15 Thanne Farisees yeden awei, and token a counsel to take Jhesu in word.
16 And thei senden to hym her disciplis, with Erodians, and seien, Maister, we witen, that thou art sothefast, and thou techist in treuthe the weie of God, and thou chargist not of ony man, for thou biholdist not the persoone of men.
17 Therfor seie to vs, what it seemeth to thee. Is it leueful that tribute be youun to the emperoure, ether nay?
18 And whanne Jhesus hadde knowe the wickidnesse of hem, he seide, Ypocritis, what tempten ye me?
19 Schewe ye to me the prynte of the money. And thei brouyten to hym a peny.
20 And Jhesus seide to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the writyng aboue?
21 Thei seien to hym, The emperouris. Thanne he seide to hem, Therfor yelde ye to the emperoure tho thingis that ben the emperouris, and to God tho thingis that ben of God.
22 And thei herden, and wondriden; and thei leften hym, and wenten awey.
23 In that dai Saduceis, that seien there is no risyng ayen to lijf, camen to hym, and axiden him,
24 and seiden, Mayster, Moises seide, if ony man is deed, not hauynge a sone, that his brother wedde his wijf, and reise seed to his brothir.
25 And seuen britheren weren at vs; and the firste weddide a wijf, and is deed. And he hadde no seed, and lefte his wijf to his brother;
26 also the secounde, and the thridde, til to the seuenthe.
27 But the laste of alle, the woman is deed.
28 Also in the risyng ayen to lijf, whos wijf of the seuene schal sche be? for alle hadden hir.
29 Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Ye erren, `and ye knowen not scripturis, ne the vertu of God.
30 For in the rysyng ayen to lijf, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid; but thei ben as the aungels of God in heuene.
31 And of the risyng ayen of deed men, `han ye not red, that is seid of the Lord, that seith to you,
32 Y am God of Abraham, and God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob? he is not God of deede men, but of lyuynge men.
33 And the puple herynge, wondriden in his techynge.