou shalt go in to the Arcke with thy sonnes, with thy wyfe, and with thy sonnes wyues.

Genesis 15:13

13 And he sayde vnto Abram: knowe this of a suertye, that thy sede shalbe a strauger, in a londe that is not theirs. And they shall make bonde men of them, and intreate them euell foure hundreth yeares.

Genesis 15:18

18 The same daye made the LORDE a couenaut with Abram, and sayde: Vnto thy sede wil I geue this lode, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates:

Genesis 17:4

4 Beholde, It is I, and haue my couenaut with the, and thou shalt be a father of many people.

Genesis 17:7-8

7 Morouer I wil make my couenaut betwene me and the, and thy sede after the thorow out their posterities, that it maye be an euerlastinge couenaunt, so that I wyll be the God of the, and of thy sede after the. 8 And vnto the and to thy sede after the, will I geue the lande, wherin thou art a straunger: euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlastinge possession, and will be their God.

Genesis 17:13

13 Thus shall my couenaunt be in youre flesh for an euerlastinge couenaunt.

Genesis 23:4

4 I am a strauger and an indweller amonge you, geue me a possession to bury in with you, that I maye bury my coarse by me.

Genesis 26:3

3 Be thou a strauger in this lande, and I wil be with the and blesse the. For vnto the and thy sede wyll I geue all this londe, and wyll perfourme myne ooth that I sware to thy father Abraham.

Genesis 28:4

4 and geue the the blessynge of Abraham vnto ye & thy sede with the, that thou mayest possesse the lande, wherin thou art a straunger, which God gaue vnto Abraham.

Genesis 28:13

13 and the LORDE stode vpon it, and sayde: I am the LORDE God of thy father Abraham, and the God of Isaac: The londe yt thou lyest vpon, wyl I geue vnto the, and to thy sede:

2 Samuel 23:5

5 euen so shal my house be with God. For he hath made an euerlastinge couenaunt with me, well appoynted on euery syde and sure. For this is all my health & pleasure, that it shal growe.

Psalms 105:12

12 When there was yet but a fewe of them, and they straungers therin.

Isaiah 55:3

3 Enclyne youre eares, & come vnto me, take hede & youre soule shal lyue. For I will make an euerlastinge couenaunt with you, eue the sure mercies of Dauid.

Acts 7:5

5 and gaue him no enheritauce therin, no not ye bredth of a fote: and promysed him, that he wolde geue it him to possesse, and to his sede after him, whan as yet he had no childe.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.