Exodus 12:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 And this daye shall ye haue for a remembraunce, and ye shall kepe it holy for a feast vnto the LORDE, ye & all youre posterities, for a perpetuall custome.

Exodus 5:1

1 Afterwarde wente Moses & Aaron, & spake vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: let my people go, yt they maye kepe holy daye vnto me in the wildernes.

Exodus 12:17

17 And kepe you to leuended bred. For euen vpon that same daye wil I brynge youre armies out of the londe of Egipte, therfore shall ye and all youre posterities kepe this daye for a perpetuall custome.

Exodus 12:24

24 Therfore kepe this custome for the and thy children for euer.

Exodus 12:43

43 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses and Aaron: This is the maner of the kepynge of Passeouer. There shal no strauger eate of it.

Exodus 13:9-10

9 Therfore shalt it be a signe vnto ye in thine hande, and a token of remembraunce before thine eyes, that the lawe of ye LORDE maye be in thy mouth, how that ye LORDE brought the out of Egipte with a mightie hande: 10 Therfore kepe this maner yearly in his tyme.

Leviticus 23:4-5

4 These are the feastes of the LORDE, yt are called holy, which ye shal call youre feastes: 5 Upon ye fourtene daye of ye first moneth at euen, is the LORDES Easter.

Numbers 10:8

8 This blowinge wt the trompettes shal the sonnes of Aaron the prest do. And it shall be yor lawe for euer amonge youre posterities.

Numbers 16:40

40 for a remebraunce vnto ye children of Israel yt no straunger (and he that is not of ye sede of Aaron) come nye to offre incense before the LORDE, yt it happe not vnto him as vnto Corah and his companye, acordynge as the LORDE sayde vnto him by Moses.

Numbers 18:8

8 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: beholde, I haue geuen the my Heueofferynges: And all that the children of Israel halowe, haue I geuen vnto the, and to thy sonnes for a perpetuall dewtye.

Deuteronomy 16:1

1 Obserue the moneth Abib, yt thou offre Easter vnto the LORDE yi God: for in the moneth Abib the LORDE thy God broughte ye out of Egipte by nighte.

Deuteronomy 16:11

11 and shalt reioyse before the LORDE thy God, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunt, thy mayde, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, ye straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe, that are amonge you, in the place which ye LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there.

Joshua 4:7

7 That ye maye then saye vnto them, how that the water of Iordane claue in sunder before the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, whan it wente thorow Iordane, & that these stones are set for a perpetuall remembraunce vnto the children of Israel.

1 Samuel 30:25

25 From that tyme forth hath this bene an ordinaunce & lawe in Israel vnto this daye.

2 Kings 23:21

21 And the kynge commauded the people, and sayde: Kepe Easter vnto the LORDE youre God, as it is wrytten in the boke of this couenaunt.

Nehemiah 8:9-12

9 And Nehemias (which is Hathirsatha) and Esdras the prest and scrybe, and the Leuites yt caused the people to take hede, sayde vnto all the people: This daye is holy vnto the LORDE youre God: be not ye sory therfore, & wepe not. For all ye people wepte, wha they herde the wordes of the lawe. 10 Therfore sayde he vnto them: Go youre waye, and eate the fat, and drynke the swete, and sende parte vnto them also that haue not prepared themselues: for this daye is holy vnto oure LORDE, be not ye sory therfore: for the ioye of the LORDE is youre strength. 11 And the Leuites stylled all the people, and sayde: Holde youre peace, for the daye is holy, vexe not ye youre selues. 12 And all the people wente their waye to eate and drinke, and to sende parte vnto other, and to make greate myrth, for they had vnderstonde the wordes that were declared vnto them.

Psalms 111:4

4 The mercifull & gracious LORDE hath so done his marvelous workes, yt they ought to be had in remebrauce.

Psalms 135:13

13 Thy name (o LORDE) endureth for euer, so doth thy memoriall (o LORDE) from one generacion to another.

Ezekiel 46:14

14 And for a meatofferynge he shal geue the sixte parte of an Epha, & the thirde parte of an Hin of oyle (to myngle with the cakes) euery mornynge. Yee this shalbe a daylie meatofferinge vnto the LORDE, for an euerlastinge ordinaunce:

Zechariah 6:14

14 And the crownes shal be in the temple of the LORDE, for a remembraunce vnto Helem, Tobias, Idaia and Hen the sonne of Sophony. And soch as be farre of, shal come and buylde the temple of the LORDE:

Matthew 26:13

13 Verely I saye vnto you: where so euer this gospell shalbe preached thorow out all the worlde, there shal this also that she hath done, be tolde for a memoriall of her.

Luke 22:19

19 And he toke the bred, gaue thankes, and brake it, and gaue it them, and sayde: This is my body, which shalbe geuen for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs. 8 Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

23 That which I delyuered vnto you, receaued I of the LORDE. For the LORDE Iesus the same nighte in the which he was betrayed, toke the bred, 24 & gaue thankes, and brake it, and sayde: Take ye, & eate ye, this is my body, which is broken for you. This do in the remembraunce of me. 25 After the same maner also he toke ye cuppe whan supper was done, and sayde: This cuppe is the new Testament in my bloude, this do (as oft as ye drynke it) in the remebrauce of me. 26 For as oft as ye shal eate of this bred, & drynke of this cuppe, ye shal shewe the LORDES death, vntyll he come.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.