Revelation 21:12-19

Tyndale(i) 12 and had walles grett and hye and had xii gates and at the gates xii. angels: and names written which are the xii. trybes of Israell: 13 on the est parte iii gatis and on the north syde iii gates and to wardes the south iii gates and from the west iii gates: 14 and the wall of the cite had xii foundacions and in them the names of the lambes .xii. Apostles. 15 And he that talked with me had a golden read to measure the cite with all and the gates therof and the wall therof. 16 And the cite was bylt iiii. square and the length was as large as the bredth of it and he measured the cite with the rede .xii M. fur longes: and the lenght and the bredth and ye heyth of it were equall. 17 And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiii. cubittes: the measure that ye angell had was after the measure that man vseth. 18 And the byldinge of the wall of it was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse 19 and the foundacions of the wall of ye cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The fyrste foundacion was iaspar the seconde saphyre the thyrde a calcedony the fourth an emeralde: