Job 5:1 Cross References - CAB

1 But call, if anyone will listen to you, or if you shall see any of the holy angels.

Deuteronomy 33:2-3

2 And he said, The Lord has come from Sinai, and has appeared from Seir to us, and has shone forth from Mount Paran, with the ten thousands of Kadesh; on His right hand were His angels with Him. 3 And He spared His people, and all His saints are under Your hands; and they are under You; and he received of His words

Job 4:18

18 Since he trusts not in his servants, and perceives perverseness in his angels.

Job 15:8-10

8 Or have you heard the ordinance of the Lord? Or has God used you as His counselor? Has wisdom come only to you? 9 For what you know, do we know not? Or what you understand, do we not also? 10 Truly among us are both the old and very aged man, more advanced in days than your father.

Job 15:15

15 Forasmuch as He trusts not His saints, and the heaven is not pure before Him.

Psalms 16:3

3 On behalf of the saints that are in His land, He has magnified all His pleasure in them.

Psalms 106:16

16 They provoked Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the holy one of the Lord.

Isaiah 41:1

1 Hold a feast to Me, you islands; for the princes shall renew their strength; let them draw near and speak together; then let them declare judgment.

Isaiah 41:21-23

21 Your judgment draws near, says the Lord God; your counsel has drawn near, says the King of Jacob. 22 Let them draw near, and declare to you what things shall come to pass; or tell us what things were of old, and we will apply our understanding, and we shall know what are the last and the future things; 23 tell us, declare to us the things that are coming on at the last time, and we shall know that you are gods; do good, and do evil, and we shall wonder, and see at the same time

Ephesians 1:1

1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus:

Hebrews 12:1

1 So therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every impediment, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.