Joshua 13:1-7

Wycliffe(i) 1 Josue was eld and of greet age; and the Lord seide to him, Thou hast woxe eld, and art of long tyme; and largeste lond is left, which is not yit departid bi lot; 2 that is, al Galile, Filistiym, and al Gessuri, 3 fro the troblid flood that moistith Egipt, `til to the termes of Acaron ayenus the north; the lond of Chanaan, which is departid `in to fyue litle kyngis of Filistym, of Gaza, and of Azotus, of Ascolon, of Geth, and of Accaron. 4 Forsothe at the south ben Eueis, al the lond of Canaan, and Maara of Sidonyes, `til to Affetha, and to the termes of Amorrei, and the coostis of hym; 5 and the cuntrei of Liban ayens the eest, fro Baalgath, vndur the hil of Hermon, til thou entrist into Emath, 6 of alle men that dwelliden in the hil, fro the Liban `til to the watris of Masserephoth, and alle men of Sidon; Y am, that schal do awei hem fro the face of the sones of Israel; therfor come it in to the part of eritage of Israel, as Y comaundide to thee. 7 And thou now departe the lond in to possessioun to the nyne lynagis, and to the half lynage of Manasses,