43 On mergen he wolde faran on galilea. & he gemette philippus. & se hælend cwæð to him fylig me.
44 Soþlice pHilippvs wæs fram bethzaida andreas ceastre & petres;
45 philippus gemette nathanael & cwæþ to him. we gemetton ðone hælend iosepes sunu of nazareth. þone wrat moyses & þa witegan on ðære .æ.
46 & nathanahel cwæð to him. mæg ænig þing godes beon of nazareth; Philippus cwæð to him. cum & geseoh;
47 Ða geseah se hælend nathanahel to him cumendne & cwæð be him. her is israhelisc wer on ðam nis nan facn;