Romans 9:10-15

Tyndale(i) 10 Nether was it so wt her only: but also when Rebecca was with chylde by one I meane by oure father Isaac 11 yeer the chyldren were borne when they had nether done good nether bad: that the purpose of God which is by election myght stonde 12 it was sayde vnto her not by the reason of workes but by grace of ye caller: the elder shall serve the yonger. 13 As it is written: Iacob he loved but Esau he hated. 14 What shall we saye then? is there eny vnrightewesses with God? God forbyd. 15 For he sayth to Moses: I will shewe mercye to who I shewe mercy: and will have compassion on whom I have copassion.