Luke 1:58-63

WestSaxon990(i) 58 & hyre nehcheburas & hyre cuðan þt gehyrdon þt drihten hys mild-heort-nesse mid hyre mærsude. & hig mid hyre blissodon; 59 Ða on þam ehteoþan dæge hig comon þt cild ymsniþan. & nemdon hyne hys fæder naman zachariam. 60 Ða andswarode his modor nese soþes. ac he byð iohannes genemned; 61 Ða cwædon hig to hyre. nis nän on þïnre mægðe þyson naman genemned; 62 Ða bicnodon hi to hys fæder hwæt he wolde hine genemnedne bëon. 63 þa wrät he gebedenum wex-brede; Iohannes is hys nama; Ða wundrodon hig ealle;