Revelation 4:2-5

Wycliffe(i) 2 Anoon Y was in spirit, and lo! a seete was sett in heuene, and vpon the seete oon sittynge. 3 And he that sat, was lijk the siyt of a stoon iaspis, and to sardyn; and a reynbowe was in cumpas of the seete, lijk the siyt of smaragdyn. 4 And in the cumpas of the seete weren foure and twenti smale seetis; and aboue the troones foure and twenti eldre men sittinge, hilid aboute with whijt clothis, and in the heedis of hem goldun corouns. 5 And leitis, and voices, and thundringis camen out of the trone; and seuene laumpis brennynge bifore the trone, whiche ben the seuene spiritis of God.