Joshua 17:2-3

Wycliffe(i) 2 And lot felde to the othere of the sones of Manasses, bi her meynees; to the sones of Abiezer, and to the sones of Heleth, and to the sones of Hesriel, and to the sones of Sichen, and to the sones of Epher, and to the sones of Semyda; these ben the sones of Manasse, sone of Joseph, the male children, bi her meynees. 3 Sotheli to Salphaat, the sone of Epher, sone of Galaad, sone of Machir, sone of Manasses, weren not sones, but douytris aloone; of whiche these ben the names, Maala, and Noa, and Eegla, and Melcha, and Thersa.