Job 15:20-35

VIN(i) 20 "All his days the wicked man suffers torment and the ruthless through all the years stored up for him. 21 "Terrifying sounds fill his ears. When all seems well, marauders attack him. 22 "He despairs of escaping the darkness; he is marked for the sword. 23 "He wanders about as food for vultures and he knows the day of darkness is at hand. 24 "Distress and anguish fill him with terror. They overwhelm him, like a king poised to attack. 25 because he stretches out his hand against God, and sets himself against the Almighty. 26 "He defiantly charges against him with a thick, strong shield. 27 »His face is covered with fat and his waist bulges with flesh. 28 "He will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives, houses crumbling to rubble. 29 "He will no longer be rich and his wealth will not endure, nor will his possessions spread over the land. 30 "He will not escape the darkness; a flame will wither his shoots, and the breath of God's mouth will carry him away. 31 "Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless. He will get nothing in return. 32 "Before his time he will be paid in full, and his branches will not flourish. 33 "He will be like a vine stripped of its unripe grapes, like an olive tree shedding its blossoms. 34 »The company of the godless will be barren. And fire will consume the tents of those who love bribes. 35 "They conceive trouble and give birth to evil. Their womb fashions deceit."