Micah 7 Cross References - Bishops

1 Wo is me, I am become as one that goeth a gleanyng in the haruest: there are no mo grapes to eate, yet would I faine with al my hearte haue of the best fruite 2 There is not a godly vpon earth, there is not one righteous among men: they al lye in wayte for blood, and euery man hunteth his brother to death 3 Yet they say they do wel, when they do euyll: the prince asketh, and the iudge [iudgeth] for a rewarde, therfore the great man speaketh out of the corruption of his soule, and so they wrappe it vp 4 The best of them is as bryer, and the most righteous of them is [sharper] then a thorne hedge: the day of thy watchmen, [and] of thy visitation commeth: then shalbe their confusion 5 Let no man beleeue his friende, nor put his confidence in his brother: kepe the doore of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome 6 For the sonne dishonoreth his father, the daughter riseth against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes are euen they of his owne housholde 7 Neuerthelesse, I wil looke vp vnto the Lorde, I will patiently abyde God my sauiour: my God shall heare me 8 O thou enemie of myne reioyce not at my fall, for I shall rise againe: & though I sit in darkenesse, yet the Lorde is my light 9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord, for I haue offended hym till he sit in iudgement vpon my cause, and see that I haue right: then will he bring me foorth to the light, and I shall see his righteousnesse 10 She that is myne enemie, shall loke vpon it and be confounded, which nowe sayth, Where is the Lorde thy God? myne eyes shall beholde her when she shalbe troden downe as the myre in the streetes 11 This is the day that thy walles shalbe buylt, this day shall dryue farre away the decree 12 And at that time shall they come vnto thee from Assur, from the strong cities, and from the strong holdes, euen vnto the riuer: from the one sea to the other, and from mountayne to mountayne 13 Notwithstanding, the land must be wasted, because of them that dwell therin, and for the fruites of their owne imaginations 14 Therfore feede thy people with thy rod, the flocke of thyne heritage whiche dwel desolate in the wood, that they may be fed vpon the mount of Carmel, Basan, and Gilead, as aforetime 15 Maruelous thinges wil I shewe thee, like as when thou camest out of the lande of Egypt 16 This shall the heathen see, and be ashamed for all their power: so that they shall lay their hande vpon their mouth, and stoppe their eares 17 They shal licke the dust like a serpente, and as the wormes of the earth that tremble in their holes: they shalbe afrayde of the Lorde our God, and they shall feare thee 18 Who is such a God as thou, that pardonest wickednesse, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne heritage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: for his delite is to haue compassion 19 He shall turne againe, and be merciful to vs, he shall put downe our wickednesses, and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea 20 Thou wilt perfourme to Iacob thy trueth, and thy mercie to Abraham, like as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers in olde time

Genesis 3:14-15

14 And the lord god said vnto ye serpent: Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed aboue all cattel, and aboue euery beast of the fielde: vpon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy lyfe 15 I wyll also put enmitie betweene thee & the woman, betweene thy seede and her seede: and it shall treade downe thy head, and thou shalt treade vpon his heele

Genesis 9:22-24

22 And Ham the father of Chanaan, seeyng the nakednesse of his father, tolde his two brethren without 23 And Sem and Iapheth takyng a garment, layde it vpon their shoulders, and commyng backwarde, couered the nakednesse of their father, namely their faces beyng turned away, lest they should see their fathers nakednesse 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knewe what his younger sonne had done vnto him

Genesis 12:2-3

2 And I will make of thee a great people, and wyll blesse thee, and make thy name great, that thou shalt be [euen] a blessyng 3 I wyll also blesse them that blesse thee, and curse the that curseth thee: and in thee shall all kinredes of the earth be blessed

Genesis 17:7-8

7 Moreouer I wyll make my couenaunt betweene me and thee, & thy seede after thee, in their generations, by an euerlasting couenaut, yt I may be God vnto thee, and to thy seede after thee 8 And I wyll geue vnto thee and to thy seede after thee, the lande wherein thou art a strauger [euen] al the lande of Chanaan, for an euerlastyng possession, and wyll be their God

Genesis 22:16-18

16 And sayd: by my selfe haue I sworne, sayeth the Lorde, because thou hast done this thyng, and hast not spared yea thyne onlye sonne 17 That in blessing I wyll blesse thee, and in multiplying I wyll multiplie thy seede as the starres of heauen, and as the sande which is vpon the sea side, and thy seede shall possesse the gates of his enemies 18 And in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast hearde my voyce

Genesis 26:3-4

3 Soiourne in this lande, and I wyl be with thee, and wyll blesse thee: for vnto thee and vnto thy seede I wyll geue all these countreys, and I wyll perfourme the othe whiche I sware vnto Abraham thy father 4 And wyl make thy seede to multiplie as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seede al these countreys: and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

Genesis 28:13-14

13 Yea, and God from aboue leaned vpon it, and sayde: I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isahac, the land which thou sleepest vpon, wyll I geue thee and thy seede 14 And thy seede shalbe as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spreade abrode to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south: and in thee, and in thy seede, shall all the kynredes of the earth be blessed

Genesis 49:4

4 Unstable as water, thou shalt not be the chiefest, because thou wentest vp to thy fathers bedde: for then defiledst thou my couche with goyng vp

Genesis 49:18

18 I haue wayted for thy saluation O Lorde

Exodus 3:20

20 And I wyll stretche out my hande, & smyte Egypt with al my wonders whiche I wyll do in the middes therof, and after that he wyll let you go

Exodus 15:11

11 Who is like vnto thee O Lord amongst gods? Who is like thee, so glorious in holynesse, fearefull in prayses, shewyng wonders

Exodus 15:14-16

14 The nations shal heare, & be afraide, sorowe shall come vpon Palestina 15 Then the dukes of the Edomites shalbe amazed, and the myghtyest of the Moabites tremblyng shall come vpon them, al the inhabiters of Chanaan shal waxe faynt hearted 16 Feare & dreade shal fall vpon them, in the greatnesse of thine arme they shalbe as styll as a stone, tyll thy people passe through, O Lorde, whyle this people passe through which thou hast gotten

Exodus 33:16

16 For howe shall it be knowen here, that I and thy people haue founde fauour in thy sight, but in that thou goest with vs? If thou goest with vs, shall not I and thy people haue preeminence before all the people that are vpon the face of the earth

Exodus 33:18-19

18 And he sayde: I beseche thee shewe me thy glorie 19 Who aunswered: I wyll make all my good go before thee, & I wyll call in the name of Iehouah before thee: and wyl shewe mercy to whom I wyll shewe mercy, and wyll haue compassion, on whom I wyll haue compassion

Exodus 34:6-7

6 And the Lorde passed by before hym, and cryed, Lorde, Lorde, God, strong, mercyfull and gracious, long suffering, and aboundaunt in goodnes & trueth 7 And kepyng mercy in store for thousandes, forgeuing wickednes, vngodlynes and sinne, and not leauing one innocent, visiting the wickednes of the fathers vpon the chyldren, and vpon the chyldrens chyldren, [euen] vnto the third and fourth generation

Exodus 34:9

9 And sayd: If I haue founde grace in thy sight, O Lorde, then let my Lorde I pray thee go in the middest of vs, for it is a styfnecked people: and thou shalt haue mercy vpon our wickednes and our sinne, and shalt take vs for thine inheritaunce

Leviticus 26:33-39

33 And I wyll strowe you among the heathen, and wyll drawe out a sworde after you: and your lande shalbe waste, and your cities desolate 34 Then shall the lande enioy her Sabbathes as long as it lyeth voyde, and ye shalbe in your enemies lande: euen then shall the lande rest and enioy her Sabbathes 35 As long as it lyeth voyde, it shall rest: because it dyd not rest in your Sabbathes when ye dwelt vpon it 36 And vpon them that are left alyue of you, I will sende a fayntnesse into their heartes in the landes of their enemies: and the sounde of a shakyng leafe shall chase them, and they shall flee as fleyng from a sworde: they shall fall, no man folowyng vpon them 37 They shall fall one vpon another as it were before a sworde, euen no man folowyng vpon them, and ye shall haue no power to stand before your enemies 38 And ye shall perishe among the heathen, and the lande of your enemies shall eate you vp 39 And they that are left of you, shal pine away in their vnrighteousnesse [euen] in your enemies landes, & in the misdeedes of their fathers shall they consume with them

Leviticus 26:41

41 Therfore, I also wyll walke contrarie vnto them, and wyl bring them into the lande of their enemies: And then at the least way their vncircumcised heartes shalbe tamed, and they shall willingly accept their sinne

Numbers 14:18-19

18 The Lorde is long yer he be angrie, and of great mercy, and suffreth iniquitie and sinne, and leaueth no man innocent, and visiteth the vnrighteousnesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, in the thirde and fourth generations 19 Be mercyfull I beseche thee vnto the sinne of this people accordyng vnto thy great mercy, as thou hast forgeuen this people from Egypt, euen vntyll nowe

Numbers 23:9

9 For from the toppe of the rockes I see hym, and from the hylles I beholde hym: lo, the people shall dwell by them selues, and shal not be reckened among the nations

Numbers 23:21

21 He behelde no vanitie in Iacob, nor saw transgression in Israel: The Lord his God is with hym, and the ioyfull shout of a king is among them

Deuteronomy 7:8

8 But because the Lorde loued you, and because he would kepe the othe which he had sworne vnto your fathers, therfore hath the Lorde brought you out through a mightie hande, and deliuered you out of the house of bondage, euen from the hande of Pharao kyng of Egypt

Deuteronomy 30:3

3 And the Lorde thy God wyll turne thy captiuitie and haue compassion vpon thee, and wyll turne and fetche thee agayne from all the nations among which the Lord thy God had scattered thee

Deuteronomy 30:6

6 And the Lorde thy God wyll circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seede, that thou mayest loue the Lorde thy God, with all thine heart, and all thy soule, that thou mayest lyue

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For the Lord shal iudge his people, and haue compassion on his seruautes, when he seeth that their power is gone, and that they be in a maner shut vp, or brought to naught and forsaken

Deuteronomy 33:26

26 There is none lyke vnto the God of Israel, which though he syt vpon the heauen [as vpon an horse] yet is he thine helper, whose glorie is in the celestiall places

Deuteronomy 33:28

28 Israel then shall dwell in safetie and alone, and the fountayne of Iacob shalbe vpon a lande of corne and wine, and his heauens shall drop the deawe

Joshua 2:9-11

9 And sayd vnto the men: I knowe that the Lorde hath geuen you the land, for the feare of you is fallen vpo vs, and the inhabitantes of the lande faint at the presence of you 10 For we haue hearde howe the Lorde dried vp the water of the red sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites that were on the other syde Iordane, Sehon and Og, whom ye vtterly destroyed 11 And assoone as we had hearde these thynges, our heartes dyd faynt, and there remained no more courage in any man at the presence of you: For the Lorde your God he is the God in heauen aboue, and in earth beneath

Joshua 9:24

24 And they aunswered Iosuah, & sayd, It was tolde thy seruauntes how that the Lorde thy God had commaunded his seruaunt Moyses to geue you all the lande, and to destroy all the inhabitours therof out of your sight, and therfore we were exceedyng sore afrayde for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing

Judges 16:5-20

5 Unto whom came the lordes of the Philistines, and sayde vnto her: Perswade him, and see wherin his great strength lyeth, and by what meanes we may ouercome him, that we may bynde him, and punishe hym: and euery one of vs shall geue thee a leuen hundred siluer lynges 6 And Dalila sayde to Samson: Oh, tell me where thy great strength lyeth, and how thou myghtest be bounde and brought vnder 7 Samson aunswered vnto her: Yf they binde me with seuen greene wythes that were neuer dryed, I shalbe weake, and be as an other man 8 And then the lordes of the Philistines brought her seuen wythes that were yet greene & neuer dryed, and she bound hym therwith 9 (Notwithstanding she had men lying in wayte with her in the chaumbre): And she said vnto him, The Philistines be vpon thee Samson. And immediatly he brake the cordes, as a stryng of towe breaketh when it fealeth fire. And so his strength was not knowen 10 And Dalila sayde vnto Samson: See, thou hast mocked me, and tolde me lies: Now therfore tell me wherwith thou myghtest be bounde 11 He aunswered her: Yf they bynde me with newe ropes that neuer were occupied, I shall be weake, and be as an other man 12 Dalila therfore toke newe ropes, and bounde him therwith, and sayde vnto him, The Philistines be vpo thee Samson. (And there were lyers of wayte in the chamber.) And he brake them from of his armes, as they had ben but a threade 13 And Dalila sayde vnto Samson, Hytherto thou hast beguyled me, and tolde me lyes: Yet tell me howe thou myghtest be bounde. He sayde vnto her: Yf thou plattest the seuen lockes of my head with the threades of the wooffe 14 And she fastened it with a pynne, and sayde vnto him: The Philistines be vpo thee Samson. And he awaked out of his sleepe, and went away with the pynne of the webbe and the wooffe 15 And she sayde vnto him agayne: How canst thou saye I loue thee, when thyne heart is not with me? Thou hast mocked me this three tymes, and hast not tolde me wherin thy great strength lyeth 16 And as she laye vpon hym with her wordes, continually vexyng of him, his soule was encumbred eue vnto ye death 17 And so he tolde her all his heart, & said vnto her: There neuer came rasor vpon myne head, for I haue ben a Nazarite vnto God, euen from my mothers wombe: Therfore when I am shauen, my strength will go from me, & I shall waxe weake, and be lyke all [other] men 18 And when Dalila sawe that he had tolde her all his heart, she sent and called for the lordes of the Philistines, saying: Come vp yet this once, for he hath shewed me all his hearte. Then ye lordes of the Philistines came vp vnto her, and brought the money in their handes 19 And she made hym sleepe vpon her knees, and she sent for a man, and he dyd shaue of the seuen lockes of his head, & began to vexe him, and his strength was gone from him 20 And she sayde, The Philistines be vp in thee Samson. And he awoke out of his sleepe, and sayde: I will go out now as at other tymes before, & shake my selfe. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from hym

1 Samuel 3:18

18 And Samuel tolde hym euerywhyt, and hyd nothyng from hym. And he saide: It is the Lord, let hym do what seemeth hym good

1 Samuel 14:11

11 And they both shewed them selues vnto the garison of the Philistines. And the Philistines sayde: See, the Hebrues come out of the holes where they had hyd them selues in

1 Samuel 24:11

11 And moreouer my father, beholde and see yet the lap of thy garment in my hand: Inasmuch as I killed thee not when I cut of the lap of thy garment, vnderstand therfore, & see that there is neither euyll nor wickednesse in me, and that I haue not sinned against thee: And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it

1 Samuel 24:15

15 The Lorde therfore be iudge, & iudge betweene thee & me, and see & pleade my cause, & auenge me out of thyne hande

1 Samuel 25:39

39 And when Dauid heard that Nabal was dead, he sayd: Blessed be the Lord that hath iudged ye cause of my rebuke of the hand of Nabal, & hath kept his seruaunt from euill: For the Lord hath recompenced the wickednes of Nabal vpon his owne head. And Dauid sent to commune with Abigail, to take her to his wyfe

1 Samuel 26:10

10 And Dauid sayd furthermore: As the Lorde lyueth, the Lorde shall smyte him or his day shall come to dye, or he shall descend into battaile, and perishe

1 Samuel 26:20

20 Now therefore let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the Lorde: For the king of Israel is come out to seeke a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountaynes

2 Samuel 15:10-12

10 But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying: Assoone as ye heare the voyce of the trumpet blow, ye shall say, Absalom raigneth in Hebro 11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Hierusalem, that were called: And they went with pure heartes, not knowing of any thing 12 And Absalom sent for Ahithopel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, fro his citie Gilo, while he offered sacrifices, and there was wrought strong treason: For the people went and increased with Absalom

2 Samuel 16:11

11 And Dauid sayde to Abisai, and to all his seruautes, Behold, my sonne which came of myne owne bowels, seketh my lyfe: How much more then may this sonne of Iemini do it? Suffre him to curse, for the Lorde hath bidden him

2 Samuel 16:11-12

11 And Dauid sayde to Abisai, and to all his seruautes, Behold, my sonne which came of myne owne bowels, seketh my lyfe: How much more then may this sonne of Iemini do it? Suffre him to curse, for the Lorde hath bidden him 12 It may be that the Lorde will loke on myne affliction, and do me good for his cursing this day

2 Samuel 16:21-23

21 And Ahithophel said vnto Absalom: Get thee in vnto thy fathers cocubines whiche he hath left to kepe the house, and all Israel shal heare, that thou art abhorred of thy father: then shall the hades of al that are with thee, be strong 22 And so they spread Absalom a tent vpon the toppe of the house, and Absalom went in vnto his fathers concubines in the sight of all Israel 23 And the counsel of Ahithophel whiche he counseled in those dayes, was as a man had asked counsel at the oracle of God: euen so was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both with Dauid and with Absalom

2 Samuel 22:43

43 Then did I beate them as small as the dust of the earth: I did stampe them as the clay of the streate, and did spreade them abrode

2 Samuel 23:6-7

6 But the vngodly man, shall be as a thorne cleane pluckt vp, which can not be taken with handes 7 But the man that shall touche them, must be defenced with iron, or with the shaft of a speare, and they shalbe burnt with fire in the same place

2 Samuel 24:17

17 And Dauid spake vnto the Lorde, when he saw the angell that smote the people, and saide: Lo, it is I that haue sinned, and that haue done wickedlie: But these sheepe, what haue they done? Let thyne hand I pray thee be against me, and against my fathers house

1 Kings 8:23

23 Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heauen aboue, or in the earth beneath, thou that kepest couenaunt & mercy for thy seruauntes that walke before thee with all their heart

1 Kings 21:9-14

9 And she wrote in the letter, saying: Proclayme a fast, and set Naboth on hye among the people 10 And set two vnthriftes before him, to beare witnesse against him, saying, Thou dyddest blaspheme God and the king: And then carie him out, and stone him to death 11 And the men of his citie, euen the elders and gouernours whiche dwelt in his citie, dyd as Iezabel had sent vnto them, and as it was written in the letter whiche she had sent vnto them 12 They proclaymed a fast, and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people 13 And there came in two men the children of Belial, and sate before him: And the [two] vnthriftie persons witnessed against Naboth in the presence of the people, saying: Naboth dyd blaspheme God and the king. And they caried him out of the citie, & stoned him with stones, that he died 14 And then they sent to Iezabel, saying: Naboth is stoned to death

2 Kings 9:33-37

33 And he sayd: Throwe her downe. So they threwe her downe, & her blood dasshed toward the wall, and towarde the horses: and he troade her vnder foote 34 And when he was come in, he dyd eate and drinke, & sayd: Go and visite I pray you yonder cursed creature, and burie her: for she is a kinges daughter 35 And so when they came to burie her, they founde no more of her then the skull, and the feete, and the palmes of her handes 36 Wherfore they came againe, and tolde him: And he sayd, This is the worde of the Lorde whiche he spake by the hand of his seruaunt Elias the Thesbite, saying: In the fielde of Iezrahel shall dogges eate the fleshe of Iezabel 37 And so the carkasse of Iezabel was euen as dounge vpon the earth in the fielde of Iezrahel, so that no man might say, This is Iezabel

Ezra 4:12-24

12 Be it knowen vnto the king that the Iewes which came vp from thee to vs, are come vnto Hierusalem, a citie seditious and froward, and builde the same, and set vp the walles thereof, and lay the foundations 13 Be it knowen now vnto the king, that if this citie be builded, and the walles made vp againe, then shal not they geue toule, tribute, and custome, & the kinges profite shall incurre damage 14 And now in the meane season we haue destroyed the temple, and woulde no longer see the kinges dishonour, therefore sent we out also and certified the king 15 That it may be sought in the booke of the cronicles of thy progenitours, and so shalt thou finde in the booke of the cronicles, and perceaue that this citie is seditious and noysome vnto the kinges and landes, and that they cause other also among them to rebell of olde: and for the same cause was this citie destroyed 16 Therfore do we certifie the king, that if this citie be builded againe, and the walles thereof made vp, thou shalt hereafter haue no portion beyond the water 17 Then sent the king an aunswere vnto Rehum the recorder and Samsai the scribe, and to the other of their companions that dwell in Samaria, and vnto the other that were beyond the water in Selam and Cheeth 18 The letter which ye sent vnto vs, hath ben openly read before me 19 And I haue commaunded to make searche, and it is found that this citie of olde hath made insurrection against kinges, and that rebellion and sedition hath ben committed therein 20 There haue ben mightie kinges also at Hierusalem, which haue raigned ouer all countreys beyond the water: and toule, tribute, and custome was geuen vnto them 21 Geue ye nowe therefore commaundement, that the same men be forbidden, and that the citie be not builded againe, till I haue geuen another commaundement 22 Take heede now that ye be not negligent to do this: for why should the king haue harme there through 23 Nowe when the copie of king Artaxerxes letter was read before Rehum & Simsai the scribe, and their companyons, they went vp in all the haste to Hierusalem vnto the Iewes, and forbad them with violence and power 24 Then ceassed the worke of the house of God at Hierusalem, and continued so vnto the second yere of Darius king of Persia

Ezra 9:8-9

8 And nowe for a litle space grace hath ben shewed from the Lorde our God, in causing a remnaunt to escape, and in geuing vs a nayle in his holy place, that our God may light our eyes, and geue vs a litle lyfe to take breath in our bondage 9 For we were bondmen, and yet our God hath not forsaken vs in our bondage, but hath enclined mercie vnto vs in the sight of the king of Persia, to geue vs lyfe to set vp the house of our God, and to redresse the desolation therof, and to geue vs a wall in Iuda and Hierusalem

Nehemiah 2:8

8 And letters vnto Asaph the lorde of the kinges wood, that he may geue me timber to make beames for the gates of the palace which is harde by the house, and for the walles of the citie, and for the house that I shall enter into. And the king gaue me according to the hande of my God which was good vpon me

Nehemiah 2:17

17 Afterwarde sayde I vnto them: Ye see the miserie that we are in, howe Hierusalem lyeth waste, and howe the gates thereof are burnt with fire: come therefore, and let vs buylde vp the wall of Hierusalem, and that we be no more a rebuke

Nehemiah 3:1-16

1 And Eliasib the hye priest gat him vp with his brethre the priestes, and they buylded the sheepe gate: they repaired it, and set vp the doores of it: euen vnto the towre Mea repaired they it, and vnto the towre of Hananeel 2 Next vnto him also buylded the men of Iericho: And beside him buylded Sachur the sonne of Amri 3 But the fishe port did the children of Asnaa buyld, which also layed the beames therof, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres of it 4 And next vnto them buylded Meremoth the sonne of Uria, the sonne of Hakoz: and next vnto them buylded Mesullam the sonne of Berachia, the sonne of Mesesabel: and next vnto them buylded Zadoc the sonne of Baana 5 And next vnto hym buylded they of Thekoa: But the great men that were among them put not their neckes to the worke of their Lorde 6 The olde gate buylded Iehoiada the sonne of Paseah, & Mesullam the sonne of Besodia, they layed the beames therof, and set on the doores, lockes, & barres of it 7 Next vnto them buylded Melatiah of Gibeon, and Iadon of Merona, men of Gibeon and of Mispah, vnto the throne of the duke [which was] beyond the riuer 8 Next vnto him buylded Uzziel the sonne of Harhaiah of the goldesmythes: Next vnto hym also buylded Hananiah the sonne of Harakahim, and they repaired Hierusalem vnto the brode wall 9 Next vnto them buylded Raphaiah the sonne of Hur, the ruler of the halfe part of Hierusalem 10 Next vnto him buylded Iedaia the sonne of Harumaph ouer against his house: and next vnto him buylded Hattus the sonne of Hasabnia 11 But Melchia the sonne of Harim, and Hasub the sonne of the captayne of Moab buylded the other peece, and the towre beside the fornaces 12 Next vnto hym buylded Sallum the sonne of Hallohes, the ruler of the halfe part of Hierusalem, he & his daughters 13 The valley gate buylded Hanun, and the citezins of Zanoa: They buylded it, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres thereof, and a thousande cubites on the wall, vnto the doung port 14 But the doung port buylded Melchiah the sonne of Rechab, the ruler of the fourth part of Beth acharem: he repaired it, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres thereof 15 But the wel gate repaired Sallum the sonne of Cholhosah, the ruler of the fourth part of Mispah: He buylded it, and couered it, and set on the doores, lockes and barres thereof: and the wall vnto the poole Siloah by the kinges garden, and vnto the steppes that go downe from the citie of Dauid 16 After him buylded Nehemiah the sonne of Asbok, the ruler of the halfe parte of Bethzur, vntill the other side ouer against the sepulchres of Dauid, and to the poole that was repaired, and vnto the house of the mightie

Nehemiah 4:3

3 And Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and sayde: Though they buyld, yet if a foxe go vp, he shall breake downe their stony wall

Nehemiah 4:6

6 And so buylded we the wall, and it was ioyned whole together vnto the halfe heyght thereof: And the people were minded to labour

Nehemiah 9:17

17 And woulde not obey, neither were mindeful of the wonders that thou diddest for the: but hardened their neckes, and had in their heades to returne to their bondage by their rebellion: But thou O God of mercies, gracious, and full of compassion, of long suffering, and of great mercie, yet forsookest them not

Job 4:8

8 For as I haue proued by experience, they that plow iniquitie & sow wretchednesse, reape the same

Job 6:14-15

14 He that is in tribulation, ought to be comforted of his neyghbour: but the feare of the almightie is cleane away 15 Myne owne brethren passe ouer by me as the water brooke, & as the ouerflowing of waters, whiche do hastly go away

Job 21:5

5 Marke me [well] and be abashed, and lay your hande vpon your mouth

Job 23:10

10 But as for my way, he knoweth it, and tryeth me, that as the gold I may come foorth

Job 29:9-10

9 The princes left of their talking, and layed their hand to their mouth 10 The mightie kept still their voyce, and their tongue cleaued to the roofe of their mouth

Job 31:29

29 Haue I euer reioyced at the hurt of myne enemie? or was I euer glad that any harme happened vnto him? [Oh, no.

Job 34:31-32

31 Surely of God onely it can be saide, I haue pardoned, I wyll not destroy 32 If I haue gone amisse, enfourme thou me: If I haue done wrong, I wyll leaue of

Job 40:4

4 Beholde, I am vyle, what shall I aunswere thee, [therefore] I wyll laye my hande vpon my mouth

Psalms 4:2-3

2 O ye sonnes of men, how long [wyll ye go about to bryng] my glory to confusion? ye loue vanitie, ye seeke after lyes. Selah 3 For ye must know that God hath chosen to him selfe a godly [man]: God wyl heare when I call vnto hym

Psalms 7:6

6 Arise O God in thy wrath, and stand thou vp agaynst the rage of myne enemies: stirre thou for me [according] to the iudgement [whiche] thou hast geuen

Psalms 9:20

20 Put them in feare O God: that the Heathen may knowe them selues to be but men. Selah

Psalms 12:1

1 Saue thou [me] O God, for there is not one godly man left: for the faythfull are diminished from among the chyldren of men

Psalms 13:4-6

4 Lest myne enemie say, I haue preuayled agaynst hym: lest they that trouble me reioyce yf I shoulde be remoued 5 (13:5a) But I repose my trust in thy mercie, and my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation 6 (13:5b) I wyll syng to God, because he hath rewarded me

Psalms 14:1-3

1 The foole hath sayde in his heart there is no God: they haue corrupted [them selues] and done an abhominable worke, there is not one that doth good 2 God loked downe from heauen vpon the children of men: to see yf there were any that did vnderstande [and] seke after the Lorde 3 But they are all gone out of the way, they are altogether become abhominable: there is none that doth good, no not one

Psalms 18:42

42 (18:41) I dyd beat them to powder, like vnto dust in a wynde: I haue brought them as lowe as durt in the streates

Psalms 18:45

45 (18:43) Children of a straunger haue made a lie vnto me: the heartes of the children of a straunger hath fayled them, and they feared in their [strong] holdes

Psalms 23:1-4

1 (23:1a) God is my sheephearde, therfore I can lacke nothyng 2 (23:1b) he wyll cause me to repose my selfe in pasture full of grasse, and he wyll leade me vnto calme waters 3 (23:2) He wyll conuert my soule: he wyll bring me foorth into the pathes of righteousnesse for his name sake 4 (23:3) Yea though I walke through the valley of the shadowe of death, I wyll feare no euyll: for thou art with me, thy rodde and thy staffe be the thynges that do comfort me

Psalms 25:5

5 (25:3b) leade me foorth in thy trueth and teache me, for thou art the Lorde of my saluation, I haue wayted for thee al the day long

Psalms 27:1

1 God is my lyght and saluation, whom then shall I feare? God is the strength of my life, of whom then shall I be afraide

Psalms 27:12-14

12 Deliuer me not into mine aduersaries handes: for there are false witnesses rysen vp against me, and such as speake wrong 13 If I had not beleued [veryly] to see the goodnes of God in the lande of the liuing: [their spite had kylled me. 14 Attende thou [therfore] vpon God, be of a good courage, and he will comfort thine heart: [I say] attende thou vpon God

Psalms 28:9

9 (28:10) O saue thy people, and geue thy blessing vnto thine inheritaunce: feede them and exalt them for euermore

Psalms 34:5-6

5 Let them turne their eyes on him, and make speede to come vnto hym: and their faces shall not be ashamed 6 [Lo] this same poore man hath cryed: and God hath hearde hym, and saued hym out of all his troubles

Psalms 35:10

10 All my bones shall say, God who is lyke vnto thee? whiche deliuerest the poore from hym that is to strong for him: yea the poore and him that is in miserie, from him that spoyleth him

Psalms 35:15-16

15 But in mine aduersitie they reioysed and gathered them together: yea, the very abiectes came together against me, yer I wyst they rented me a peeces and ceassed not 16 With hypocrites, scoffers, and parasites: they gnashed vpon me with their teeth

Psalms 35:19

19 O let not my deceiptfull enemies triumph ouer me: let them not winke with an eye, that hate me without a cause

Psalms 35:24-26

24 Iudge me according to thy righteousnesse O God my Lorde: and let them not triumph ouer me 25 Let them not say in their heart, it is as we woulde haue it: neither let them say, we haue deuoured hym 26 Let them be put to confusion & shame [all] together that reioyce at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that exalt them selues against me

Psalms 35:26

26 Let them be put to confusion & shame [all] together that reioyce at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that exalt them selues against me

Psalms 37:6

6 He shall make thy righteousnesse appeare as cleare as the light: and thy iust dealing as the noone tyde 7 Holde thee still in God, and wayte paciently vpon him: fret not thy selfe at him whose way doth prosper, at the man that doth abhominations

Psalms 37:21

21 The vngodly boroweth and payeth not agayne: but the righteous geueth mercifully and liberally

Psalms 37:24

24 Though he fall, he shall not be vndone: for God vpholdeth him with his hande

Psalms 38:15

15 For on thee O God I haue wayted: thou shalt aunswere for me O Lorde my God 16 For I sayde [heare me] lest that they shoulde triumph on me: who auaunce [them selues] greatly agaynst me when my foote doth slyp

Psalms 40:1-3

1 I wayted patiently vpon God, and he enclined vnto me [his eare]: and heard my crying 2 He brought me also out of an horrible pyt, out of the dirtie mire: and set my feete vpon a rocke, and directed my goynges 3 And he hath put a newe song in my mouth: euen a thankesgeuyng vnto our Lorde

Psalms 41:9

9 Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me 10 But be thou mercifull vnto me O God: rayse me vp agayne, and I shall rewarde them 11 By this I knowe thou fauouredst me: in that myne enemie doth not triumph agaynst me 12 And when I am in my best case, thou vpholdest me: and thou wylt set me before thy face for euer

Psalms 42:3

3 My teares haue ben my meate day and nyght: whyle they dayly say vnto me where is [nowe] thy God

Psalms 42:10

10 It was as a sworde in my bones, when myne enemies dyd cast me in the teeth: in saying dayly vnto me, where is nowe thy Lorde

Psalms 43:1

1 Iudge me O Lorde, and debate my cause with an vnnaturall people: oh delyuer me from the deceiptfull and wicked man

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble: I wyll heare thee, and thou shalt glorifie me

Psalms 55:12-14

12 Truely he was not mine enemie that hath done me this dishonour, for then I coulde haue borne it: neither was he one that seemed to hate me that dyd magnifie hym selfe against me, for then I woulde haue hyd my selfe from him 13 But it was euen thou whom I esteemed as my selfe: my guyde, and myne owne familier companion 14 We delighted greatly to conferre our secretes together: we walked deuoutly in the house of God felowe lyke

Psalms 55:16-17

16 As for me I wyll crye vnto the Lord: and God wyll saue me 17 In the euening and morning, and at noone day wyll I pray, and that most instantly: and he wyll heare my voyce

Psalms 57:6

6 They haue prepared a net for my feete, that some man might presse downe my soule: they haue digged a pit before me, and are fallen into the midst of it them selues. Selah

Psalms 58:10

10 (58:9) The righteous wyll reioyce when he seeth the vengeaunce: he wyll washe his foote steppes in the blood of the vngodly

Psalms 62:1-8

1 My soule truly only stayeth vpon the Lorde: for of him commeth my saluation 2 He onlye is my rocke and my sauing helpe: he is my refuge, so that I can not be remoued greatly 3 Howe long wyll ye imagine mischiefe against euery man? ye shalbe slayne all the sort of you: [ye shalbe] as a tottering wall, [and like] a broken hedge 4 They deuise only howe to thrust [him] from his promotion: they delight in a lye, they blesse with their mouth, and curse with their heart. Selah 5 [Neuerthelesse] O my soule, stay thou only vpon the Lorde: for my confidence is in him 6 He only is my rocke and my sauing helpe: he is my refuge, so that I can not be remoued 7 In the Lorde is my health and my glory: my trust is in the Lorde the fortresse of my force 8 O ye people, put your trust in hym alway: powre out your heartes before him, for the Lorde is our hope. Selah

Psalms 65:2

2 Thou that hearest a prayer: vnto thee shall all fleshe come 3 [My] misdeedes haue preuayled against me: oh be thou mercifull vnto our wicked transgressions

Psalms 68:22

22 The Lorde hath sayde, I wyll bryng [my people] agayne out from Basan: I wyll bryng [them] agayne out from the deepe of the sea

Psalms 71:19

19 (71:18) And vntyll I [haue] exceedyngly exalted O Lorde thy ryghteousnesse: for great thynges are they that thou hast done, O Lorde who is lyke vnto thee

Psalms 72:9

9 They that dwell in the wildernesse shal kneele before him: his enemies shal licke the dust

Psalms 77:5-11

5 I dyd thynke vpon the dayes past: and on the yeres of the olde worlde 6 I called to remembraunce my psalme, song on the musicall instrument in the nyght tyme: I communed with myne owne heart, & searched out my spirites

Psalms 77:6-10

6 I called to remembraunce my psalme, song on the musicall instrument in the nyght tyme: I communed with myne owne heart, & searched out my spirites 7 What, wyll the Lorde forsake me for euer? wyll he be no more intreated to be fauourable

Psalms 77:7-10

7 What, wyll the Lorde forsake me for euer? wyll he be no more intreated to be fauourable 8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer? and is his promise made from one generation to another, come vtterly to an ende

Psalms 77:8-10

8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer? and is his promise made from one generation to another, come vtterly to an ende 9 Hath God forgotten to be gratious? and will he shut vp his louing kindnesse in displeasure? Selah

Psalms 77:9-10

9 Hath God forgotten to be gratious? and will he shut vp his louing kindnesse in displeasure? Selah 10 And I sayde, this is my death: but the ryght hande of the most hyghest [may graunt] me yeres

Psalms 77:10-10

10 And I sayde, this is my death: but the ryght hande of the most hyghest [may graunt] me yeres 11 I dyd call to remebraunce the workes of God almightie: for thy wonders done a great whyle a goe came into my mynde

Psalms 78:12-72

12 Marueylous thinges dyd he in the sight of their fathers: in the land of Egypt, in the fielde of Zoan 13 He deuided the sea and let them go thorowe: he made the waters to stande as on an heape 14 In the day time also he led them with a cloude: and all the night through with a light of fire 15 He cloued the harde rockes in the wildernes: & gaue them drinke therof, as it had ben out of the great deepe waters 16 He brought running streames out of a stonie rocke: and caused waters to gushe downe, like as out of riuers 17 Yet for all this they sinned still against hym: so that they prouoked the most hyghest in the wildernesse 18 And they temped god in their heartes: in requiring meate for their lust 19 They spake against God: they said, can God prepare a table in the wildernesse 20 Beholde, he hath smytten the stonie rocke, and waters haue gushed out, and streames haue flowed out aboundantly: but can he likewise geue bread, can he prouide fleshe for his people 21 Wherefore God hearde [them,] he was wroth, a fire was kindled in Iacob: and there arose vp heauy displeasure against Israel 22 Because they beleued not in the Lord: nor did put their trust in his saluation 23 And yet he commaunded the cloudes aboue: and opened the doores of heauen 24 He raigned downe Manna also vpon them, that they shoulde eate: and gaue them corne from heauen 25 [So] man dyd eate the bread of angels: he sent them meate inough 26 He remoued the east winde from vnder the heauen: and through his power he brought in the south winde 27 He rained fleshe vpon them as thycke as dust: and fethered foules like as the sande of the sea 28 He let it fall among their tentes: euen rounde about their pauilions 29 So they dyd eate and were wel filled, for he gaue them their owne desire: neuerthelesse they were not alienated from their lust 30 But whyle the meate was yet in their mouthes, the heauy wrath of God came vpon them, and slue the welthyest of them: and made the chosen men of Israel to stoupe 31 For all this they sinned still: and beleued not his wonderous workes 32 Therfore their dayes dyd he consume in vanitie: & their yeres in a short [troublous] time 33 When he slue them, they sought hym: they repented them, and made God their morninges worke 34 And they remembred that the Lorde was their rocke: & that the Lorde most hyghest was their redeemer 35 Neuerthelesse they dyd but flatter him with their mouth: and they made hym a lye with their tongue 36 For their heart was not vpright with him: neither continued they faythfull in his couenaunt 37 Yet for all that he beyng most merciful: cleane pardoned all their misdeedes, and destroyed them not 38 Yea many a tyme he dyd much for to represse his anger: and neuer woulde suffer his whole rage to breake out 39 For he considered that they were but fleshe, and that they were euen a winde that passeth away & cometh not againe 40 How oft dyd they prouoke hym in the wildernes: & greeued hym in the desert 41 They turned backe and tempted the Lorde: and prescribed boundes to the most holy [God] of Israel 42 They thought not of his hande: in the day when he redeemed them from the enemie 43 Howe he had wrought his miracles in Egypt: and his wonders in the fielde of Zoan 44 For he turned into blood their riuers & fluddes: so that they might not drinke 45 He sent amongst them all kind of flyes who dyd eate them: and frogges who destroyed them 46 He gaue their fruites vnto the caterpiller: & their labour to the grashopper 47 He destroyed their vines with hayle stones: and their wilde figge trees with the harde frost 48 He smote their cattell also with haylestones: and their flockes with thunder boltes 49 He cast vpon them the rage of his furie, anger, disdayne, and trouble: by sending foorth euill angels amongst them 50 He made away to his indignation, & spared not their soule from death: he gaue their lyfe to be subiect to the pestilence 51 And he smote all the first borne of Egypt: the first fruites of concupiscence in the pauilions of Cham 52 But as for his owne people, he led them foorth like sheepe: and conducted them through the wildernesse like a flocke of cattell 53 He brought them out safely that they shoulde not feare: and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the sea 54 And brought them within the borders of his sanctuarie: euen to this mountayne which his right hand purchased 55 He dyd cast out the heathen also before them: he caused their land to be deuided among the for an heritage, & made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tentes 56 Neuerthelesse, they tempted and displeased the most hyghest Lorde: & kept not his testimonies 57 They turned backewarde, and they went astray like their forefathers: they started aside like a bowe that breaketh 58 For they stirred hym to anger with their hygh places: and prouoked him to ielousie with their carued images 59 When the Lorde hearde this, he was wroth: & toke sore displeasure at Israel 60 So that he forsoke the tabernacle in Silo: the pauilion [wherin] he dwelt amongst men 61 He deliuered his force into captiuitie: and his glorie into the enemies hande 62 He gaue also his people ouer to the sword: and was wroth with his inheritaunce 63 Fire consumed his young men: and his maydens were not maryed 64 His priestes were slayne with the sworde: and his wydowes made no lamentation 65 But the Lorde awaked as though he had slept: like a giaunt making a triumphant noyse after wine 66 He smote his enemies in the hynder parts: & put them to a perpetual shame 67 He refused the tabernacle of Ioseph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim 68 But he chose the tribe of Iuda: euen the hill of Sion which he loued 69 And there he buylded his temple on high: and layde the foundation of it like a grounde euer to continue 70 He chose also Dauid his seruaunt: and toke hym away from the sheepefoldes 71 As he was folowing the ewes great with young he toke hym: that he might feede Iacob his people, and Israel his inheritaunce 72 So he fed them according to the simplicitie of his heart: and guided them by the discretion of his handes

Psalms 79:10

10 Wherefore do the Heathen say, where is nowe their God? let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes blood that is shed, be [openly knowen] amongst the Heathen in our sight

Psalms 84:11

11 For God the Lorde is a sunne and a shielde: God geueth grace and worship, he withholdeth no good thyng from them that liue in any perfection

Psalms 85:4-5

4 Turne vs O God of our saluation: and let thyne anger ceasse from vs 5 Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer? and wylt thou stretche out thy wrath from one generation to another

Psalms 86:5

5 For thou Lorde art good and gracious: and of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon thee

Psalms 86:15

15 But thou O Lorde art a God full of compassion and mercy: long yet thou be angry, plenteous in goodnes and trueth

Psalms 89:6

6 For who is he in the cloudes that shal matche God: [and who] is like vnto God amongst the children gods

Psalms 89:8

8 O God, Lorde of hoastes, who is like vnto thee a most mightie Lorde: and thy trueth is on euery side thee

Psalms 90:13-14

13 Turne agayne O God (what, for euer [wylt thou be angry?]) and be gratious vnto thy seruauntes 14 Replenishe vs early in the mornyng with thy mercie: and we wyll crye out for ioy, and be glad all the dayes of our lyfe

Psalms 95:7

7 For he is our Lorde: and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheepe of his hande

Psalms 97:11

11 There is sowen a lyght for the ryghteous: and gladnesse for such as be vpryght of heart

Psalms 100:3

3 (100:2) Be ye sure that God is the Lorde, it is he that hath made vs, and not we our selues: we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture

Psalms 103:2-3

2 Blesse God O my soule: and forget not all his benefites 3 Who forgeueth all thy wickednesse: and healeth all thine infirmities

Psalms 103:8-9

8 God is full of compassion and pitie: loth to be angry, and exceedyng great in mercie 9 He vseth not to continue in chydyng: neither reserueth he [his anger] for euer

Psalms 103:12

12 [Loke] howe farre distaunt the east is from the west: so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs 13 Yea lyke as a father pitieth [his owne] children: euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym

Psalms 105:8-10

8 (105:7a) He hath ben mindfull alwayes of his couenaunt (for he promised a worde to a thousande generations: 9 (105:7b) euen of his couenaunt that he made with Abraham, and of his othe vnto Isaac 10 (105:8) And he appointed the same vnto Iacob for a law: and to Israel for an euerlasting couenaunt

Psalms 107:10-15

10 (107:9) Suche as sit in darknesse and in the shadowe of death: beyng fast bounde in miserie and iron 11 (107:10) Because they went from the wordes of the Lorde: and lightly regarded the counsayle of the most highest 12 (107:11) Therfore he humbled their heart thorowe heauines: they fall downe, and there is none to helpe them 13 (107:12) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth the out of their distresse 14 (107:13) For he bringeth them out of darknesse and out of the shadowe of death: and breaketh their bondes in sunder 15 (107:14) O that men would confesse vnto God: his louing kindnes and his marueylous actes [done] to the chyldren of men

Psalms 109:4

4 For the loue that I bare vnto them, they are become mine aduersaries: but I geue my selfe vnto prayer

Psalms 109:29

29 Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame: & let them couer the selues with their owne cofusion, as with a garment

Psalms 112:4

4 There ariseth vp light in the darknes: vnto them that deale vprightly he is merciful, and louing, and righteous

Psalms 113:5-6

5 (113:5a) Who is like vnto God our Lord that dwelleth on hygh aboue all 6 (113:5b) and yet humbleth him selfe to beholde the thinges that are in heauen and in earth

Psalms 115:2

2 Wherfore shal the Heathen say: where is nowe their God

Psalms 118:8-9

8 It is better to trust in God: then to put any confidence in man 9 It is better to trust in God: then to put any confidence in princes

Psalms 120:5

5 Wo be vnto me that am constrayned to be conuersaunt in Mesech: and to dwell among the tentes of Cedar

Psalms 126:2

2 Then shall our mouth be filled with a laughter: and our tongue with a ioyfull noyse. (126:3) Then shall suche as be amongst the Heathen say: God hath brought great thinges to passe, that he myght do for them

Psalms 130:4

4 For there is pardon of sinne with thee: that thou mayest be feared 5 I haue wayted for God, my soule haue wayted [for hym:] and I haue reposed my trust in his worde

Psalms 130:7-8

7 Israel ought to trust in God, for there is mercy with God: and there is plenteousnes of redemption with him 8 And he wyll redeeme Israel: from all his sinnes

Psalms 130:8

8 And he wyll redeeme Israel: from all his sinnes

Psalms 137:8-9

8 O daughter of Babylon who must lye wasted: happy shall he be that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs 9 Blessed shall he be: that taketh & throweth thy litle children against the stone

Psalms 142:4-5

4 When I loked vpon my ryght hande and sawe [rounde about me] there was no man that woulde knowe me: I had no place to flee vnto, and no man cared for my soule 5 I cryed vnto thee O God, and sayde: thou art my hope and my portion in the lande of the lyuyng

Psalms 143:5

5 I call to remembraunce the tyme long past: I muse vpon euery act of thine, I exercise my study on the worke of thy handes

Proverbs 1:11

11 If they say, come with vs, let vs lay wayte for blood, and lurke priuily for the innocent without a cause

Proverbs 1:31

31 Therfore shall they eate of the fruite of their owne way, and be fylled with their owne inuentions

Proverbs 4:16-17

16 For they sleepe not except they haue done mischiefe: and sleepe is taken from them, vntyll they haue done harme 17 For they eate the bread of wickednes, and drinke the wine of robberie

Proverbs 5:22

22 The wickednes of the vngodly shall catche him selfe, and with the snares of his owne sinne shall he be trapped

Proverbs 12:6

6 The talkyng of the vngodly is howe they may lay wayte for blood: but the mouth of the righteous will deliuer the

Proverbs 24:16-18

16 For a iust man falleth seuen tymes, and ryseth vp agayne: but the vngodly fall into mischiefe 17 Reioyce not thou at the fall of thyne enemie, and let not thyne heart be glad when he stumbleth 18 Lest the Lorde when he seeth it be angry, and turne his wrath from hym [vnto thee.

Proverbs 30:11

11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not blesse their mother

Proverbs 30:17

17 Who so laugheth his father to scorne, and setteth his mothers commaundement at naught, the rauens of the valley picke out his eyes, and deuoured be he of the young Egles

Proverbs 31:31

31 Geue her of the fruite of her handes: and let her owne workes prayse her in the gates

Isaiah 1:18

18 And then go to, saith the Lorde, let vs talke together: though your sinnes be as red as scarlet, they shalbe as whyte as snowe: and though they were lyke purple, they shalbe as whyte as wooll

Isaiah 1:23

23 Thy princes are wicked, and companions of theeues: they loue gyftes altogether, and gape for rewardes: As for the fatherlesse they helpe hym not to his ryght, neither wyll they let the widdowes causes come before them

Isaiah 2:5

5 Come ye O house of Iacob, and let vs walke in the lyght of the Lorde

Isaiah 2:19-21

19 And they shall creepe into holes of stone, and into caues of the earth for feare of the Lorde, and for the glorie of his maiestie, when he ariseth to destroy [the wicked ones of] the earth 20 In the selfe same day shall man cast away his gods of siluer, and his gods of golde, into the holes of Mowles and Backes, which he neuerthelesse had made to hym selfe to honour them 21 And they shall creepe into the cliftes of the rockes, and into the toppes of the harde stones for feare of the Lorde, and for the glorie of his maiestie, when he ariseth to destroy [the wicked ones of] the earth

Isaiah 3:10-11

10 Say to the ryghteous that it shall go well with them: for they shall eate the fruite of their owne studies 11 [But] wo be vnto the wicked, for it shalbe euyll with hym: for he shalbe rewarded after his owne workes

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then sayd I, Wo is me, for I am lost, in as much as I am a man of vncleane lippes, and dwell among people that hath vncleane lippes also: for mine eyes haue seene the kyng the Lorde of hoastes

Isaiah 6:11-13

11 Then spake I, Lord, howe long? He aunswered, vntill the cities be vtterly wasted without inhabiters, and the houses without men, and tyll the lande be also vtterly desolate 12 For the Lorde shall put the men farre away, and [there shalbe] great waste in the middest of the lande 13 Yet in it shall succeede ten kinges, and it shall returne and be afterwarde wasted: [But] as the Teyle tree and the Oke in the fall of their leaues haue yet the sappe remayning in them, [euen so] the holy seede shalbe the stay therof

Isaiah 8:17

17 And I wyll wayte vpon the Lorde that hideth his face from the house of Iacob, and I wyll loke for him

Isaiah 9:2

2 The people that walked in darknesse, haue seene a great light: As for them that dwell in the lande of the shadowe of death, vpon them hath the light shined

Isaiah 10:3

3 What wyll ye do in the tyme of visitation, and when destruction shall come from farre? to whom wyll ye runne for helpe? and where wyll you leaue your glory

Isaiah 11:16

16 And thus shall there be a way for his people that remayneth from the Assirians, lyke as it happened to the Israelites what tyme they departed out of the lande of Egypt

Isaiah 12:2

2 Beholde, God is my saluation, in who I wyll trust and not be afrayde: for the Lorde God is my strength and [my] song, he also is become my saluation

Isaiah 17:6

6 Some gatheryng in deede shall there be left in it, euen as in the shakyng of an Oliue tree there remayne two or three berries in the toppe of the vppermost bowe, and foure or fyue in the brode fruitfull braunches thereof, saith the Lorde God of Israel

Isaiah 19:23-25

23 In that day shall there be a common way out of Egypt into Assyria, and Assyria shall come into Egypt, & Egypt into Assyria: so that the Egyptians and the Assyrians shall serue the Lorde together 24 In that day shal the nation of Israel be the thirde with Egypt and Assyria: and they shalbe blessed in the middest of the lande 25 Which lande the Lorde of hoastes hath blessed, saying: blessed is my people of Egypt, Assur also is the worke of my handes, and Israel is mine inheritaunce

Isaiah 22:5

5 For this is a day of trouble, of ruine, and of destruction, that the Lorde the God of hoastes wyll bryng to passe in the valley of vision, breakyng downe the citie, and crying vnto mountaynes

Isaiah 24:3-8

3 The lande shalbe cleane wasted and vtterly spoyled: for so the Lorde hath spoken 4 The earth is sory and consumeth away, the worlde is feeble & perisheth, the proude people of the earth are come to naught 5 The earth also is become vnprofitable vnder the inhabitours therof, which haue transgressed the lawes, chaunged the ordinaunce, broken the euerlastyng couenaunt 6 Therfore hath the curse consumed the earth, and they that dwell therin are fallen into trespasse: Wherfore the inhabitours of the earth are perished with drought, and fewe men are left behinde 7 The wine fayleth, the vine hath no myght, all they that haue ben mery of heart are come to mournyng 8 The myrth of tabrettes is layde downe, the noyse of such as haue made mery is ceassed, the ioy at the harpe is at an ende

Isaiah 24:13

13 For in the middes of the lande, euen among the people, it shall come to passe as at the shaking of oliues, and as the grapes are when the wine haruest is done

Isaiah 24:16

16 From the vttermost part of the earth haue we hearde prayses and myrth, because of the righteous: And I sayde, I knowe a thing in secrete, I knowe a thing in secrete, wo is me: the transgressours haue offended, the transgressours haue greeuously offended

Isaiah 25:3

3 Therefore shall the mightie people geue glory vnto thee, the citie of the valiaunt heathen shall feare thee

Isaiah 25:9

9 And in that day it shalbe sayde, lo this is our God, we haue wayted for hym, and he shall saue vs, this is the Lorde in whom we haue hoped, we wyll be merie and reioyce in the saluation [that commeth] of hym 10 For in this mountaine shall the hande of the Lorde ceasse, and Moab shalbe threshed vnder hym, euen as strawe is troden to doung on the dounghill 11 And he shall stretche out his hande in the middes of them, as he that swimmeth casteth out his hands to swimme: and with the strength of his handes shall he bring downe their pryde 12 The strong holde also and defence of thy walles hath he ouerthrowne and cast downe, and brought them to the grounde, euen vnto dust

Isaiah 26:5-6

5 For he hath brought downe the high minded citizens: as for the proude citie he hath brought it lowe, euen to the ground shall he cast it downe, and bring it vnto dust 6 The foote, euen the foote of the poore, and the steppes of suche as be in necessitie shall treade it downe

Isaiah 26:11

11 Lorde, when thy hande is lyft vp to strike, they see it not: but they shall see it, and be confounded with the zeale of the people, and the fire that consumeth thyne enemies shall deuour them

Isaiah 26:21

21 For beholde, the Lorde is comming out of his place, to visite the wickednesse of suche as dwell vpon earth: the earth also shall disclose her bloods, and shall no more hide them that are slayne in her

Isaiah 27:12-13

12 And in that day shall the Lorde make a threshing, from the middest of the riuer Euphrates, vnto the riuer of Egypt, and ye chyldren of Israel shalbe gathered together one to another 13 In that day shall the great trumpe be blowne, so that they which were lost in the lande of Assyria, and they that were banished in the lande of Egypt, shall come and worship the Lorde in the holye mount of Hierusalem

Isaiah 28:4

4 So that the floure of his fayrenesse and beautie whiche is in the head of the valley of fatnesse, shall fade away as doth an vntimely ripe figge before haruest: whiche when a man espieth, he loketh vpon it, and whyle it is yet in his hande he eateth it vp

Isaiah 35:2

2 She shall florishe pleasauntly and be ioyfull, and euer be geuing thankes more and more: For the glorie of Libanus, the beautie of Charmel and Saron shalbe geuen her: These shall knowe the honour of the Lorde, & the maiestie of our God

Isaiah 37:10-11

10 Say thus to Hezekia kyng of Iuda: Let not thy God deceaue thee, in whom thou hopest, and sayest, Hierusalem shall not be geuen into the handes of the kyng of Assyria 11 For lo, thou knowest well howe the kynges of Assyria haue handled all the landes that they haue subuerted: and hopest thou to escape

Isaiah 37:24

24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lorde, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe: I wyll couer the hye mountaynes and sydes of Libanus with my horsemen, and there wyll I cut downe the hye Cedar trees, and the fayrest Firre trees: I wyll vp in the heyght of it, and into the chiefest of his tymber woods

Isaiah 38:17

17 Beholde, bitter as gall was my pensiuenesse, so sore longed I for health, and it was thy pleasure to deliuer my lyfe from the filthy pit: for thou it is [O Lorde] that hast cast all my sinnes behynde thy backe

Isaiah 40:11

11 He shall feede his flocke like an heardman, he shall gather the lambes together with his arme, and cary them in his bosome, and shall kyndly intreate those that beare young

Isaiah 40:18

18 To whom then wyll ye lyken God? or what similitude will ye set vp to him

Isaiah 40:25

25 To whom nowe will ye liken me, and whom shall I be lyke, saith the holy one

Isaiah 41:15-16

15 Beholde, I will make thee a treading cart and a newe flaile, that thou mayest threshe and grinde the mountaines, and bring the hilles to powder 16 Thou shalt fanne them, and the winde shall carrie them away, and the whirle winde shall scatter them: but thou shalt reioyce in the Lorde, and shalt delight in the holy one of Israel

Isaiah 43:6

6 I wyll say to the north, let go, and to the south kepe not backe: but bring me my sonnes from farre, and my daughters from the endes of the worlde

Isaiah 43:25

25 Where as I yet, euen I am he onlye that for my owne selues sake do away thine offences, and forget thy sinnes, so that I wyll neuer thinke vpon them

Isaiah 44:22

22 As for thyne offences I haue driuen them away lyke the cloudes, and thy sinnes as the mist: Turne thee agayne vnto me, for I haue redeemed thee

Isaiah 45:22

22 And therfore turne you vnto me, all ye endes of the earth, that ye may be saued: for I am God, and there is els none

Isaiah 46:8-9

8 Consider this well, and be ashamed: go into your owne selues 9 Remember the thinges that are past since the beginning of the worlde, that I am God, and that there is els no God, yea and that there is nothing like vnto me

Isaiah 46:13

13 I shall bryng foorth my righteousnesse, it is not farre, and my health shall not tary long away: I wyll lay health in Sion, and in Israel my glory

Isaiah 47:5-9

5 Sit still, holde thy tongue; get thee into some darke corner O daughter Caldea: for thou shalt no more be called lady of kyngdomes 6 I was so wroth with my people, that I punished myne inheritaunce, and gaue them into thy power, neuerthelesse thou shewedst them no mercy, but euen the very aged of them diddest thou oppresse right sore with the yoke 7 And thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer, and beside all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, neither remembred what was the ende of that citie Hierusalem 8 Heare nowe therefore thou delicate one that sittest so carelesse, and speakest thus in thyne heart, I am alone, and without me is there none, I shal neuer be widowe nor desolate agayne 9 And yet both these thinges shal come to thee vpon one day, in the twinckeling of an eye, namely, widowhood and desolation: they mightyly fall vpon thee, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the great heape of thy coniurers

Isaiah 49:9

9 That thou mayest say vnto the prisoners, go foorth, and to them that are in darknesse, come into the lyght: they shall feede thee in the hye wayes, and get their pasture in all hye places 10 They shall neither hunger nor thirst, heate nor sunne shall not hurt them: for he that fauoureth them shall leade them, and geue them drynke of the well sprynges

Isaiah 49:12

12 And beholde, these shall come from farre, lo, some from the north and west, some from the lande of Sinis [which is in the south.

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kynges shalbe thy nursyng fathers, and queenes shalbe thy nursyng mothers: They shall fall before thee with their faces flat vpon the earth, & lick vp the dust of thy feete: that thou mayest knowe howe that I am the Lorde, and that who so putteth their trust in me shall not be confounded

Isaiah 50:10

10 Therfore who so feareth the Lorde among you, let hym heare the voyce of his seruaunt: Who so walketh in darknesse and no lyght shyneth vpon hym, let hym put his trust in the name of the Lorde, and holde hym by his God

Isaiah 51:9

9 Wake vp, wake vp, and be strong O thou arme of the Lorde, wake vp, lyke as in tyme past, euer, and since the world began

Isaiah 51:22-23

22 Thus saith the Lorde, thy Lorde and God, the defendour of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slumbryng cup out of his hande, euen the cup with the dregges of my wrath, that from hencefoorth thou shalt neuer drinke it more 23 But I wil put it into their hande that trouble thee, which haue spoken to thy soule, Stoupe downe, that we may go ouer thee, make thy body euen with the grounde, and as the streete to go vpon

Isaiah 52:15

15 Euen so shall the multitude of the gentiles speake of him, and kynges shall shut their mouthes before hym: for they haue seene that which was not tolde to them, and haue vnderstande that wherof they had not hearde

Isaiah 54:11

11 Beholde, thou poore, vexed, & dispised, I wyll make thy walles of precious stones, & thy foundation of Saphires

Isaiah 55:7

7 Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, and turne agayne vnto the Lorde, so shall he be mercifull vnto hym: and to our God, for he is very redy to forgeue

Isaiah 55:13

13 For thornes, there shall growe Firre trees, and the Myrre tree in the steede of bryers: And this shalbe done to the prayse of the Lorde, and for an euerlastyng token that shall not be taken away

Isaiah 57:1

1 The ryghteous perisheth, and no man regardeth it in his heart: good godly people are taken away, & no man considereth it, namely, that the righteous is conueyed away from the wicked

Isaiah 57:10

10 Thou art weerie for the multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer, there is no hope: Thou hast had the life that thy handes wrought, and therefore thou art carelesse

Isaiah 57:16

16 For I chyde not euer, and am not wroth without ende: but the blasting goeth from me, and is included in the body, and I made the breath

Isaiah 59:7

7 Their feete runne to euyll, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their counsels are wicked counsels, harme and destruction are in their wayes

Isaiah 59:19

19 They shall feare the name of the Lorde from the rising of the sunne, and his maiestie vnto the going downe of the same, for he shall come as a violent water streame which the winde of the Lorde hath moued

Isaiah 60:1-3

1 Get thee vp betymes, and be bright [O Hierusalem] for thy light commeth, and the glorie of the Lord is risen vp vpon thee 2 For lo, whyle the darknesse & cloude couereth the earth and the people, the Lorde shall shewe thee light, and his glory shalbe seene in thee 3 The gentiles shall come to thy light, & kinges to the brightnesse that springeth foorth vpon thee 4 Lift vp thyne eyes, and loke rounde about thee: all these gather them selues and come to thee, thy sonnes shall come vnto thee from farre, and thy daughters shall gather them selues to thee on euery side 5 Then thou shalt see this and be glorious, thou shalt maruayle exceedingly, and thyne heart shalbe opened: when the aboundaunce of the sea shalbe conuerted vnto thee [that is] when the riches of the gentiles shall come vnto thee 6 The multitude of camels shall couer thee, the dromedaries of Madian and Epha: all they of Saba shall come, bringing gold and incense, and shewing the prayse of the Lorde 7 All the cattell of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto thee, the rammes of Nabaioth shall serue thee to be offred acceptablie vpon mine aulter, and the house of my glory wyll I garnishe 8 But what are these that flee here like the cloudes, and as the doues fleing to their windowes 9 The Isles also shall wayte for me, and specially the shippes of Tharsis that they may bryng thy sonnes from farre, and their siluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel that hath glorified thee

Isaiah 60:14

14 Moreouer, those shall come kneeling vnto thee that haue vexed thee, and all they that despised thee shall fall downe at thy foote: Thou shalt be called the citie of the Lorde, Sion [the citie] of the holy one of Israel

Isaiah 60:19-20

19 The sunne shall neuer be thy day light, and the light of the moone shall neuer shine vnto thee: but the Lorde him selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting light, and thy God shalbe thy glory 20 Thy sunne shall neuer go downe, and thy moone shall not be hid: for the Lorde hym selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting light, and thy sorowfull dayes shalbe ended

Isaiah 62:5

5 And lyke as a young man taketh a virgin to mariage, so shal thy sonnes be maried vnto thee: and as a bridegrome is glad of his bride, so shall thy God reioyce ouer thee

Isaiah 63:2-3

2 Wherefore then is thy clothing red, and thy rayment like his that treadeth in the wine presse 3 I haue troden the presse my selfe alone, and of all people there is not one with me: Thus wyll I treade them downe in my wrath, and set my feete vpon them in myne indignation, and their blood shal be sprong vpon my clothes, and so wyll I stayne all my rayment

Isaiah 63:11-15

11 Yet remembred Israel the olde time, of Moyses and his people, saying: where is he that brought them from the water of the sea, with them that feede his sheepe? Where is he that hath geuen his holy spirite among them 12 He led them by the right hande of Moyses with his glorious arme, deuiding the water before them, wherby he gat him selfe an euerlasting name 13 He led them in the deepe as an horse is led in the playne, that they shoulde not stumble 14 As a tame beast goeth in the fielde, and the spirite of God geueth hym rest: thus (O God) hast thou led thy people, to make thy selfe a glorious name withall 15 Loke downe then from heauen, and beholde from the dwelling place of thy sanctuarie and thy glorie: Howe is it that thy gelousie, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies, and thy louing kindnesse wyll not be intreated of vs

Isaiah 63:15-17

15 Loke downe then from heauen, and beholde from the dwelling place of thy sanctuarie and thy glorie: Howe is it that thy gelousie, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies, and thy louing kindnesse wyll not be intreated of vs 16 Yet art thou our father: for Abraham knoweth vs not, neither is Israel acquainted with vs: but thou Lorde art our father and redeemer, and thy name is euerlasting 17 O Lorde, wherefore hast thou led vs out of the way? wherefore hast thou hardened our heartes that we feare thee not? Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake, and for the generation of thyne heritage

Isaiah 64:2

2 Like as at an hotte fire, and [that the malitious might boyle away] as the water doth vpon the fire: whereby thy name might be knowen among thyne enemies, and that the gentiles might tremble before thee

Isaiah 65:10

10 Saron shalbe a sheepefolde, and the valley of Achor shall geue the stalling for the cattell of my people that seeke after me

Isaiah 65:19

19 Yea, I my selfe will reioyce with Hierusalem, and be glad with my people: and the voyce of weeping and wayling shall not be hearde in her from thencefoorth

Isaiah 65:25

25 The woolfe and the lambe shal feede together, and the lion shall eate hay like the bullocke, but earth shalbe the serpentes meate: There shal no man hurt nor slay another in al my holy hill, saith the Lorde

Isaiah 66:18

18 For I do knowe their workes and thoughtes, and I wyll come to gather all people and tongues: then they shall come and see my glorie 19 Unto them shall I geue a token, and sende certayne of the that be deliuered among the gentiles, into Cilicia, Affrica, and Lydia, where men can handle bowes, into Italie, and also Greeke lande: The Isles farre of that haue not hearde speake of me, and haue not seene my glorie, shall preache my prayse among the gentiles 20 And shall bryng all your brethren for an offeryng vnto the Lorde out of all the people, vpon horses, charettes, and horslitters, vpon mules and cartes, to Hierusalem my holy hil saith the Lord: lyke as the children of Israel bryng the offeryng in cleane vessels to the house of the Lorde

Jeremiah 3:5

5 Wyll God continue his wrath for euer? wyll he kepe our faultes in memorie to the ende? Neuerthelesse, thou speakest such wordes, but thou art euer doyng worse and worse to the vtmost of thy power

Jeremiah 3:12

12 And therfore go preach these wordes towarde the north, and say, Thou disobedient Israel, turne agayne saith the Lorde, and I wyll not bring my wrath vpon you: for I am mercifull saith the Lorde, and I wyll not alway beare displeasure agaynst thee

Jeremiah 3:18

18 Then those that be of the house of Iuda, shal go vnto the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the north, into the same lande that I haue geuen your fathers

Jeremiah 4:31

31 For I heare a noyse lyke as it were of a woman trauaylyng, & one labouryng of her first childe, Euen the voyce of the daughter Sion, that casteth out her armes, and sowneth, saying: Ah, wo is me, howe sore vexed and faynt is my heart for feare of the murtherers

Jeremiah 5:16

16 Their arrowes are sodayne death, yea they them selues be very giauntes

Jeremiah 5:26

26 For among my people are found wicked persons, that priuily lay snares and wayte for men, to take them and destroy them

Jeremiah 8:10

10 Wherfore I wyl geue their wiues vnto aliauntes, and their fields to destroyers: For from the lowest vnto the hyest they folowe filthy lucre, and from the prophete vnto the priest they deale all with lies

Jeremiah 8:12

12 Fye for shame, howe abhominable thinges do they? and yet they be not ashamed, yea they knowe of no shame: Wherefore in the tyme of their visitation they shal fal among the dead bodies, and be ouerthrowne, saith the Lorde

Jeremiah 9:4

4 Yea, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his owne brother: for one brother vndermindeth another, one neighbour beguileth another

Jeremiah 10:15

15 The vayne craftesmen with their workes that they in their vanitie haue made, shall perishe one with another in time of visitation

Jeremiah 12:6

6 For thy brethren and thy kinrede haue altogether dispised thee, and cryed out vpon thee altogether: Beleue them not, though they speake faire wordes to thee

Jeremiah 15:10

10 O mother, alas that thou euer didst beare me, a brawler and rebuker of the whole lande: though I neuer lent nor receaued vpon vsurie, yet all men speake euyll vpon me

Jeremiah 16:16

16 Beholde, saith the Lorde, I wyll sende out many fisshers to take them, and after that wyll I sende out many hunters, to hunt them out from all mountaynes and hylles, and out of the caues of stone

Jeremiah 17:10

10 Euen I the Lorde searche out the grounde of the heart, & trye the raynes, and rewarde euery man accordyng to his wayes, and accordyng to the fruite of his workes

Jeremiah 20:10

10 Ueryly I hearde the euyll reportes of many, terrour was on euery side of me: complayne vpon hym say they, and we wyll tell his tale: Yea all myne owne companions, and suche as were conuersaunt with me, lay in wayte for my halting, saying: peraduenture he wylbe deceaued, and so shall we preuayle against hym, and be auenged of hym

Jeremiah 21:14

14 For I wyll visite you saith the Lord, because of the wickednesse of your inuentions, and wyll kindle suche a fire in your wood, as shall consume all that is about you

Jeremiah 23:3

3 And I wyll gather together the remnaunt of my flocke from all landes that I had driuen them vnto, and will bring them agayne to their foldes, that they may growe and increase

Jeremiah 23:7-8

7 And therefore beholde the time commeth saith the Lorde, that it shalbe no more sayde, the Lorde liueth whiche brought the chyldren of Israel out of the lande of Egypt 8 But the Lorde liueth which brought foorth and led the seede of the house of Israel out of the north lande, and from all countreys where I had scattred them: and they shal dwel in their owne lande agayne

Jeremiah 25:11

11 And this whole lande shall become a wildernesse and astonished: and these nations shal serue the king of Babylon threscore yeres and ten

Jeremiah 31:8

8 Beholde, I wyll bryng them agayne from out of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, with the blynde & lame that are among them, with the women that be great with chylde, & such as be also deliuered: and the companie of them that come agayne shalbe great

Jeremiah 31:20

20 Upon this complaynt I thought thus by my selfe: Is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe with whom I haue had all my mirth and pastime? For since the tyme that I first comuned with hym, I haue hym euer in remembraunce: therfore my heart driueth me vnto hym, gladly and louyngly wyll I haue mercie vpon him, saith the Lorde

Jeremiah 31:34

34 And from thencefoorth shall no man teache his neighbour or his brother, and say, Knowe the Lorde: but they shal all knowe me from the lowest vnto the hyest, saith the Lorde: for I wyll forgeue their misdeedes, and wyll neuer remember their sinnes any more

Jeremiah 32:19

19 Thou art the great and mightie God, whose name is the Lorde of hoastes, great in counsel, and excellent in worke, thyne eyes looke vpon all the wayes of mens chyldren, to rewarde euery one after his way, and according to the fruites of his inuentions

Jeremiah 32:41

41 Yea I wyll haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faithfully to plant them in this land with my whole heart and with my whole soule

Jeremiah 33:9

9 And this shall get me a name, a prayse and honour among all the people of the earth, whiche shall heare all the good that I wyll shewe vnto them, yea they shalbe afraide and astonied at all the good deedes and benefites that I wyll do for them

Jeremiah 33:25-26

25 Therefore thus saith the Lord, If I haue made no couenaunt with day and night, and geuen no statute vnto heauen and earth 26 Then will I also cast away the seede of Iacob and Dauid my seruaunt, so that I wyll take no prince out of his seede to rule the posteritie of Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob: but yet I will turne agayne their captiuitie, and be mercyfull vnto them

Jeremiah 38:8

8 He went out of the kynges house, and spake to the king, which then sate vnder the port of Beniamin, these wordes

Jeremiah 45:3

3 Insomuch as thou thoughtest thus [when thou wast wrytyng] wo is me, the Lorde hath geuen me payne for my trauayle, I haue weeried my selfe with sighing, and haue founde no rest

Jeremiah 50:11

11 Although ye were so chearfull & glad, to treade downe myne heritage, and fulfylled your pleasures as the calues in the grasse, and triumphed ouer them like bulles [when ye had gotten the victorie

Jeremiah 50:17-20

17 Israel is a scattered flocke, the lions haue dispearsed them: First the kyng of the Assyrians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon hath brused all their bones 18 Therfore thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel, Beholde, I wyll visite the kyng of Babylon and his kyngdome, as I haue visited the kyng of the Assyrians 19 And wyll bryng Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture, that he may feede vpon Charmel and Basan, and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim and Galaad 20 In those dayes and at the same tyme saith the Lorde, yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde, yf men enquire for the sinne of Iuda, there shalbe none: for I wyll be mercifull vnto them whom I suffer to remayne

Jeremiah 50:20

20 In those dayes and at the same tyme saith the Lorde, yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde, yf men enquire for the sinne of Iuda, there shalbe none: for I wyll be mercifull vnto them whom I suffer to remayne

Jeremiah 50:33-34

33 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes, The children of Israel and Iuda suffer violence together, all they that haue them in captiuitie kepe them fast, and wyll not let them go 34 But their auenger and redeemer is mightie, whose name is the Lorde of hoastes, he shall maynteyne their cause, he shal make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therin, [one with another

Jeremiah 51:8-10

8 But sodaynly is Babylon fallen and destroyed: mourne for her, bryng plasters for her woundes, yf she may peraduenture be healed agayne 9 We woulde haue made Babylon whole say they, but she is not recouered, therfore wyll we let her alone, and go euery man into his owne countrey: for her iudgement is come into heauen, and is gone vp to the cloudes 10 The Lorde hath brought foorth our righteousnesse: and therfore come on, we wyll shewe in Sion the worke of the Lorde our God

Jeremiah 51:24

24 Therfore wyll I rewarde the citie of Babylon, and all the inhabitauntes of Chaldea, with all the euyll which they haue done vnto Sion, yea that ye your selues shall see it, saith the Lorde

Jeremiah 51:35-36

35 My substaunce wherof he hath spoyled me, and the thyng that was left me which he hath caryed away, crye out against Babylon saith the daughter that dwelleth in Sion, yea and my blood also agaynst the Chaldees, saith Hierusalem 36 Therfore thus saith the Lorde, Beholde I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge thee, I wyll drynke vp her sea, and drye vp her water sprynges

Jeremiah 51:51

51 For we are ashamed to heare the blasphemies, our faces were couered with shame, because the straunge aliauntes came into the sanctuarie of the Lorde

Lamentations 1:7

7 Nowe Hierusalem remembred in the tyme of her miserie and bare estate all her ioy & pleasure that she hath had in tymes past, seyng her people is brought downe vnder the power of their enemies, and there is no man for to helpe her: her enemies stande lokyng at her, and laugh her Sabbath daies to scorne

Lamentations 1:18

18 The Lorde is righteous, for I haue prouoked his countenaunce vnto anger, O take heede all ye people and consider my heauinesse, my maydens and my young men are led away into captiuitie

Lamentations 3:25-26

25 O howe good is the Lord vnto them that put their trust in hym, and to the soule that seeketh after hym 26 The good man with stilnesse and pacience, taryeth for the health of the Lorde

Lamentations 3:29

29 He layeth his face vpon the earth, if there happen to be any hope

Lamentations 3:31-32

31 For the Lord wil not forsake for euer 32 But though he punishe, yet according to the multitude of his mercies he receaueth to grace agayne

Lamentations 3:32

32 But though he punishe, yet according to the multitude of his mercies he receaueth to grace agayne

Lamentations 3:39-42

39 Wherefore then murmureth the liuing man? let hym murmure at his owne sinne 40 Let vs looke well vpon our wayes, and remember our selues, and turne agayne to the Lorde 41 Let vs lift our heartes with our handes vnto the Lorde that is in heauen 42 We haue ben dissemblers and haue offended, wylt thou therefore not be intreated

Lamentations 4:18

18 They lay so sharpe wayte for vs, that we can not go safe vpon the streetes, for our ende is come, our dayes are fulfilled, our ende is here

Lamentations 4:21-22

21 And thou O daughter Edom that dwellest in the land of Huz, be glad and reioyce, for the cup shall come vnto thee also, thou shalt be dronken, and discouer thy nakednesse 22 Thy sinnes are wel punished O thou daughter Sion, he shall not suffer thee to be caried away: but thy wickednesse O daughter Edom shall he visite, and wyll discouer thy sinnes

Lamentations 5:21

21 O Lord turne thou vs vnto thee, and so shall we be turned, renue our dayes as in olde tymes

Ezekiel 2:6

6 And thou sonne of man feare them not, neither be afraide of their wordes, for bryers and thornes are with thee, and thou doest dwell among scorpions: feare not their wordes, nor be abashed at their lookes, for they are a rebellious house

Ezekiel 7:18

18 They shall girde them selues with sackcloth, feare shall couer them, shame shalbe vpon all faces, and baldnesse vpon their heades

Ezekiel 11:19-20

19 And I wyll geue them one heart, and I wyll put a newe spirite within their bowels: that stony heart wyll I take out of their body, and geue them a fleshlye heart 20 That they may walke in my commaundementes, and kepe mine ordinaunces and do them, that they may be my people, and I their God

Ezekiel 12:23-24

23 Tell them therfore, thus saith the Lord God, I wyll make that prouerbe to ceasse, and they shall no more vse it as a prouerbe in Israel: but say vnto them, the dayes are at hande, and the effect of euery vision 24 There shall no vision be any more in vayne, neither any flattering diuination within the house of Israel

Ezekiel 22:6

6 Beholde the rulers of Israel, euery one in thee [was redy] to his power to shed blood 7 In thee haue they dispised father and mother, in thee haue they oppressed the straunger, in thee haue they vexed the widowe and the fatherlesse

Ezekiel 22:27

27 Thy rulers in thee are lyke woolues rauenyng the pray, to shed blood, and destroy soules, for their owne couetous lucre

Ezekiel 25:6

6 For thus sayth the Lorde God: Insomuch as thou hast clapped with thyne handes, and stamped with thy feete, yea and reioyced ouer the lande of Israel with all thy despite in heart

Ezekiel 29:21

21 In that day I will cause the horne of the house of Israel to bud foorth, and I will geue thee the opening of thy mouth in the mids of them: & they shall knowe that I am the Lorde

Ezekiel 33:11

11 Tell them, as truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but much rather that the wicked tourne from his way, and lyue: Turne you, turne you from your wicked wayes, for why wil ye dye O ye of the house of Israel

Ezekiel 34:13-14

13 I wyll bring them out from the people, and gather them together out of the landes, I wyl bring them into their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers and in all the places of the countrey 14 I wyll feede them in right good pastures, and vpon the hie mountaines of Israel shall their foldes be: there shall they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shall they feede, euen vpon the mountaines of Israel

Ezekiel 35:15

15 And lyke as thou wast glad because the heritage of the house of Israel was destroyed, euen so wyll I do vnto thee: thou shalt be destroyed O mount Seir, and all Idumea wholly, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde

Ezekiel 36:25-27

25 Then wyll I sprinckle cleane water vpon you, and ye shalbe cleane: yea from all your vncleannes and from all your idols shall I cleanse you 26 A newe heart also wyll I geue you, and a newe spirite wyll I put into you: as for that stony heart I wyll take it out of your fleshe, and geue you a fleshy heart 27 I wyll geue my spirite among you, and cause you to walke in my comaundementes, and ye shall kepe my iudgementes and do them

Ezekiel 37:21

21 And thou shalt say vnto them, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen vnto whom they be gone, and will gather them together on euery side, and bring them againe into their owne lande

Ezekiel 38:23

23 Thus will I be magnified, sanctified, and knowen in the eyes of many nations: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde

Ezekiel 39:17-21

17 And thou sonne of man, thus sayth the Lord God: Speake vnto the birdes and all fethered foules, yea and to all the beastes of the fielde, Assemble you together, and come, gather you round about to my sacrifice that I sacrifice for you, [euen] a great sacrifice vpon the mountaynes of Israel, that ye may eate fleshe, and drinke blood 18 Ye shall eate the fleshe of the valiaunt, and drinke the blood of the princes of the land, of the rammes, of the weathers, of the goates, and of the bullockes, that be all fed at Basan 19 Ye shall eate the fat your belly full, and drinke blood till ye be drunken of my sacrifice, which I haue sacrificed for you 20 Ye shall fil you at my table with horses & horsemen, with the valiaunt and men of warre, sayth the Lorde God 21 I wil set my glorie also among the gentiles, that all the heathen may see my iudgement that I haue executed, & my hand whiche I haue layde vpon them

Daniel 3:15

15 Nowe therfore be redy when ye heare the sound of the cornet, trumpet, harpe, shawme, psaltries, dulcimers, and al instrumentes of musicke, to fal downe and worship the image whiche I haue made: for if ye worship it not, ye shalbe cast immediatly into the mids of a hot firie fornace: for who is that God that can deliuer you out of my handes

Daniel 4:26-27

26 Moreouer, where as it was sayd, that the stumpe of the roote of the tree should be left still: it betokeneth, that thy kingdome shall remayne whole vnto thee, after thou hast learned to knowe that the power commeth from heauen 27 Wherfore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable vnto thee, and breake of thy sinnes by righteousnesse, and thyne iniquities by mercie towarde the poore: lo, let there be a healing of thyne errour

Daniel 9:9

9 Unto the Lorde our God pertayneth compassion and forgeuenesse, though we haue rebelled against him

Daniel 9:24

24 Seuetie weekes are determined ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy citie, to finish the wickednes, and to seale vp ye sinnes, and to reconcile the iniquitie, & to bring in euerlasting righteousnes, to seale vp the vision and prophecie, & to annoynt the most holy 25 Knowe therfore and vnderstand, that from the going foorth of the commaudement, to bring againe the [people] and to builde Hierusalem, vnto Messiah the prince, there shalbe seuen weekes and threescore and two weekes: and the streete shalbe built againe, and the wall, [euen] in the straitnes of time

Hosea 4:18

18 Their drunkennesse stinketh, they haue committed whordome: their rulers loue [to say] with shame, Bryng ye

Hosea 9:7-8

7 The dayes of visitation are come, the dayes of recompence are come: and then shall Israel knowe that they were deceaued by a foolishe, mad, & franticke prophete: for the multitude of thine iniquitie [God] shall multiplie enemies agaynst thee 8 The watchman of Ephraim [was] with my God [but] the prophete [is] the snare of a fouler in all his wayes, and an abhomination in the house of his God

Hosea 9:10

10 I founde Israel like grapes in the wildernesse, & sawe their fathers as the first ripe in ye figge tree at her first season: but they went to Baal Peor, & seperated them selues to that shame, and became as abhominable as their louers

Hosea 11:11

11 They shall feare a as sparowe out of Egypt, and as a doue out of the lande of Asshur, and I wyll place them in their houses, saith the Lorde

Hosea 14:4

4 I wyll heale their rebellion, I wyll loue them freely: for mine anger is turned away from hym

Joel 2:17

17 Let the priestes the Lordes ministers weepe betwixt the porche & the aulter, and let them say, Spare thy people O Lord, and geue not ouer thine heritage to reproche, that the heathen shoulde rule ouer them: Wherfore shoulde they say amongst the heathen, Where is their God

Joel 2:32

32 But whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord, shalbe saued: for there shalbe deliueraunce in mount Sion and in Hierusalem, as the Lord hath promised, and [also] in the remnaunt whom the Lorde shall call

Amos 5:12

12 For I knowe your manyfolde transgressions, and your mightie sinnes: they afflict the iust, they take rewardes, and they oppresse the poore in the gate

Amos 7:8

8 And the Lorde sayde vnto me, Amos what seest thou? And I sayde, A line. Then sayd the Lorde, Beholde I will set a line in the mids of my people Israel, and wyll passe by them no more

Amos 8:2

2 And he sayde: Amos, what seest thou? And I sayde: A basket of sommer fruite. Then sayd the Lord vnto me, The end is come vpon my people of Israel, I wil passe by them no more

Amos 9:11

11 In that day will I rayse vp the tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe, and close vp the breaches thereof, and I will rayse vp his ruines, & I will buyld it, as in the dayes of olde

Amos 9:11-15

11 In that day will I rayse vp the tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe, and close vp the breaches thereof, and I will rayse vp his ruines, & I will buyld it, as in the dayes of olde 12 That they may possesse the remnaunt of Edom, & of all the heathen, because my name is called vpon them, sayth the Lorde that doeth this 13 Behold the dayes come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall touche the mower, and the treader of grapes hym that soweth seede, and the mountaynes shal drop sweete wine, & all the hilles shall melt 14 And I wil bring againe the captiuitie of my people of Israel, and they shall buyld the wast cities, and inhabite them: and they shall plante vineyardes, and drinke the wine therof, they shall also make gardens, and eate the fruites of them 15 And I will plant them vpon their land, and they shal no more be pulled vp againe out of their lande which I haue geuen them, sayth the Lorde thy God

Obadiah 1:7

7 All the men of thy confederacie haue driuen thee to the borders, the men that were at peace with thee haue deceaued thee, and preuailed against thee, [they that eate] thy bread haue layd a wounde vnder thee, there is none vnderstanding in him

Obadiah 1:10

10 For thy crueltie against thy brother Iacob shame shall couer thee, and thou shalt be cut of for euer

Obadiah 1:12

12 But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother in the day that he was made a straunger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the childre of Iuda in the day of their destruction, thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction

Jonah 4:2

2 And he prayed vnto the Lorde, and saide: I pray thee O Lorde, was not this my saying when I was yet in my countrey? therfore I hasted to flee into Tharsis: For I knewe that thou art a gratious God, and mercifull, long suffering, and of great kindnesse, and repentest thee of euill

Micah 2:12

12 I wyll surely gather thee wholly O Iacob, I wyll surely gather the remnaunt of Israel, I wyll put them together as the sheepe of Bozra, as the flocke in the middest of their folde, they shall make great noyse by reason of the [multitude] of men

Micah 3:10

10 They builde vp Sion with blood, and Hierusalem with iniquitie 11 (The heades therof iudge for rewards, and the priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophetes thereof prophecie for money: yet wyll they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs. 12 Therefore shall Sion for your sake be plowed [as] a fielde, & Hierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house as the hie places of the forest

Micah 4:7

7 And wyll geue a remnaunt vnto the lame, and make of the outcast a mightie people: and the Lorde him selfe shalbe their king vpon the mount Sion, from this time foorth for euermore

Micah 4:11

11 Now also are there many people gathered together against thee, saying: Sion shalbe condempned, and our eye shall loke vpon Sion

Micah 5:3

3 Therefore wyll he geue them vp for a season, vntill the time that she which shall beare haue borne: then shall the remnaunt of his brethren be conuerted vnto the children of Israel 4 He shall stande faste, and geue foode in the strength of the Lorde, and in the maiestie of the name of the Lorde his God: and when they be conuerted, he shalbe magnified vnto the farthest partes of the worlde

Micah 5:7-8

7 And the remnaunt of Iacob shalbe among the multitude of people as the deawe of the Lord, and as the droppes vpon the grasse, that taryeth for no man and wayteth on no body 8 Yea the residue of Iacob shalbe among the gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lion among the beastes of the wood, and as the lions whelpe among the flockes of sheepe: which whe he goeth through, treadeth downe, teareth in peeces, and there is no man that can deliuer

Micah 5:8-8

8 Yea the residue of Iacob shalbe among the gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lion among the beastes of the wood, and as the lions whelpe among the flockes of sheepe: which whe he goeth through, treadeth downe, teareth in peeces, and there is no man that can deliuer

Micah 6:13

13 Therefore I wyll take in hande to punishe thee, and to make thee desolate, because of thy sinnes

Micah 7:10

10 She that is myne enemie, shall loke vpon it and be confounded, which nowe sayth, Where is the Lorde thy God? myne eyes shall beholde her when she shalbe troden downe as the myre in the streetes

Micah 7:14

14 Therfore feede thy people with thy rod, the flocke of thyne heritage whiche dwel desolate in the wood, that they may be fed vpon the mount of Carmel, Basan, and Gilead, as aforetime

Nahum 1:10

10 For whyles the thornes cleaue together, and whyles they banquet out their feastes, they are deuoured vp as very drie stubble

Nahum 2:1-3

1 The destroyer is come vp before thy face, kepe thy forte, see to the way, strenghten [thy] loynes, increase [thy] strength mightyly 2 For the Lord restores againe the glorious estate of Iacob, as [also] the glorious estate of Israel: for spoylers hath spoyled them, and hath wasted their braunches 3 The shielde of his valiaunt souldiours [is] died red, his captaynes of warre are clad with scarlet: the charret is [compassed] with flammig torches in the day of his expedition, and the firre staues are drenched in poyson

Habakkuk 1:15-17

15 They take vp all with the angle, they catche it in their net, and gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioyce and are glad 16 Therfore they sacrifice vnto their net, and burne incense vnto their yarne: because by them their portion is fat, and their meate plenteous 17 Shall they therfore stretche out their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations

Habakkuk 3:17-19

17 For the figgetree shall not floorish, neither shall fruite be in the vines: the labour of the oliue shall fayle, & the fieldes shall yelde no meate: the sheepe shalbe cut of from the folde, and there shalbe no bullocke in the stalles 18 But I will reioyce in the Lord, I will ioy in the God of my saluation 19 The Lord God is my strength, he wil make my feete like hindes [feete] & he wil make me to walke vpon my hye places. To the chiefe singer on Neginothai, [or vpon the instrumentes of musicke.

Zephaniah 3:13

13 The remnaunt of Israel shall do no wickednesse, nor speake lyes, neither shall there any deceytfull tongue be found in their mouthes: For they shalbe fed, and take their rest, and no man shall make them afrayde

Zephaniah 3:17

17 For the Lorde thy God in the mids of thee is mightie, he will saue [thee] he wil reioyce ouer thee with ioy, he wil quiet him selfe in his loue, he will reioyce ouer thee with gladnesse

Zechariah 8:20-23

20 Thus saith the lord of hoastes: There shal yet come people, and the inhabiters of many cities 21 And they that dwell in one citie shall go to another saying, Up, let vs go and pray before the Lorde, let vs seeke the Lorde of hoastes: I wyll go with you 22 Yea much people and mightie nations shal come to seeke the lorde of hoastes at Hierusalem, & to pray before the Lorde 23 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes: In that time shall ten men (out of al maner of language of the Gentiles) take one Iewe by the hemme of his garment, and say, We wyll go with you: for we haue heard that God is among you

Zechariah 10:5

5 They shalbe as giauntes, which in the battaile treade downe their enemies in the myre of the streetes: they shal fight, for the Lorde shalbe with them, and the horsemen shalbe confounded

Zechariah 12:9

9 At the same tyme wyll I go about to destroy all such people as come against Hierusalem

Zechariah 14:5

5 And ye shall flee vnto the valley of my hylles, for the valley of the hylles shall reache vnto Asal: yea, flee shall ye lyke as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes of Oziah king of Iuda: and the Lorde my God shall come, and all the sainctes with him

Malachi 1:5

5 And your eyes shall see: and you shal say, The Lorde wylbe magnified vpon the borders of Israel

Malachi 3:4

4 Then shall the offeringes of Iuda and Hierusalem be acceptable vnto the Lorde, as in olde tyme, and as in the yeres afore

Malachi 3:18

18 Then shall ye returne, and discerne betweene the iust and the wicked, betweene him that serueth God, and him that serueth him not

Malachi 4:2

2 But to you that feare my name shall that sunne of righteousnesse aryse, and health shalbe vnder his winges: and ye shall go foorth and skippe lyke fatte calues 3 And ye shall treade downe the vngodly, for they shalbe dust vnder the soles of your feete in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lorde of hoastes

Matthew 2:6

6 And thou Bethlehem [in] the lande of Iuda, art not the least among the princes of Iuda. For out of thee shall there come a capitain, that shal gouerne my people Israel

Matthew 4:16

16 The people, which sate in darknesse, sawe great lyght: And to them whiche sate in the region and shadowe of death, lyght is sprong vp

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you foorth, as sheepe in the middest of woolfes. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and harmelesse as doues

Matthew 10:21

21 The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death, and the father the sonne, & the chyldren shall ryse agaynst their fathers, and mothers, and shall put them to death

Matthew 10:35-36

35 For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father, & the daughter agaynst her mother, and the daughter in lawe agaynst her mother in lawe 36 And a mans foes [shalbe] they of his owne householde

Matthew 26:15

15 And sayde [vnto them:] What wyll ye geue me, and I wyll delyuer hym vnto you? And they appoynted vnto hym thirtie peeces of syluer

Matthew 26:23

23 He aunswered, and saide: He that dippeth his hand with me in the disshe, the same shall betray me

Matthew 26:49-50

49 And foorthwith, he came to Iesus, and sayde, hayle maister: and kyssed hym 50 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Frende, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and layed handes on Iesus, and toke hym

Matthew 27:43

43 He trusted in God, let hym delyuer hym nowe, yf he wyll haue hym: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God

Luke 1:54-55

54 He hath helped his seruaunt Israel, in remembraunce of his mercy 55 ( Euen as he promised to our fathers, Abraham, and to his seede) for euer

Luke 1:72-74

72 That he would deale mercyfully with our fathers, and remember his holy couenaunt 73 And that he woulde perfourme the oth, which he sware to our father Abraham, for to geue vs 74 That we, beyng deliuered out of the handes of our enemies, might serue him without feare

Luke 1:78-79

78 Through ye tender mercy of our God, wherby the day spryng from an hygh hath visited vs 79 To geue lyght to them that sitte in darknesse, and in the shadowe of death, to guide our feete into the way of peace

Luke 2:25-32

25 And beholde, there was a man in Hierusalem, whose name was Simeon: and the same man was iust and godlye, and loked for the consolation of Israel, and the holy ghost was vpon hym 26 And a reuelation was geuen hym of the holy ghost, not to see death, before he had seene the Lordes Christe 27 And he came by inspiration into the temple: And when the father & mother brought in the chylde Iesus, to do for hym after the custome of the lawe 28 Then toke he hym vp in his armes, & praysed God, and sayde 29 Lord nowe lettest thou thy seruaut depart in peace, accordyng to thy promise 30 For mine eyes haue seene thy saluatio 31 Whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all people 32 A light to be reuealed to the gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel

Luke 6:11-12

11 And they were fylled with madnesse, and communed together among them selues, what they myght do to Iesus 12 And it came to passe in those dayes, yt he wet out into a mountayne to pray, & continued all nyght in prayer to God

Luke 12:1-2

1 In ye meane tyme, whe ther were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people [insomuch] that they trode one another, he began to saye vnto his disciples. First of all, beware of the leuen of the pharisees, which is hypocrisie 2 For there is nothyng couered, that shall not be vncouered, neither hyd, that shall not be knowen

Luke 12:53

53 The father shalbe deuided against the sonne, and the sonne against the father: The mother agaynst the daughter, and the daughter agaynst the mother: The mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe

Luke 15:5-7

5 And when he hath founde it, he layeth it on his shoulders with ioy 6 And assoone as he commeth home, he calleth together his louers and neyghbours, saying vnto them: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde my sheepe which was lost 7 I say vnto you, that lykewyse ioy shalbe in heauen ouer one sinner that repenteth, more then ouer ninetie and nine iust persons, which neede no repentaunce

Luke 15:9-10

9 And when she hath founde it, she calleth her louers & her neyghbours together, saying: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde the peece which I had lost 10 Lykewyse I say vnto you, shall there be ioy in the presence of the Angels of God, ouer one sinner that repenteth

Luke 15:18-19

18 I wyll aryse, and go to my father, and wyll say vnto hym: Father, I haue sinned agaynst heauen, and before thee 19 And am no more worthy to be called thy sonne, make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes

Luke 15:23-24

23 And bryng [hyther] that fat calfe, and kyll it, and let vs eate and be mery 24 For this my sonne was dead, and is aliue agayne, he was lost, and is founde. And they began to be mery

Luke 15:32

32 It was meete that we shoulde make mery and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alyue agayne: and was lost, and is founde

Luke 21:16

16 Yea ye shalbe betrayed also of your parentes, and brethren, and kynsfolke, and friendes, and [some] of you shal they put to death

Luke 21:20-24

20 And whe ye see Hierusalem besieged with an hoast, then be sure that the desolation of the same is nye 21 Then let them which are in Iurie, flee to the mountaynes, and let them which are in the myddes of it, depart out: and let not them that are in other countreys enter therin 22 For these be the dayes of vengeaunce, that all thinges which are written, may be fulfylled 23 But wo vnto the that are with childe, & to them that geue sucke in those days: For there shalbe great distresse in the lande, and wrath ouer this people 24 And they shall fall through the edge of the sworde, and shalbe led away captiue into all nations: And Hierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentiles, vntyll the tyme of the gentiles be fulfylled 25 And there shalbe signes in the sunne and in the moone, & in the starres: and vpon the earth trouble among the nations, with perplexitie. The sea and the water shall rore

Luke 24:47

47 And that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name among all nations, and must begyn at Hierusalem

John 8:12

12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saying, I am the light of ye world: He that foloweth me, doth not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life

John 10:27-30

27 My sheepe heare my voyce, and I knowe them, and they folowe me 28 And I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shal neuer perishe, neither shal any man plucke them out of my hande 29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all: and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hande 30 I and my father are one

John 13:18

18 I speake not of you all. I knowe whom I haue chosen. But that the scripture may be fulfylled: He that eateth bread with me, hath lyft vp his heele agaynst me

John 16:20

20 Ueryly veryly I say vnto you, ye shall wepe and lament, the worlde shall reioyce: ye shall sorowe, but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioy

John 17:16

16 They are not of the worlde, as I also am not of the worlde

Acts 3:25-26

25 Ye are the chyldren of the prophetes, and of the couenaunt which God made vnto our fathers, saying to Abraham: Euen in thy seede shall all the kinredes of the earth be blessed 26 Unto you first, God hath raysed vp his sonne Iesus, and hath sent hym to blesse you, in turnyng euery one of you from his iniquities

Acts 13:38-39

38 Be it knowen vnto you therfore, ye men & brethren, that through this man is preached vnto you the forgeuenesse of sinnes 39 And that by hym, all that beleue, are iustified from all thynges, from which ye coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moyses

Acts 26:18

18 To open their eyes, that they may be turned from darknesse to lyght, & from the power of Satan vnto God, that they may receaue forgeuenes of sinnes, & inheritaunce among them which are sanctified by fayth that is towarde me

Romans 3:10-18

10 As it is written: There is none righteous, no not one 11 There is none that vnderstandeth, there is none that seketh after God 12 They are all gone out of the waye, they are all vnprofitable, there is none that doth good, no not one 13 Their throte is an open sepulchre, with their tongues they haue deceaued, the poyso of aspes is vnder their lippes 14 Whose mouth is full of cursyng and bytternesse 15 Their feete are swyft to shed blood 16 Heartes griefe & miserie are in their wayes 17 And they way of peace haue they not knowen 18 There is no feare of God before their eyes 19 Nowe we knowe that what thynges so euer the lawe saith, it saith it to them which are vnder the lawe: That all mouthes maye be stopped, and that al ye world may be indaungered to God

Romans 6:14

14 For sinne shall not haue power ouer you, because ye are not vnder ye lawe, but vnder grace

Romans 6:17-22

17 But God be thanked, that ye were the seruautes of sinne: but ye haue obeyed with heart the fourme of doctrine, into the which ye were brought vnto 18 Being then made free fro sinne, ye are become ye seruauntes of ryghteousnesse 19 I speake after the maner of men, because of the infirmitie of your fleshe. As ye haue geuen your members seruauntes to vncleannesse and iniquitie, vnto iniquitie: euen so nowe geue your members seruauntes to righteousnesse, vnto holynesse 20 For when ye were the seruauntes of sinne, ye were free from ryghteousnesse 21 What fruite had ye then in those thynges, wherof ye are nowe ashamed? For the ende of those thynges, is death 22 But nowe ye beyng made free from sinne, and made the seruauntes of God, haue your fruite vnto holynesse, and the ende euerlastyng lyfe

Romans 7:23-25

23 But I see another lawe in my members, rebellyng agaynst the lawe of my mynde, and subduyng me vnto the lawe of sinne, which is in my members 24 O wretched man that I am: Who shall deliuer me from the body of this death 25 I thanke God through Iesus Christe our Lorde. So then, with the mynde I my selfe serue the lawe of God: but with the fleshe, the lawe of sinne

Romans 8:2-3

2 For the lawe of the spirite of lyfe, through Iesus Christe, hath made me free from the lawe of sinne and death 3 For what the lawe coulde not do, in as much as it was weake through the fleshe, God sendyng his owne sonne, in the similitude of sinfull fleshe, euen by sinne, condempned sinne in the fleshe

Romans 8:13

13 For if ye liue after ye fleshe, ye shall dye: But if ye through the spirite, do mortifie the deedes of the body, ye shall lyue

Romans 11:4

4 But what sayth the aunswere of God vnto hym? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousande men, which haue not bowed the knee to [ye image of] Baal

Romans 11:26-31

26 And so all Israel shalbe saued, as it is written: There shall come out of Sion he that doth delyuer, and shall turne away vngodlynesse from Iacob 27 And this is my couenaunt vnto them, when I shall take away their sinnes 28 As concernyng the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are loued for the fathers [sakes] 29 For the gyftes and callyng of God, are without repentaunce 30 For, as ye in tyme past haue not beleued God, yet haue nowe obtayned mercie, through their vnbeliefe 31 Euen so nowe haue they not beleued the mercie [shewed] vnto you, that they also may obtayne mercie

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therefore iudge nothyng before the tyme, vntyll the Lorde come, who wyl lyghten thynges that are hyd in darkenesse, & open the counsels of the heartes, and then shall euery man haue prayse of God 6 For it is God that commaundeth the lyght to shine out of darknesse, whiche hath shined in our heartes, for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glorie of God, in the face of Iesus Christe

Galatians 6:7-8

7 Be not deceaued, God is not mocked: For whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall he also reape 8 For he that soweth into his flesshe, shal of the flesshe reape corruption: But he that soweth into the spirite, shall of the spirite reape lyfe euerlastyng

Ephesians 2:4-5

4 But God which is ryche in mercie, for his great loue wherwith he loued vs 5 Euen when we were dead by sinnes, hath quickned vs together with Christ, by grace are ye saued

2 Thessalonians 1:5-10

5 [Which is] a token of the ryghteous iudgment of God, that ye may be counted woorthy of the kyngdome of God, for which ye also suffer 6 For it is a ryghteous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you 7 And to you whiche are troubled, reste with vs, in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen, with the Angels of his power 8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe 9 Which shalbe punisshed with euerlastyng dampnation, from the presence of the Lorde, & fro the glorie of his power 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saintes, and to be made marueylous in all them that beleue (because our testimonie toward you was beleued) in that day

2 Timothy 3:2-3

2 For men shalbe louers of their owne selues, couetous, boasters, proude, blasphemers, disobedient to fathers and mothers, vnthankefull, vngodlye 3 Without naturall affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, riotous, fierce, despisers of them which are good

2 Timothy 4:8

8 Hencefoorth there is layde vp for me a crowne of ryghteousnesse, which the Lorde, the ryghteous iudge, shall geue me at that day: not to me only, but vnto the also yt haue loued his appearyng

Titus 2:14

14 Which gaue hym selfe for vs, that he myght redeeme vs from all vnryghteousnesse, and pourge vs a peculier people vnto hym selfe, zelous of good workes

Hebrews 6:8

8 But that grounde whiche beareth thornes and bryers, is reproued, and is nye vnto cursyng, whose ende is to be burned

Hebrews 6:13-18

13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he had no greater to sweare by, he sware by hym selfe 14 Saying: Surely, blessyng I wyll blesse thee, and multipliyng, multiplie thee 15 And so after that he had taryed paciently, he enioyed the promise 16 For men veryly sweare by the greater, and an oth for confirmation, is to them an ende of all stryfe 17 Wherein God wyllyng very aboundauntly to shewe vnto the heires of promise, the stablenesse of his counsayle, confirmed by an oth 18 That by two immutable thynges, in whiche it was vnpossible for God to lye, we myght haue a strong consolation, which haue fledde to holde fast the hope layde before vs

Hebrews 8:9-12

9 Not lyke that that I made with their fathers, in the day when I toke them by the hande, to leade them out of the lande of Egypt: because they continued not in my couenaunt, and I regarded them not, saith the Lorde 10 For this is the couenaunt that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, saith the Lord, geuyng my lawes into their mynde, and in their heart I wyl write them, and I wyll be to them a God, and they shalbe to me a people 11 And they shall not teach euery man his neyghbour, and euery man his brother, saying, knowe the Lorde: for all shall knowe me, from the litle of them to the great of them 12 For I wyll be mercyfull to their vnrighteousnes, and their sinnes and their iniquities wyll I thynke vpon no more

Hebrews 12:6-7

6 For whom the Lord loueth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth euery sonne that he receaueth 7 If ye endure chastenyng, God offereth him selfe as vnto sonnes: For what sonne is he whom the father chasteneth not

James 2:13

13 For he shall haue iudgement without mercie, that sheweth no mercie: And mercie reioyceth agaynst iudgement

James 4:5-6

5 Either do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne, the spirite that dwelleth in vs, lusteth after enuie 6 But [the scripture] offereth more grace, and therefore sayth, God resisteth the proude, but geueth grace vnto ye lowlie

1 John 3:8

8 He that committeth sinne, is of the deuyll: for the deuyll sinneth sence the beginning. For this purpose appeared the sonne of God, to loose the workes of the deuyll

1 John 5:14-15

14 And this is the trust that we haue in hym: that yf we aske any thyng accordyng to his wyll, he heareth vs 15 And yf we knowe that he heare vs, whatsoeuer we aske: we know that we haue ye petitions that we desire of hym

Revelation 3:9

9 Beholde, I make them of the synagogue of Satan, which call them selues Iewes and are not, but do lye: Behold, I wyll make them that they shal come and worshyp before thy feete, and shall knowe that I haue loued thee

Revelation 6:10-11

10 And they cryed with a loude voyce, saying: Howe long taryest thou Lorde, holy and true, to iudge and to auenge our blood on the that dwell on ye earth 11 And long whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them: and it was sayde vnto them, that they should reste yet for a litle season, vntyll the number of their felowes, and brethren, and of them that shoulde be kylled as they were, were fulfylled

Revelation 6:15-17

15 And the kynges of the earth, and the great men, and the ryche men, and the chiefe capitaines, and the myghtie men, and euery bonde man, and euery free man, hyd them selues in dennes and in rockes of the hylles 16 And sayde to the hylles & rockes, fall on vs, and hyde vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the lambe 17 For the great day of his wrath is come: and who is able to endure

Revelation 11:10-12

10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them, and be glad, and shall sende gyftes one to another: for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth 11 And after three dayes and an halfe, the spirite of lyfe [commyng] from God, shall enter into them: And they shall stande vp vpon their feete, & great feare shall come vpon the which sawe them 12 And they shall heare a great voyce from heauen, saying vnto them, come vp hyther. And they shall ascende vp to heauen in a cloude, and their enemies shall see them

Revelation 11:18

18 And the nations were angrie, and thy wrath is come, and the tyme of the dead that they shoulde be iudged, and that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the prophetes and saintes, and to them that feare thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth

Revelation 17:1-7

1 And there came one of the seue angels, which had the seuen vials, & talked with me, saying vnto me: Come, I wyll shewe vnto thee the iudgement of the great whore that sitteth vpon many waters 2 With whom haue committed fornication the kynges of the earth, and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of her fornication 3 So he caryed me away in the spirite into the wildernesse: And I sawe a woman sit vpon a scarlet coloured beast, ful of names of blasphemie, which had seuen heades, and ten hornes 4 And the woman was arayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cup of golde in her hande, full of abhominations and fylthynesse of her fornication 5 And in her forehead was a name written, a misterie, great Babylon, the mother of whoredome & abhominations of the earth 6 And I sawe ye woman dronken with the blood of the martirs of Iesus: And when I sawe her, I wondred with great maruayle 7 And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore maruaylest thou? I wyll shewe thee the misterie of the woman, and of the beast that beareth her, which hath seuen heades, and ten hornes

Revelation 18:9-10

9 And they shal bewayl her, & the kinges of the earth shall lament for her, which haue committed fornication with her, & haue lyued wantonly with her, when they shal see the smoke of her burnyng 10 And shall stande a farre of for feare of her punishment, saying: Alas, alas, that great citie Babylon, that myghtie citie, for at one houre is thy iudgement come

Revelation 18:20

20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen, and ye holy apostles and prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgement on her

Revelation 21:23

23 And the citie hath no neede of the sunne, neither of the moone to lighten it: For the glorie of God dyd lighten it, and the Lambe is the lyght of it

Revelation 22:5

5 And there shalbe no nyght there, and they neede no candle, neither lyght of the sunne: for the Lorde God geueth them lyght, and they shall raigne for euermore

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