19 But herken vnto my voyce, I will geue the councell, and God shall be with the. Be thou vnto the people to God warde, and brynge the causes before God,
Exodus 18:19 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 39:2
2 And ye LORDE was wt Ioseph, in so moch yt he became a luckye ma, & was in his master ye Egipcians house.
Exodus 3:12
12 He sayde: I wyll be with the: & this shall be the token, yt I haue sent the. Whan thou hast brought my people out of Egipte, ye shal serue God vpon this mountayne.
Exodus 4:12
12 Go now thy waye therfore, I wil be wt thy mouth, & teach the what thou shalt saye.
Exodus 4:16
16 & he shall speake vnto the people for the. He shal be thy mouth, & thou shalt be his God.
Exodus 18:15
15 Moses answered him: The people come to me, & axe councell at God:
Exodus 18:24
24 Moses herkened vnto the voyce of his father in lawe, and dyd all that he sayde.
Exodus 20:19
19 and sayde vnto Moses: Talke thou with vs, we wil heare: and let not God talke with vs, we might els dye.
Numbers 27:5
5 Moses broughte their cause before ye LORDE.
Deuteronomy 5:5
5 I stode at the same tyme betwixte the LORDE and you, that I mighte shewe you the worde of the LORDE. For ye were afrayed of the fyre, & wente not vp to the mount, and he sayde:
Deuteronomy 20:1
1 Whan thou goest out to battayll agaynst thine enemies, and seyst horses and charettes of the people more then thou, be not afrayed of them: for the LORDE thy God which brought ye out of the londe of Egipte, is with the.
Joshua 1:9
9 Lo, I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde. Feare not, and be not afrayed: for the LORDE thy God is with ye, whither so euer thou goest.
2 Samuel 14:17
17 And thy handmayden thoughte, ye worde of my lorde the kynge shall be as a meatofferynge, for my lorde the kinge is as an angell of God, so that he can heare good and euell, therfore shall the LORDE thy God be with the.
Proverbs 9:9
9 Geue a discrete man but an occasion, & he wilbe the wyser: teach a rightuous man, and he wil increase.
Matthew 28:20
20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.