Genesis 3:5-6

  5 H430 for God H3045 knows H3117 that in the day H398 you eat H5869 it, your eyes H6491 will be opened, H430 and you will be like God, H3045 knowing H2896 good H7451 and evil."
  6 H802 When the woman H7200 saw H6086 that the tree H2896 was good H3978 for food, H1931 and that it H8378 was a delight H5869 to the eyes, H6086 and that the tree H2530 was to be desired H7919 to make one wise, H3947 she took H6529 of its H398 fruit, and ate; H5414 and she gave H1571 some H376 to her husband H398 with her, and he ate.