Joshua 13:1-7

Coverdale(i) 1 Now whan Iosua was olde and wel stricken in age, the LORDE sayde vnto him: Thou art olde & well aged, 2 and there remayneth yet moch of the londe to conquere, namely all Galile of the Philistynes, and all Gessuri, 3 from Sihor which floweth before Egipte, vnto the border of Ekron, northwarde, which is rekened vnto the Cananites: fyue lordes of the Philistynes, namely, the Gasites, the Asdodites, the Ascalonites, the Gethites, the Ekronites & the Hauites. 4 But from the north it is all ye londe of the Cananites, and Maara of the Sidonians vnto Aphek, euen vnto the border of the Amorites. 5 Morouer the londe of the Giblites eastwarde, from Baalgad vnder mount Hermon, tyll a ma come vnto Hamath. 6 All they that dwell vpon the mount, from Libanus vnto the warme waters, and all the Sidonians. I wyl dryue them out before the children of Israel: Onely let them be dealte out amonge Israel, as I haue commaunded the. 7 Deuyde thou this lode now to enheritauce amonge the nyne trybes and ye halfe trybe of Manasse.