Titus 1:16 Cross References - BIB

16 Θεὸν (God) ὁμολογοῦσιν (they profess) εἰδέναι (to know); τοῖς (in) δὲ (however) ἔργοις (works), ἀρνοῦνται (they deny Him), βδελυκτοὶ (detestable) ὄντες (being) καὶ (and) ἀπειθεῖς (disobedient), καὶ (and) πρὸς (for) πᾶν (any) ἔργον (work) ἀγαθὸν (good), ἀδόκιμοι (unfit).

Romans 1:28

28 Καὶ (And) καθὼς (as) οὐκ (not) ἐδοκίμασαν (they did see fit) τὸν (-) Θεὸν (God) ἔχειν (to have) ἐν (in their) ἐπιγνώσει (knowledge), παρέδωκεν (gave up) αὐτοὺς (them) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) εἰς (to) ἀδόκιμον (a depraved) νοῦν (mind), ποιεῖν (to do) τὰ (things) μὴ (not) καθήκοντα (being proper);

Romans 2:18-24

18 καὶ (and) γινώσκεις (know) τὸ (the) θέλημα (will), καὶ (and) δοκιμάζεις (approve) τὰ (the things) διαφέροντα (being superior), κατηχούμενος (being instructed) ἐκ (out of) τοῦ (the) νόμου (law); 19 πέποιθάς (are persuaded that) τε (then) σεαυτὸν (you yourself) ὁδηγὸν (a guide) εἶναι (are), τυφλῶν (of the blind), φῶς (a light) τῶν (to those) ἐν (in) σκότει (darkness), 20 παιδευτὴν (an instructor) ἀφρόνων (of the foolish), διδάσκαλον (a teacher) νηπίων (of infants), ἔχοντα (having) τὴν (the) μόρφωσιν (embodiment) τῆς (-) γνώσεως (of knowledge) καὶ (and) τῆς (of the) ἀληθείας (truth) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) νόμῳ (law)— 21 ὁ (you) οὖν (then) διδάσκων (teaching) ἕτερον (another), σεαυτὸν (yourself) οὐ (not) διδάσκεις (do you teach)? ὁ (You) κηρύσσων (preaching) μὴ (not) κλέπτειν (to steal), κλέπτεις (do you steal)? 22 ὁ (You) λέγων (saying) μὴ (not) μοιχεύειν (to commit adultery), μοιχεύεις (do you commit adultery)? ὁ (You) βδελυσσόμενος (abhorring) τὰ (-) εἴδωλα (idols), ἱεροσυλεῖς (do you rob temples)? 23 ὃς (You who) ἐν (in) νόμῳ (law) καυχᾶσαι (boast), διὰ (through) τῆς (the) παραβάσεως (transgression) τοῦ (of the) νόμου (law), τὸν (-) Θεὸν (God) ἀτιμάζεις (dishonor you)? 24 τὸ (-) γὰρ (For), “Ὄνομα (The name) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) δι’ (through) ὑμᾶς (you) βλασφημεῖται (is blasphemed) ἐν (among) τοῖς (the) ἔθνεσιν (Gentiles),” καθὼς (as) γέγραπται (it has been written).

Ephesians 5:6

6 Μηδεὶς (No one) ὑμᾶς (you) ἀπατάτω (let deceive) κενοῖς (with empty) λόγοις (words), διὰ (because of) ταῦτα (these things) γὰρ (for) ἔρχεται (comes) ἡ (the) ὀργὴ (wrath) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) ἐπὶ (upon) τοὺς (the) υἱοὺς (sons) τῆς (-) ἀπειθείας (of disobedience).

1 Timothy 1:9

9 εἰδὼς (knowing) τοῦτο (this), ὅτι (that) δικαίῳ (for a righteous one) νόμος (law) οὐ (not) κεῖται (is enacted), ἀνόμοις (for the lawless) δὲ (however), καὶ (and) ἀνυποτάκτοις (insubordinate), ἀσεβέσι (for the ungodly) καὶ (and) ἁμαρτωλοῖς (sinful), ἀνοσίοις (for the unholy) καὶ (and) βεβήλοις (profane), πατρολῴαις (for murderers of fathers) καὶ (and) μητρολῴαις (murderers of mothers), ἀνδροφόνοις (for slayers of man),

1 Timothy 5:8

8 εἰ (If) δέ (now) τις (anyone) τῶν (the) ἰδίων (own), καὶ (and) μάλιστα (especially his) οἰκείων (household), οὐ (not) προνοεῖ (does provide for), τὴν (the) πίστιν (faith) ἤρνηται (he has denied), καὶ (and) ἔστιν (he is) ἀπίστου (than an unbeliever) χείρων (worse).

2 Timothy 3:5-8

5 ἔχοντες (having) μόρφωσιν (a form) εὐσεβείας (of godliness) τὴν (-) δὲ (but) δύναμιν (the power) αὐτῆς (of it) ἠρνημένοι (denying). καὶ (And) τούτους (these) ἀποτρέπου (turn away from). 6 Ἐκ (Out of) τούτων (this sort) γάρ (for) εἰσιν (are) οἱ (those) ἐνδύνοντες (entering) εἰς (into) τὰς (-) οἰκίας (households) καὶ (and) αἰχμαλωτίζοντες (taking captive) γυναικάρια (weak women), σεσωρευμένα (burdened) ἁμαρτίαις (with sins), ἀγόμενα (being led away) ἐπιθυμίαις (by passions) ποικίλαις (various), 7 πάντοτε (always) μανθάνοντα (learning) καὶ (and) μηδέποτε (never) εἰς (to) ἐπίγνωσιν (a knowledge) ἀληθείας (of the truth) ἐλθεῖν (to come) δυνάμενα (being able). 8 ὃν (By which) τρόπον (way) δὲ (now) Ἰάννης (Jannes) καὶ (and) Ἰαμβρῆς (Jambres) ἀντέστησαν (opposed) Μωϋσεῖ (Moses), οὕτως (so) καὶ (also) οὗτοι (these) ἀνθίστανται (oppose) τῇ (the) ἀληθείᾳ (truth), ἄνθρωποι (men) κατεφθαρμένοι (being depraved) τὸν (-) νοῦν (in mind), ἀδόκιμοι (disqualified) περὶ (regarding) τὴν (the) πίστιν (faith).

1 John 2:4

4 ὁ (The one) λέγων (saying) ὅτι (-), “Ἔγνωκα (I have known) αὐτόν (Him),” καὶ (and) τὰς (the) ἐντολὰς (commandments) αὐτοῦ (of Him) μὴ (not) τηρῶν (keeping), ψεύστης (a liar) ἐστίν (he is), καὶ (and) ἐν (in) τούτῳ (him) ἡ (the) ἀλήθεια (truth) οὐκ (not) ἔστιν (is).

Jude 1:4

4 παρεισέδυσαν* (Came in stealthily) γάρ (for) τινες (certain) ἄνθρωποι (men), οἱ (those) πάλαι (long ago) προγεγραμμένοι (having been designated) εἰς (unto) τοῦτο (this) τὸ (-) κρίμα (condemnation), ἀσεβεῖς (ungodly ones), τὴν (the) τοῦ (of the) Θεοῦ (God) ἡμῶν (of us) χάριτα (grace) μετατιθέντες (changing) εἰς (into) ἀσέλγειαν (sensuality), καὶ (and) τὸν (the) μόνον (only) Δεσπότην (master) καὶ (and) Κύριον (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us) Ἰησοῦν (Jesus) Χριστὸν (Christ) ἀρνούμενοι (denying).

Revelation 21:8

8 Τοῖς (-) δὲ (But) δειλοῖς (to the cowardly) καὶ (and) ἀπίστοις (unbelieving) καὶ (and) ἐβδελυγμένοις (having become abominable) καὶ (and) φονεῦσιν (murderers) καὶ (and) πόρνοις (the sexually immoral) καὶ (and) φαρμάκοις (sorcerers) καὶ (and) εἰδωλολάτραις (idolaters) καὶ (and) πᾶσιν (all) τοῖς (-) ψευδέσιν (liars), τὸ (the) μέρος (portion) αὐτῶν (of them) ἐν (is in) τῇ (the) λίμνῃ (lake) τῇ (-) καιομένῃ (burning) πυρὶ (with fire) καὶ (and) θείῳ (brimstone), ὅ (which) ἐστιν (is) ὁ (the) θάνατος (death) ὁ (-) δεύτερος (second).”

Revelation 21:27

27 καὶ (And) οὐ (no) μὴ (not) εἰσέλθῃ (shall enter) εἰς (into) αὐτὴν (it) πᾶν (anything) κοινὸν (defiling), καὶ (and) ὁ (those) ποιῶν (practicing) βδέλυγμα (abomination) καὶ (and) ψεῦδος (a lie), εἰ (if) μὴ (not) οἱ (those) γεγραμμένοι (having been written) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) βιβλίῳ (book) τῆς (-) ζωῆς (of life) τοῦ (of the) Ἀρνίου (Lamb).

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