Exodus 12:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 Seuen dayes shall ye eate vnleuended bred: namely, vpon the first daie shal ye leaue of with leuended bred in youre houses. Who so euer eateth leuended bred from the first daye vnto ye seuenth that soule shall be roted out from Israel.

Genesis 17:14

14 And yf there shalbe any manchilde vncircumcided in the foreskinne of his flesh, his soule shalbe roted out from his people, because he hath broken my couenaunt.

Exodus 12:8

8 And so shal they eate flesh ye same night, rosted at the fyre, & vnleuended bred, and shal eate it with sowre sawse.

Exodus 12:19-20

19 so that there be no leuended bred founde in youre houses seuen dayes. For who so euer eateth leuended bred, that soule shall be roted out from the congregacion of Israel, whether it be a straunger or borne in the londe. 20 Therfore eate no leuended bred, but onely vnleuended bred in all youre dwellynges.

Exodus 13:6-10

6 Seue dayes shall thou eate vnleuended bred, & vpon the seuenth daye is the LORDES feast: 7 therfore shalt thou eate vnleuended bred seue dayes, that there be no sowre dowe, ner sowred bred sene in all thy quarters. 8 And thou shalt tell thy sonne at the same tyme, & saye: Because of that, which ye LORDE dyd for me, whan I departed out of Egipte. 9 Therfore shalt it be a signe vnto ye in thine hande, and a token of remembraunce before thine eyes, that the lawe of ye LORDE maye be in thy mouth, how that ye LORDE brought the out of Egipte with a mightie hande: 10 Therfore kepe this maner yearly in his tyme.

Exodus 23:15

15 shalt thou kepe feast vnto me: namely the feast of vnleuended bred shalt thou kepe, that thou eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes ( like as I commaunded ye) in the tyme of ye moneth Abib, for in the same wentest thou out of Egipte. (But appeare not emptye before me.)

Exodus 31:14

14 therfore kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe holy vnto you. Who so vnhaloweth it, shall dye the death: For who so doth eny worke therin, shalbe roted out from amonge his people.

Exodus 34:18

18 The feast of swete bred shalt thou kepe. Seuen daies shalt thou eate vnleueded bred, like as I comaunded the in the tyme of the moneth Abib: for in the moneth Abib thou wentest out of Egipte.

Exodus 34:25

25 Thou shalt not offer the bloude of my sacrifice wt leueded bred. And the offerynge of the Easterfeast shal not remayne ouer night vntill the mornynge.

Leviticus 17:10

10 And what man so euer it be (either of the house of Israel, or a straunger amonge you) that eateth eny maner of bloude, agaynst him wyll I set my face, and wil rote him out from amonge his people:

Leviticus 17:14

14 for all flesh lyueth in the bloude. And I haue sayde vnto the children of Israel: Ye shall eate the bloude of no body: for the life of all flesh is in his bloude. Who so euer eateth it, shalbe roted out.

Leviticus 23:5-8

5 Upon ye fourtene daye of ye first moneth at euen, is the LORDES Easter. 6 And vpon ye fiftene daye of the same moneth is the feast of vnleueded bred of the LORDE. Then shall ye eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes. 7 The first daie shalbe called holy amonge you, ye shal do no worke of bodage therin, 8 seue daies shal ye offre vnto ye LORDE. The seueth daie shalbe called holy likewise, wherin ye shal do no worke of bondage also.

Numbers 9:13

13 But he that is cleane, and not gone in a iourney, and is negligent to kepe the Easter, the same soule shal be roted out from amoge his people: because he brought not his gifte to the LORDE in his season, he shal beare his synne.

Numbers 28:17

17 and on the fyftene daye of the same moneth is the feast. Seue dayes shal vnleuended bred be eaten.

Deuteronomy 16:3

3 Thou shalt eate no leuended bred in yt feast. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate the vnleuended bred of thy tribulacion: For with soroufull haist camest thou out of the londe of Egipte, that thou mayest remebre the daye of thy departinge out of ye londe of Egipte, all yi life longe.

Deuteronomy 16:5

5 Thou mayest not offre Easter wt in eny of thy gates, which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the:

Deuteronomy 16:8

8 Sixe dayes shalt thou eate vnleuended bred, and on the seuenth daye is the gatheringe together of the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt do no worke therin.

Malachi 2:12

12 But the LORDE shal destroye the ma that doth this (yee both the master & the scolar) out off the tabernacle of Iacob, with him that offreth vp meatofferynge vnto the LORDE off hoostes.

Matthew 16:12

12 The vnderstode they, how yt he had not the bewarre of the leue of bred, but of ye doctryne of the Pharises and of the Saduces.

Luke 12:1

1 There were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, in so moch that they trode one another: Then beganne he, and sayde first vnto his disciples: Bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, which is ypocrisye.

Acts 12:3

3 And whan he sawe that it pleased the Iewes, he proceaded farther to take Peter also. But it was Easter.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs. 8 Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.

Galatians 5:12

12 Wolde God they were roted out fro amoge you, which trouble you.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.