Romans 11:11-19

Tyndale(i) 11 I saye then: Have they therfore stombled that they shulde but faule only? God forbyd: but thorowe their faule is salvacio happened vnto the gentyls for to provoke the with all. 12 Wherfore yf the faule of them be the ryches of the worlde: and the mynysshynge of them the ryches of the gentyls: How moche more shuld it be so yf they all beleved. 13 I speake to you gentyls in as moche as I am the Apostle of ye gentyls I will magnify myn office 14 that I myght provoke them which are my flesshe and myght save some of them. 15 For yf the castynge awaye of them be the reconcylynge of the worlde: what shall the receavynge of them be but lyfe agayne from deeth? 16 For yf one pece be holy the whole heepe is holy. And yf the rote be holy the braunches are holy also. 17 Though some of the brauuches be broken of and thou beynge a wylde olyue tree arte graft in amonge them and made parttaker of ye rote and fatnes of the olyve tree 18 bost not thy selfe agaynst the brauches. For yf thou bost thy selfe remember that thou bearest not the rote but the rote the. 19 Thou wilt saye then: the brauches are broken of that I myght be grafte in.