3 For our appeal did not originate from a delusion or an impure motive; it was not made in fraud;
4 for since we have been so approved by God as to be entrusted with the good news, we are now telling it, not to please men but God, who proves and finds approved our hearts.
5 Indeed, we never resorted to flattery, as you are well aware, nor to any pretext for making money; God is our witness.
6 We never sought praise from men, either from you or from anyone else; although as apostles we could have stood on our official dignity.
7 Instead we were little children among you; we were like a mother nursing her children.
8 Because we were yearning for you so tenderly, we were willing, not only to share with you God's good news, but to lay down our very lives too for you, all because you were so dearly loved by us.
9 You remember, brothers, our hard labor and toil. We kept up our habit of working night and day, in order not to be a burden to any of you when we preached to you.
10 You can testify, and God too, with what pure, upright, and irreproachable motives I dealt with you who believed;
11 for you know how, as a father deals with his children, we used to encourage you, cheer you on, and charge each of you
12 to live lives worthy of God who calls you into His kingdom and His glory.