1 Samuel 8:6-7

  6 H1697 But the thing H3415 H5869 [H8799] displeased H8050 Samuel H559 [H8804] , when they said H5414 [H8798] , Give H4428 us a king H8199 [H8800] to judge H8050 us. And Samuel H6419 [H8691] prayed H3068 to the LORD.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H8050 to Samuel H8085 [H8798] , Hearken H6963 to the voice H5971 of the people H559 [H8799] in all that they say H3988 [H8804] to thee: for they have not rejected H3988 [H8804] thee, but they have rejected H4427 [H8800] me, that I should not reign over them.