Ezra 4:12-15

  12 H1934 Be it H3046 known H4430 to the king, H3062 that the Jews H1768 who H5559 came up H4481 from H3890 you H858 have come H5922 to us H3390 to Jerusalem; H1124 they are building H4779 the rebellious H873 and the bad H7149 city, H3635 and have finished H7792 the walls, H2338 and repaired H787 the foundations.
  13 H3046 Be it known H3705 now H4430 to the king H2006 that if H1791 this H7149 city H1124 is built, H7792 and the walls H3635 finished, H3809 they will not H5415 pay H1093 tribute, H1983 custom, H4061 or toll, H5142 and in the end it will be hurtful H674 to H4430 the kings.
  14 H3705 Now H6903 because H1768 we eat H4415 the salt H1965 of the palace, H3809 and it is not H749 appropriate H2370 for us to see H4430 the king's H6173 dishonor, H5922 therefore H7972 have we sent H3046 and informed H4430 the king;
  15 H1240 that search H5609 may be made in the book H1799 of the records H2 of your fathers: H7912 so you shall find H5609 in the book H1799 of the records, H3046 and know H1791 that this H7149 city H4779 is a rebellious H7149 city, H5142 and hurtful H4430 to kings H4083 and provinces, H5648 and that they have moved H849 sedition H1459 within the same H4481 of H5957 old H3118 time; H5922 for H1836 which H1791 cause was this H7149 city H2718 laid waste.