6 And ye shal kepe it vnto ye fourtene daye of the moneth. And euery man of the congregacion of Israel shal slaye it aboute the eueninge.
Exodus 12:6 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 12:18
18 Vpon the fourtene daye of the first moneth, at euen, shall ye eate vnleuended bred, vnto the one and twentye daye of the moneth, at euen:
Exodus 16:12
12 I haue herde the murmuringe of ye children of Israel. Tell them: At euen shall ye haue flesh to eate, and in the mornynge shal ye be fylled with bred, & ye shall knowe, that I am the LORDE youre God.
Leviticus 23:5
5 Upon ye fourtene daye of ye first moneth at euen, is the LORDES Easter.
Numbers 9:1-3
1 Annd the LORDE spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai, in ye first moneth of the seconde yeare that they were departed out of the lande of Egipte, & sayde:
2 Let the children of Israel kepe Easter in his season,
3 euen vpon the fourtene daye of this moueth at euen, in his season shall they kepe it, acordynge to all the statutes & lawes therof.
Numbers 9:11
11 but in the seconde moneth vpo ye fourtene daye at euen, and they shal eate it with vnleuended bred and sowre sawse,
Numbers 28:16
16 And on the fourtene daye of the first moneth is the Easter vnto the LORDE,
Numbers 28:18
18 The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin,
Deuteronomy 16:1-6
1 Obserue the moneth Abib, yt thou offre Easter vnto the LORDE yi God: for in the moneth Abib the LORDE thy God broughte ye out of Egipte by nighte.
2 And for the Easter vnto ye LORDE thy God, thou shalt offre oxen & shepe, in ye place which ye LORDE shal chose, yt his name maye dwell there.
3 Thou shalt eate no leuended bred in yt feast. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate the vnleuended bred of thy tribulacion: For with soroufull haist camest thou out of the londe of Egipte, that thou mayest remebre the daye of thy departinge out of ye londe of Egipte, all yi life longe.
4 In seue dayes shal there no leueded bred be sene within all thy coastes: & of the flesh that is offred ye first daye at euen, there shal nothinge be lefte ouer night vntyll the mornynge.
5 Thou mayest not offre Easter wt in eny of thy gates, which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the:
6 but in the place which the LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there, there shalt thou offre this Easter, at euen whan the Sonne is gone downe, euen in the same season that thou camest out of Egipte:
2 Chronicles 30:15-18
15 and slewe the Passeouer on the fourtenth daye of the secode moneth. And ye prestes and Leuites were ashamed, and halowed them selues, and broughte the burntofferynges to the house of the LORDE,
16 and stode in their ordinaunce, as it was acordinge, after the lawe off Moses the man of God. And the prestes sprenkled the bloude from the hande of the Leuites:
17 for there were many in the cogregacion which were not sanctified, therfore dyd the Leuites kyll Passeouer for them which were not clensed, that they mighte be sanctified vnto the LORDE.
18 There were many people also of Ephraim, Manasses, Isachar and Zabulon, which were not cleane, but ate the Easter lambe not as it is wrytten: for Ezechias prayed for them, and sayde: The LORDE, which is gracious,
Isaiah 53:6
6 As for vs, we go all astraye (like shepe), euery one turneth his owne waye. But thorow him, the LORDE pardoneth all or synnes.
Ezekiel 45:21
21 Vpon ye xiiij. daye of the first moneth ye shal kepe Easter. Seue dayes shal the feast contynue, wherin there shal no sower ner leueded bred be eate.
Matthew 27:20
20 But the hye prestes and the elders persuaded the people, that they shulde axe Barrabas, and destroye Iesus.
Matthew 27:25
25 Then answered all the people, and sayde: His bloude come vpon vs, and vpon oure children.
Matthew 27:46-50
46 And aboute the nyenth houre, Iesus cried with a loude voyce, and sayde: Eli, Eli, Lamma asabthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
47 But some of the that stode there, when they herde yt sayde: He calleth Elias.
48 And immediatly one of them ranne, and toke a spoge, and fylled it with veneger, and put it vpon a rede, and gaue him to dryncke.
49 But ye other sayde: holde, let se whether Elias wyl come, and delyuer him.
50 Iesus cried agayne with a loude voyce, and gaue vp the goost.
Mark 15:1
1 And soone in the mornynge the hye prestes helde a councell wt the elders and scrybes and the whole councell, & bounde Iesus, and led him awaye, and delyuered him vnto Pylate.
Mark 15:8
8 And the people wente vp, and prayed him, that he wolde do, as he was wonte.
Mark 15:11
11 But the hye prestes moued ye people, that he shulde rather geue Barrabas lowse vnto them.
Mark 15:25
25 And it was aboute ye thirde houre, & they crucified him.
Mark 15:33-34
Luke 23:1
1 And the whole multitude of the arose, and led him vnto Pilate,
Luke 23:18
18 Then cried the whole multitude, and sayde: Awaye with him, and delyuer vnto vs Barrabas,
Acts 2:23
23 him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him,
Acts 3:14
14 But ye denyed the holy and iust, and desyred the murthurer to be geuen you,
Acts 4:27
27 Of a trueth agaynst thy holy childe Iesus, whom thou hast anoynted, both Herode & Pontius Pilate with the Heythen and people of Israel, haue gathered the selues together,