Luke 10:1-2

WestSaxon990(i) 1 [Note: Ðis godspel sceal to anes apostoles mæssan. Designauit dominus & alios septuaginta duos. A. Designauit dominus iesus & alios septuaginta duos & misit illos binos ante faciem suam. B. ] Æfter þam se hælend gemearcude oðre twa & hund-seofantig and sende hig twam beforan his ansyne on ælce ceastre. & stöwe þe he to cumenne wæs. 2 & cwæð to him her is mycel rïp. & feawa wyrhtan. biddað þæs ripes hlaford þt he sende wyrhtan to his ripe;