2 Corinthians 3:6 Cross References - BIB

6 ὃς (who) καὶ (also) ἱκάνωσεν (has made competent) ἡμᾶς (us as) διακόνους (ministers) καινῆς (of a new) διαθήκης (covenant), οὐ (not) γράμματος (of the letter) ἀλλὰ (but) πνεύματος (of the Spirit); τὸ (the) γὰρ (for) γράμμα (letter) ἀποκτέννει* (kills), τὸ (-) δὲ (but) πνεῦμα (the Spirit) ζωοποιεῖ (gives life).

Matthew 13:52

52 Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (He said) αὐτοῖς (to them), “Διὰ (Because of) τοῦτο (this), πᾶς (every) γραμματεὺς (scribe) μαθητευθεὶς (having been discipled) τῇ (into the) βασιλείᾳ (kingdom) τῶν (of the) οὐρανῶν (heavens) ὅμοιός (like) ἐστιν (is) ἀνθρώπῳ (a man), οἰκοδεσπότῃ (a master of a house), ὅστις (who) ἐκβάλλει (puts forth) ἐκ (out of) τοῦ (the) θησαυροῦ (treasure) αὐτοῦ (of him) καινὰ (things new) καὶ (and) παλαιά (old).”

Matthew 26:28

28 τοῦτο (This) γάρ (for) ἐστιν (is) τὸ (the) αἷμά (blood) μου (of Me), τῆς (of the) διαθήκης (covenant), τὸ (-) περὶ (for) πολλῶν (many) ἐκχυννόμενον (being poured out) εἰς (for) ἄφεσιν (forgiveness) ἁμαρτιῶν (of sins).

Mark 14:24

24 καὶ (And) εἶπεν (He said) αὐτοῖς (to them), “Τοῦτό (This) ἐστιν (is) τὸ (the) αἷμά (blood) μου (of Me) τῆς (of the) διαθήκης (covenant), τὸ (which) ἐκχυννόμενον (is being poured out) ὑπὲρ (for) πολλῶν (many).

Luke 22:20

20 καὶ (and) τὸ (the) ποτήριον (cup) ὡσαύτως (likewise) μετὰ (after) τὸ (which) δειπνῆσαι (having supped), λέγων (saying), “Τοῦτο (This) τὸ (-) ποτήριον (cup is) ἡ (the) καινὴ (new) διαθήκη (covenant) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) αἵματί (blood) μου (of Me), τὸ (which) ὑπὲρ (for) ὑμῶν (you) ἐκχυννόμενον (is being poured out).

John 5:21

21 Ὥσπερ (Even as) γὰρ (for) ὁ (the) Πατὴρ (Father) ἐγείρει (raises up) τοὺς (the) νεκροὺς (dead) καὶ (and) ζωοποιεῖ (gives life), οὕτως (thus) καὶ (also) ὁ (the) Υἱὸς (Son) οὓς (to whom) θέλει (He will), ζωοποιεῖ (gives life).

John 6:63

63 Τὸ (The) πνεῦμά (Spirit) ἐστιν (it is) τὸ (-) ζωοποιοῦν (giving life); ἡ (the) σὰρξ (flesh) οὐκ (not) ὠφελεῖ (profits) οὐδέν (nothing). τὰ (The) ῥήματα (words) ἃ (that) ἐγὼ (I) λελάληκα (speak) ὑμῖν (to you) πνεῦμά (spirit) ἐστιν (are), καὶ (and) ζωή (life) ἐστιν (they are).

Romans 1:5

5 δι’ (through) οὗ (whom) ἐλάβομεν (we have received) χάριν (grace) καὶ (and) ἀποστολὴν (apostleship) εἰς (unto) ὑπακοὴν (obedience) πίστεως (of faith) ἐν (among) πᾶσιν (all) τοῖς (the) ἔθνεσιν (Gentiles) ὑπὲρ (on behalf of) τοῦ (the) ὀνόματος (name) αὐτοῦ (of Him),

Romans 2:27-29

27 καὶ (And) κρινεῖ (will judge) ἡ (the) ἐκ (by) φύσεως (nature) ἀκροβυστία (uncircumcision), τὸν (the) νόμον (law) τελοῦσα (fulfilling), σὲ (you) τὸν (who) διὰ (with) γράμματος (the letter) καὶ (and) περιτομῆς (circumcision) παραβάτην (are a transgressor) νόμου (of law). 28 Οὐ (Not) γὰρ (for) ὁ (the one) ἐν (on) τῷ (the) φανερῷ (outward) Ἰουδαῖός (a Jew) ἐστιν (is); οὐδὲ (neither) ἡ (the one) ἐν (outwardly), τῷ (the) φανερῷ (outward) ἐν (in) σαρκὶ (flesh), περιτομή (is circumcision); 29 ἀλλ’ (but) ὁ (he who is) ἐν (on) τῷ (the) κρυπτῷ (inward) Ἰουδαῖος (a Jew is one); καὶ (and) περιτομὴ (circumcision is) καρδίας (of heart), ἐν (in) πνεύματι (spirit), οὐ (not) γράμματι (in letter); οὗ (of whom) ὁ (the) ἔπαινος (praise) οὐκ (is not) ἐξ (of) ἀνθρώπων (men), ἀλλ’ (but) ἐκ (of) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God).

Romans 3:20

20 διότι (Therefore) ἐξ (by) ἔργων (works) νόμου (of the Law) οὐ (not) δικαιωθήσεται (will be justified) πᾶσα (any) σὰρξ (flesh) ἐνώπιον (before) αὐτοῦ (Him); διὰ (through) γὰρ (for) νόμου (the Law) ἐπίγνωσις (is knowledge) ἁμαρτίας (of sin).

Romans 4:15

15 ὁ (-) γὰρ (For) νόμος (law) ὀργὴν (wrath) κατεργάζεται (brings); οὗ (where) δὲ (now) οὐκ (no) ἔστιν (there is) νόμος (law), οὐδὲ (neither is) παράβασις (transgression).

Romans 4:17

17 καθὼς (as) γέγραπται (it has been written) ὅτι (-): “Πατέρα (A father) πολλῶν (of many) ἐθνῶν (nations) τέθεικά (I have made) σε (you).” — κατέναντι (before) οὗ (whom) ἐπίστευσεν (he believed) Θεοῦ (God), τοῦ (the One) ζωοποιοῦντος (giving life) τοὺς (to the) νεκροὺς (dead) καὶ (and) καλοῦντος (calling) τὰ (the things) μὴ (not) ὄντα (into being) ὡς (even) ὄντα (existing),

Romans 7:6

6 νυνὶ (Now) δὲ (however) κατηργήθημεν (we have been released) ἀπὸ (from) τοῦ (the) νόμου (law), ἀποθανόντες (having died) ἐν (to) ᾧ (that which) κατειχόμεθα (we were bound), ὥστε (in order for) δουλεύειν (to serve) ἡμᾶς (us) ἐν (in) καινότητι (newness) πνεύματος (of the Spirit), καὶ (and) οὐ (not) παλαιότητι (in oldness) γράμματος (of the letter).

Romans 7:9-11

9 Ἐγὼ (I) δὲ (however) ἔζων (was alive) χωρὶς (apart from) νόμου (law) ποτέ (once); ἐλθούσης (having come) δὲ (however) τῆς (the) ἐντολῆς (commandment), ἡ (the) ἁμαρτία (sin) ἀνέζησεν (revived); ἐγὼ (I) δὲ (then) ἀπέθανον (died). 10 καὶ (And) εὑρέθη (proved to be) μοι (me) ἡ (the) ἐντολὴ (commandment) ἡ (that was) εἰς (to) ζωὴν (life), αὕτη (this) εἰς (to) θάνατον (death). 11 ἡ (The) γὰρ (for) ἁμαρτία (sin), ἀφορμὴν (an occasion) λαβοῦσα (having taken) διὰ (by) τῆς (the) ἐντολῆς (commandment), ἐξηπάτησέν (deceived) με (me), καὶ (and) δι’ (by) αὐτῆς (it) ἀπέκτεινεν (put me to death).

Romans 8:2

2 ὁ (-) γὰρ (For) νόμος (the law) τοῦ (of the) Πνεύματος (Spirit) τῆς (of) ζωῆς (life) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus) ἠλευθέρωσέν (has set free) σε (you) ἀπὸ (from) τοῦ (the) νόμου (law) τῆς (-) ἁμαρτίας (of sin) καὶ (and) τοῦ (-) θανάτου (of death).

1 Corinthians 3:5

5 Τί (Who) οὖν (then) ἐστιν (is) Ἀπολλῶς (Apollos)? τί (Who) δέ (now) ἐστιν (is) Παῦλος (Paul)? διάκονοι (Servants) δι’ (through) ὧν (whom) ἐπιστεύσατε (you believed), καὶ (also) ἑκάστῳ (to each) ὡς (as) ὁ (the) Κύριος (Lord) ἔδωκεν (has given)?

1 Corinthians 3:10

10 Κατὰ (According to) τὴν (the) χάριν (grace) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) τὴν (-) δοθεῖσάν (having been given) μοι (to me), ὡς (as) σοφὸς (a wise) ἀρχιτέκτων (master builder) θεμέλιον (the foundation) ἔθηκα (I have laid); ἄλλος (another) δὲ (however) ἐποικοδομεῖ (is building upon it). ἕκαστος (Each one) δὲ (however) βλεπέτω (let take heed) πῶς (how) ἐποικοδομεῖ (he builds upon it).

1 Corinthians 11:25

25 ὡσαύτως (Likewise) καὶ (also) τὸ (the) ποτήριον (cup), μετὰ (after) τὸ (-) δειπνῆσαι (having supped), λέγων (saying), “Τοῦτο (This) τὸ (-) ποτήριον (cup) ἡ (the) καινὴ (new) διαθήκη (covenant) ἐστὶν (is) ἐν (in) τῷ (-) ἐμῷ (My) αἵματι (blood); τοῦτο (this) ποιεῖτε (do), ὁσάκις (as often as) ἐὰν (if) πίνητε (you might drink it), εἰς (in) τὴν (-) ἐμὴν (of Me) ἀνάμνησιν (remembrance).”

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 Καὶ (And) οὓς (some) μὲν (indeed) ἔθετο (has appointed) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) ἐκκλησίᾳ (church), πρῶτον (first) ἀποστόλους (apostles), δεύτερον (secondly) προφήτας (prophets), τρίτον (third) διδασκάλους (teachers), ἔπειτα (then) δυνάμεις (miracles), ἔπειτα (then) χαρίσματα (gifts) ἰαμάτων (of healing), ἀντιλήμψεις (helping), κυβερνήσεις (administrating), γένη (various kinds) γλωσσῶν (of tongues).

1 Corinthians 15:45

45 οὕτως (So) καὶ (also) γέγραπται (it has been written): “Ἐγένετο (Became) ὁ (the) πρῶτος (first) ἄνθρωπος (man) Ἀδὰμ (Adam) εἰς (into) ψυχὴν (a soul) ζῶσαν (living); ὁ (the) ἔσχατος (last) Ἀδὰμ (Adam) εἰς (into) πνεῦμα (a spirit) ζωοποιοῦν (life-giving).”

2 Corinthians 3:7

7 Εἰ (If) δὲ (now) ἡ (the) διακονία (ministry) τοῦ (-) θανάτου (of death), ἐν (in) γράμμασιν (letters) ἐντετυπωμένη (having been engraved) λίθοις (on stones), ἐγενήθη (was produced) ἐν (in) δόξῃ (glory), ὥστε (so as for) μὴ (not) δύνασθαι (to be able) ἀτενίσαι (to look intently) τοὺς (the) υἱοὺς (sons) Ἰσραὴλ (of Israel) εἰς (into) τὸ (the) πρόσωπον (face) Μωϋσέως (of Moses), διὰ (on account of) τὴν (the) δόξαν (glory) τοῦ (of the) προσώπου (face) αὐτοῦ (of him), τὴν (which) καταργουμένην (is fading),

2 Corinthians 3:9

9 εἰ (If) γὰρ (for) τῇ* (in the) διακονία (ministry) τῆς (-) κατακρίσεως (of condemnation was) δόξα (glory), πολλῷ (much) μᾶλλον (more) περισσεύει (abounds) ἡ (the) διακονία (ministry) τῆς (-) δικαιοσύνης (of righteousness) δόξῃ (in glory)!

2 Corinthians 3:14

14 Ἀλλὰ (But) ἐπωρώθη (were hardened) τὰ (the) νοήματα (minds) αὐτῶν (of them). ἄχρι (Until) γὰρ (for) τῆς (the) σήμερον (present) ἡμέρας (day), τὸ (the) αὐτὸ (same) κάλυμμα (veil) ἐπὶ (at) τῇ (the) ἀναγνώσει (reading) τῆς (of the) παλαιᾶς (old) διαθήκης (covenant) μένει (remains), μὴ (not) ἀνακαλυπτόμενον (being lifted), ὅτι (which) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) καταργεῖται (is being removed).

2 Corinthians 5:18-20

18 Τὰ (-) δὲ (And) πάντα (all things) ἐκ (are of) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God), τοῦ (the One) καταλλάξαντος (having reconciled) ἡμᾶς (us) ἑαυτῷ (to Himself) διὰ (through) Χριστοῦ (Christ), καὶ (and) δόντος (having given) ἡμῖν (to us) τὴν (the) διακονίαν (ministry) τῆς (-) καταλλαγῆς (of reconciliation), 19 ὡς (how) ὅτι (that) Θεὸς (God) ἦν (was) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) κόσμον (the world) καταλλάσσων (reconciling) ἑαυτῷ (to Himself), μὴ (not) λογιζόμενος (reckoning) αὐτοῖς (to them) τὰ (the) παραπτώματα (trespasses) αὐτῶν (of them), καὶ (and) θέμενος (having put) ἐν (into) ἡμῖν (us) τὸν (the) λόγον (word) τῆς (-) καταλλαγῆς (of reconciliation). 20 Ὑπὲρ (For) Χριστοῦ (Christ) οὖν (therefore) πρεσβεύομεν (we are ambassadors), ὡς (as though) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) παρακαλοῦντος (is beseeching) δι’ (through) ἡμῶν (us). δεόμεθα (We implore) ὑπὲρ (on behalf) Χριστοῦ (of Christ): καταλλάγητε (Be reconciled) τῷ (-) Θεῷ (to God).

Galatians 3:10-12

10 Ὅσοι (As many as) γὰρ (for) ἐξ (of) ἔργων (works) νόμου (of the Law) εἰσὶν (are), ὑπὸ (under) κατάραν (a curse) εἰσίν (are); γέγραπται (it has been written) γὰρ (for) ὅτι (-): “Ἐπικατάρατος (Cursed is) πᾶς (everyone) ὃς (who) οὐκ (not) ἐμμένει (does continue) πᾶσιν (all things) τοῖς (-) γεγραμμένοις (having been written) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) βιβλίῳ (book) τοῦ (of the) νόμου (Law), τοῦ (-) ποιῆσαι (to do) αὐτά (them).” 11 ὅτι (That) δὲ (now) ἐν (by) νόμῳ (the law) οὐδεὶς (no one) δικαιοῦται (is justified) παρὰ (before) τῷ (-) Θεῷ (God) δῆλον (is evident), ὅτι (because) “Ὁ (The) δίκαιος (righteous) ἐκ (by) πίστεως (faith) ζήσεται (will live).” 12 ὁ (-) δὲ (And) νόμος (the Law) οὐκ (not) ἔστιν (is) ἐκ (of) πίστεως (faith); ἀλλ’ (rather), “Ὁ (The one) ποιήσας (having done) αὐτὰ (these things) ζήσεται (will live) ἐν (by) αὐτοῖς (them).”

Galatians 3:21

21 Ὁ (The) οὖν (therefore) νόμος (Law) κατὰ (is contrary to) τῶν (the) ἐπαγγελιῶν (promises) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God)? μὴ (Never) γένοιτο (may it be)! εἰ (If) γὰρ (for) ἐδόθη (had been given) νόμος (a law) ὁ (-) δυνάμενος (being able) ζωοποιῆσαι (to impart life), ὄντως (indeed) ἐκ (from out of) νόμου (the Law) ἂν (-) ἦν (would have emerged) ἡ (-) δικαιοσύνη (righteousness);

Ephesians 2:1

1 Καὶ (And) ὑμᾶς (you), ὄντας (being) νεκροὺς (dead) τοῖς (in the) παραπτώμασιν (trespasses) καὶ (and) ταῖς (the) ἁμαρτίαις (sins) ὑμῶν (of you),

Ephesians 2:5

5 καὶ (even) ὄντας (being) ἡμᾶς (we) νεκροὺς (dead) τοῖς (-) παραπτώμασιν (in trespasses), συνεζωοποίησεν (made us alive with) τῷ (-) Χριστῷ (Christ) — χάριτί (by grace) ἐστε (you are) σεσῳσμένοι (saved) —

Ephesians 3:7

7 οὗ (of which) ἐγενήθην (I became) διάκονος (servant) κατὰ (according to) τὴν (the) δωρεὰν (gift) τῆς (of the) χάριτος (grace) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) τῆς (-), δοθείσης (having been given) μοι (to me) κατὰ (according to) τὴν (the) ἐνέργειαν (working) τῆς (of the) δυνάμεως (power) αὐτοῦ (of Him).

Ephesians 4:11-12

11 Καὶ (And) αὐτὸς (He) ἔδωκεν (gave) τοὺς (some) μὲν (indeed) ἀποστόλους (to be apostles), τοὺς (some) δὲ (now) προφήτας (prophets), τοὺς (some) δὲ (now) εὐαγγελιστάς (evangelists), τοὺς (some) δὲ (now) ποιμένας (shepherds) καὶ (and) διδασκάλους (teachers), 12 πρὸς (toward) τὸν (the) καταρτισμὸν (perfecting) τῶν (of the) ἁγίων (saints), εἰς (for) ἔργον (the work) διακονίας (of ministry), εἰς (for) οἰκοδομὴν (the building up) τοῦ (of the) σώματος (body) τοῦ (-) Χριστοῦ (of Christ),

Colossians 1:25-29

25 ἧς (of which) ἐγενόμην (became) ἐγὼ (I) διάκονος (a minister), κατὰ (according to) τὴν (the) οἰκονομίαν (administration) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) τὴν (-) δοθεῖσάν (having been given) μοι (me) εἰς (toward) ὑμᾶς (you), πληρῶσαι (to complete) τὸν (the) λόγον (word) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), 26 τὸ (the) μυστήριον (mystery) τὸ (-) ἀποκεκρυμμένον (having been hidden) ἀπὸ (from) τῶν (the) αἰώνων (ages) καὶ (and) ἀπὸ (from) τῶν (the) γενεῶν (generations), νῦν (now) δὲ (however) ἐφανερώθη (having been manifested) τοῖς (to the) ἁγίοις (saints) αὐτοῦ (of Him), 27 οἷς (to whom) ἠθέλησεν (has willed) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) γνωρίσαι (to make known) τί (what is) τὸ (the) πλοῦτος (riches) τῆς (of the) δόξης (glory) τοῦ (of the) μυστηρίου (mystery) τούτου (this) ἐν (among) τοῖς (the) ἔθνεσιν (Gentiles), ὅ* (which) ἐστιν (is) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἐν (in) ὑμῖν (you), ἡ (the) ἐλπὶς (hope) τῆς (-) δόξης (of glory), 28 ὃν (whom) ἡμεῖς (we) καταγγέλλομεν (preach), νουθετοῦντες (admonishing) πάντα (every) ἄνθρωπον (man) καὶ (and) διδάσκοντες (teaching) πάντα (every) ἄνθρωπον (man) ἐν (in) πάσῃ (all) σοφίᾳ (wisdom), ἵνα (so that) παραστήσωμεν (we may present) πάντα (every) ἄνθρωπον (man) τέλειον (perfect) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ). 29 Εἰς (Unto) ὃ (this) καὶ (also) κοπιῶ (I toil), ἀγωνιζόμενος (striving) κατὰ (according to) τὴν (the) ἐνέργειαν (energy) αὐτοῦ (of Him) τὴν (-) ἐνεργουμένην (working) ἐν (in) ἐμοὶ (me) ἐν (in) δυνάμει (power).

1 Timothy 1:11-12

11 κατὰ (according to) τὸ (the) εὐαγγέλιον (gospel) τῆς (of the) δόξης (glory) τοῦ (of the) μακαρίου (blessed) Θεοῦ (God), ὃ (with which) ἐπιστεύθην (have been entrusted) ἐγώ (I). 12 Χάριν (Thankfulness) ἔχω (I have) τῷ (for the One) ἐνδυναμώσαντί (having strengthened) με (me), Χριστῷ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus) τῷ (the) Κυρίῳ (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us), ὅτι (that) πιστόν (faithful) με (me) ἡγήσατο (He esteemed), θέμενος (having appointed me) εἰς (to) διακονίαν (service),

1 Timothy 4:6

6 Ταῦτα (These things) ὑποτιθέμενος (laying before) τοῖς (the) ἀδελφοῖς (brothers), καλὸς (good) ἔσῃ (you will be) διάκονος (a servant) Χριστοῦ (of Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), ἐντρεφόμενος (being nourished) τοῖς (in the) λόγοις (words) τῆς (of the) πίστεως (faith) καὶ (and) τῆς (of the) καλῆς (good) διδασκαλίας (teaching) ᾗ (that) παρηκολούθηκας (you have closely followed).

2 Timothy 1:11

11 εἰς (to) ὃ (which) ἐτέθην (was appointed) ἐγὼ (I) κήρυξ (a herald), καὶ (and) ἀπόστολος (an apostle), καὶ (and) διδάσκαλος (a teacher).

Hebrews 7:22

22 Κατὰ (By) τοσοῦτο (so much) καὶ (also) κρείττονος (of a better) διαθήκης (covenant) γέγονεν (has become) ἔγγυος (the guarantee) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus).

Hebrews 8:6-10

6 Νυνὶ* (Now), δὲ (however), διαφορωτέρας (more excellent) τέτυχεν (He has obtained) λειτουργίας (a ministry), ὅσῳ (as much as) καὶ (also) κρείττονός (of a better) ἐστιν (He is) διαθήκης (covenant) μεσίτης (the mediator), ἥτις (which) ἐπὶ (upon) κρείττοσιν (better) ἐπαγγελίαις (promises) νενομοθέτηται (has been enacted). 7 εἰ (If) γὰρ (for) ἡ (the) πρώτη (first) ἐκείνη (that) ἦν (had been) ἄμεμπτος (faultless), οὐκ (not) ἂν (-) δευτέρας (for a second) ἐζητεῖτο (would have been sought) τόπος (a place). 8 μεμφόμενος (Finding fault) γὰρ (for) αὐτοὺς (with them), λέγει (He says): “Ἰδοὺ (Behold), ἡμέραι (the days) ἔρχονται (are coming), λέγει (says) Κύριος (the Lord), καὶ (and) συντελέσω (I will ratify) ἐπὶ (with) τὸν (the) οἶκον (house) Ἰσραὴλ (of Israel) καὶ (and) ἐπὶ (with) τὸν (the) οἶκον (house) Ἰούδα (of Judah), διαθήκην (a covenant) καινήν (new), 9 οὐ (not) κατὰ (according to) τὴν (the) διαθήκην (covenant) ἣν (that) ἐποίησα (I made) τοῖς (with) πατράσιν (fathers) αὐτῶν (of them), ἐν (in) ἡμέρᾳ (the day) ἐπιλαβομένου (of having taken hold of) μου (by Me) τῆς (the) χειρὸς (hand) αὐτῶν (of them), ἐξαγαγεῖν (to lead) αὐτοὺς (them) ἐκ (out of) γῆς (the land) Αἰγύπτου (of Egypt), ὅτι (because) αὐτοὶ (they) οὐκ (not) ἐνέμειναν (did continue) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) διαθήκῃ (covenant) μου (of Me), κἀγὼ (and I) ἠμέλησα (disregarded) αὐτῶν (them), λέγει (says) Κύριος (the Lord). 10 ὅτι (For) αὕτη (this is) ἡ (the) διαθήκη (covenant) ἣν (that) διαθήσομαι (I will make) τῷ (with the) οἴκῳ (house) Ἰσραὴλ (of Israel), μετὰ (after) τὰς (the) ἡμέρας (days) ἐκείνας (those), λέγει (says) Κύριος (the Lord), διδοὺς (putting) νόμους (Laws) μου (of Me) εἰς (into) τὴν (the) διάνοιαν (mind) αὐτῶν (of them), καὶ (and) ἐπὶ (upon) καρδίας (hearts) αὐτῶν (of them) ἐπιγράψω (I will inscribe) αὐτούς (them); καὶ (and) ἔσομαι (I will be) αὐτοῖς (to them) εἰς (for) Θεόν (God), καὶ (and) αὐτοὶ (they) ἔσονταί (will be) μοι (to Me) εἰς (for) λαόν (a people).

Hebrews 9:15-20

15 Καὶ (And) διὰ (because of) τοῦτο (this), διαθήκης (of a covenant) καινῆς (new) μεσίτης (the mediator) ἐστίν (He is), ὅπως (so that), θανάτου (death) γενομένου (having taken place), εἰς (for) ἀπολύτρωσιν (redemption) τῶν (of the) ἐπὶ (under) τῇ (the) πρώτῃ (first) διαθήκῃ (covenant) παραβάσεων (transgressions), τὴν (the) ἐπαγγελίαν (promise) λάβωσιν (might receive) οἱ (those) κεκλημένοι (having been called), τῆς (of the) αἰωνίου (eternal) κληρονομίας (inheritance). 16 Ὅπου (Where) γὰρ (for) διαθήκη (there is a will), θάνατον (the death) ἀνάγκη (it is necessary) φέρεσθαι (to establish) τοῦ (of the one) διαθεμένου (having made it). 17 διαθήκη (A will) γὰρ (for) ἐπὶ (after) νεκροῖς (death) βεβαία (is affirmed), ἐπεὶ (since) μή‿ (not) ποτε (at the time) ἰσχύει (it is in force), ὅτε (when) ζῇ (is living) ὁ (the one) διαθέμενος (having made it), 18 Ὅθεν (wherefore) οὐδὲ (neither) ἡ (the) πρώτη (first), χωρὶς (apart from) αἵματος (blood) ἐνκεκαίνισται (has been inaugurated). 19 λαληθείσης (Having been spoken) γὰρ (for) πάσης (of every) ἐντολῆς (commandment) κατὰ (according to) τὸν (the) νόμον (law) ὑπὸ (by) Μωϋσέως (Moses) παντὶ (to all) τῷ (the) λαῷ (people), λαβὼν (having taken) τὸ (the) αἷμα (blood) τῶν (-) μόσχων (of calves) καὶ (and) τῶν (-) τράγων (of goats), μετὰ (with) ὕδατος (water), καὶ (and) ἐρίου (wool) κοκκίνου (scarlet), καὶ (and) ὑσσώπου (hyssop), αὐτό (itself) τε (both) τὸ (the) βιβλίον (book) καὶ (and) πάντα (all) τὸν (the) λαὸν (people) ἐράντισεν (he sprinkled), 20 λέγων (saying), “Τοῦτο (This is) τὸ (the) αἷμα (blood) τῆς (of the) διαθήκης (covenant), ἧς (which) ἐνετείλατο (commanded) πρὸς (unto) ὑμᾶς (you) ὁ (-) Θεός (God).”

Hebrews 12:24

24 καὶ (and) διαθήκης (of a covenant) νέας (new) μεσίτῃ (the mediator), Ἰησοῦ (to Jesus), καὶ (and) αἵματι (to the blood) ῥαντισμοῦ (of sprinkling) κρεῖττον (better things) λαλοῦντι (speaking) παρὰ (than) τὸν (that of) Ἅβελ (Abel).

Hebrews 13:20

20 Ὁ (May the) δὲ (now) Θεὸς (God) τῆς (-) εἰρήνης (of peace), ὁ (-) ἀναγαγὼν (having brought) ἐκ (out from) νεκρῶν (the dead) τὸν (the) ποιμένα (Shepherd) τῶν (of the) προβάτων (sheep) τὸν (-) μέγαν (great), ἐν (by) αἵματι (the blood) διαθήκης (of the covenant) αἰωνίου (eternal), τὸν (the) Κύριον (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us) Ἰησοῦν (Jesus),

1 Peter 3:18

18 ὅτι (because) καὶ (also) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἅπαξ (once) περὶ (for) ἁμαρτιῶν (sins) ἔπαθεν* (suffered), δίκαιος (the righteous) ὑπὲρ (for) ἀδίκων (the unrighteous), ἵνα (so that) ὑμᾶς (you) προσαγάγῃ (He might bring) τῷ (-) Θεῷ (to God), θανατωθεὶς (having been put to death) μὲν (indeed) σαρκὶ (in the flesh), ζωοποιηθεὶς (having been made alive) δὲ (however) πνεύματι (in the spirit),

1 John 1:1

1 Ὃ (That which) ἦν (was) ἀπ’ (from) ἀρχῆς (the beginning), ὃ (that which) ἀκηκόαμεν (we have heard), ὃ (that which) ἑωράκαμεν (we have seen) τοῖς (with the) ὀφθαλμοῖς (eyes) ἡμῶν (of us), ὃ (that which) ἐθεασάμεθα (we have gazed upon) καὶ (and) αἱ (the) χεῖρες (hands) ἡμῶν (of us) ἐψηλάφησαν (have handled), περὶ (concerning) τοῦ (the) Λόγου (Word) τῆς (-) ζωῆς (of life) —

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