1 Wo is me, I am become as one that goeth a gleanyng in the haruest: there are no mo grapes to eate, yet would I faine with al my hearte haue of the best fruite
Micah 7:1 Cross References - Bishops
Psalms 120:5
5 Wo be vnto me that am constrayned to be conuersaunt in Mesech: and to dwell among the tentes of Cedar
Isaiah 6:5
5 Then sayd I, Wo is me, for I am lost, in as much as I am a man of vncleane lippes, and dwell among people that hath vncleane lippes also: for mine eyes haue seene the kyng the Lorde of hoastes
Isaiah 17:6
6 Some gatheryng in deede shall there be left in it, euen as in the shakyng of an Oliue tree there remayne two or three berries in the toppe of the vppermost bowe, and foure or fyue in the brode fruitfull braunches thereof, saith the Lorde God of Israel
Isaiah 24:13
13 For in the middes of the lande, euen among the people, it shall come to passe as at the shaking of oliues, and as the grapes are when the wine haruest is done
Isaiah 24:16
16 From the vttermost part of the earth haue we hearde prayses and myrth, because of the righteous: And I sayde, I knowe a thing in secrete, I knowe a thing in secrete, wo is me: the transgressours haue offended, the transgressours haue greeuously offended
Isaiah 28:4
4 So that the floure of his fayrenesse and beautie whiche is in the head of the valley of fatnesse, shall fade away as doth an vntimely ripe figge before haruest: whiche when a man espieth, he loketh vpon it, and whyle it is yet in his hande he eateth it vp
Jeremiah 4:31
31 For I heare a noyse lyke as it were of a woman trauaylyng, & one labouryng of her first childe, Euen the voyce of the daughter Sion, that casteth out her armes, and sowneth, saying: Ah, wo is me, howe sore vexed and faynt is my heart for feare of the murtherers
Jeremiah 15:10
10 O mother, alas that thou euer didst beare me, a brawler and rebuker of the whole lande: though I neuer lent nor receaued vpon vsurie, yet all men speake euyll vpon me
Jeremiah 45:3
3 Insomuch as thou thoughtest thus [when thou wast wrytyng] wo is me, the Lorde hath geuen me payne for my trauayle, I haue weeried my selfe with sighing, and haue founde no rest
Hosea 9:10
10 I founde Israel like grapes in the wildernesse, & sawe their fathers as the first ripe in ye figge tree at her first season: but they went to Baal Peor, & seperated them selues to that shame, and became as abhominable as their louers