Exodus 18:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And whan Iethro ye prest in Madian Moses father in lawe herde of all yt God had done wt Moses & his people of Israel, how yt the LORDE had brought Israel out of Egipte,

Exodus 2:16

16 The prest Madian had seuen doughters, which came to drawe water, and fylled the troughes, to geue their fathers shepe to drinke.

Exodus 2:18

18 And whan they came to Reguel their father, he saide: How came ye so soone to daie?

Exodus 2:21

21 And Moses was content to dwell with the man. And he gaue Moses his doughter Zipora,

Exodus 3:1

1 Moses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in lawe prest of Madian, & droue the shepe on the backsyde of the wyldernes, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.

Exodus 4:18

18 Moses wete, and came agayne vnto Iethro his father in lawe, and sayde vnto him: Let me go (I praye the) that I maye turne agayne vnto my brethre, which are in Egipte, and se whether they be yet alyue. Iethro sayde vnto him: Go thy waye in peace.

Exodus 7:1-15

1 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, I haue made the a God ouer Pharao, & Aaro yi brother shal be yi prophet. 2 Thou shalt speake all yt I comaude ye: but Aaron yi brother shal speake vnto Pharao, yt he maye let the childre of Israel go out of his lande. 3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte. 4 And Pharao shal not heare you, yt I maye shewe my hande in Egipte, & brynge myne armyes, euen my people the childre of Israel out of ye lande of Egipte, by greate iudgmetes. 5 And ye Egipcians shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE, whan I shal stretch out my hande vpon Egipte, and brynge the children of of Israel out from amonge the. 6 Moses and Aaron dyd as the LORDE comauded them. 7 And Moses was foure score yeare olde, & Aaron thre & foure score yeare olde, whan they spake vnto Pharao. 8 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses & Aaron: 9 Whan Pharao sayeth vnto you: Shew youre wonders, then shalt thou saye vnto Aaron: Take thy staff, and cast it before Pharao, & it shal turne to a serpent. 10 Then wete Moses & Aaron in vnto Pharao, & dyd as the LORDE comaunded them. And Aaron cast his staff before Pharao & before his seruauntes, & it turned to a serpet. 11 Then Pharao called for ye wyse men & Sorcerers. And the Sorcerers of Egipte also dyd like wyse with their Sorceries, 12 and euery one cast his staff before him, & they turned vnto serpentes. But Aarons staff deuoured their staues. 13 So Pharaos hert was hardened, and he herkened not vnto them, euen as the LORDE had sayde. 14 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The hert of Pharao is hardened, he refuseth to let ye people go. 15 Get ye vnto Pharao in the mornynge, beholde, he shal come vnto ye water, mete thou him vpo the waters brynke, & take ye staff which turned to a serpet, in thine hande,

Numbers 10:29

29 And Moses spake vnto his brother in lawe, Hobab the sonne of Raguel of Madian: We go vnto the place, of the which ye LORDE sayde: I wil geue it you: Come now with vs therfore, and we wil do ye best with the, for the LORDE hath promysed good vnto Israel.

Joshua 2:10

10 For we haue herde, how the LORDE dryed vp the water in the reed see before you, wha ye departed out of Egipte: and what ye dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites, Sihon and Og beyonde Iordane, how ye roted them out, and destroyed them.

Joshua 9:9

9 They sayde: Thy seruauntes are come out of a very farre countre, because of the name of the LORDE thy God: for we haue herde the reporte of him, and all that he dyd in Egipte,

Judges 4:11

11 As for Heber the Kenyte he was departed from the Kenytes from the children of Hobab Moses brother in lawe, and had pitched his tent by ye Oke of Zaanaim besyde Kedes.

Nehemiah 9:10-11

10 and shewed tokes and wonders vpo Pharao, and on all his seruautes, and on all his people of his londe: for thou knewest yt they were presumptuous & cruell against them, & so madest thou the a name as it is this daie. 11 And the reed See partedst thou in sunder before them, so that they wete thorow the myddes of the See drye shod: & their persecuters threwest thou in to the depe as a stone, in the mightie waters,

Psalms 34:2

2 My soule shall make hir boast in the LORDE: the poore oppressed shal heare therof, and be glad.

Psalms 44:1

1 We haue herde with or eares (o God) or fathers haue tolde vs, what thou hast done in their tyme, of olde.

Psalms 77:14-15

14 Thou art the God, that doth wonders, thou hast declared thy power amonge the people. 15 Thou with thine arme hast delyuered thy people, euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph.

Psalms 78:4

4 That we shulde not hyde them from the children of the generacions to come: but to shewe the honoure of the LORDE, his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done.

Psalms 78:50-53

50 How he sent vpon them ye furiousnesse of his wrath, anger & displeasure: with trouble and fallinge in of euel angels. 51 When he made a waye to his fearfull indignacio, and spared not their soules from death, yee and gaue their catell ouer to the pestilence. 52 When he smote all the firstborne in Egipte, the most principall and mightiest in ye dwellinges of Ham. 53 But as for his owne people, he led them forth like shepe, and caried them in the wyldernesse like a flocke.

Psalms 105:5

5 Remembre the maruelous workes that he hath done, his wonders and the iudgmentes of his mouth.

Psalms 105:36-41

36 He smote all ye first borne in their lode, euen the chefe of all their substaunce. 37 He brought them forth wt syluer & golde, there was not one feble personne amoge their trybes. 38 Egipte was glad of their departinge, for they were afraied of the. 39 e spred out a cloude to be a couerynge, and fyre to geue light in the night season. 40 At their desyre, there came quales, and he fylled them with the bred of heaue. 41 He opened the rocke of stone, & the waters flowed out: so that ryuers ranne in the wildernesse.

Psalms 105:43

43 Thus he brought forth his people with ioye, and his chosen with gladnesse.

Psalms 106:2

2 Who can expresse ye noble actes of the LORDE, or shewe forth all his prayse?

Psalms 106:8-11

8 Neuertheles, he helped the for his names sake, that he might make his power to be knowne. 9 He rebuked the reed see, and it was dried vp: so he led the thorow the depe as in a wildernesse. 10 Thus he saued them from the honde of the hater, & delyuered them from the honde of the enemie. 11 As for those yt troubled them, the waters ouerwhelmed the, there was not one of the left.

Psalms 136:10-16

10 Which smote Egipte with their firstborne, for his mercy endureth for euer. 11 And brought out Israel from amonge them, for his mercy endureth for euer. 12 With a mightie hade and a stretched out arme, for his mercy endureth for euer. 13 Which deuyded the reed see in to partes, for his mercy endureth for euer. 14 And made Israel to go thorow ye myddest of it, for his mercy endureth for euer 15 But as for Pharao and his hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for his mercy endureth for euer. 16 Which led his people thorow the wyldernesse, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Isaiah 63:11-13

11 Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them: 12 how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme: how he had deuyded the water before them (wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name) 13 how he led them in the depe, as an horse is led in the playne, that they shulde not stomble.

Jeremiah 33:9

9 And this shal get me a name, a prayse and honoure, amonge all people of the earth, which shall heare all the good, that I will shewe vnto them: Yee they shall be afrayed and astonnied at all the good dedes and benefites, that I will do for them.

Zechariah 8:23

23 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: In that tyme shal ten men (out of all maner of languages of the Gentiles) take one Iewe by the hemme of his garment, and saye: we wil go with you, for we haue herde, that God is amonge you.

Acts 7:35-36

35 This Moses, whom they refused, and sayde: Who made ye a ruler and iudge ouer vs? him had God sent to be a ruler & delyuerer by the hande of the angell, that appeared vnto him in the busshe. 36 The same broughte them out, and dyd wonders and tokens in Egipte, and in the reed see, and in ye wyldernesse fourtye yeares.

Acts 14:27

27 Whan they came there, they gathered the congregacion together, & shewed them, how greate thinges God had done with the, and how he had opened the dore of faithe vnto the Heithen.

Acts 15:12

12 Then all ye multitude helde their peace, and gaue audience vnto Paul and Barnabas, which tolde how greate tokens and wonders God had done by the amoge the Heythen.

Acts 21:19-20

19 And whan he had saluted them, he tolde by order, what God had done amoge the Heythen by his mynistracion. 20 Whan they herde that, they praysed the LORDE, and sayde vnto him: Brother, thou seyst how many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, and are all Zelous ouer ye lawe.

Romans 15:18

18 For I durst not speake ought, excepte Christ had wroughte the same by me, to make the Heythen obediet thorow worde and dede,

Galatians 1:23-24

23 Neuertheles they had herde onely, that: He that persecuted vs in tyme passed, preacheth now ye faith which some tyme he destroyed: 24 and they praysed God in me.

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