2 speake vnto ye childre of Israel and saye vnto them: when ether man or woman appoynteth to vowe a vowe of abstinence for to abstene vnto the Lorde
3 he shall abstene from wyne and stronge drynke and shall dryncke no vynegre of wyne or of stronge drynke nor shal drynke what soeuer is pressed out of grapes: and shal eate no fresh grapes nether yet dryed as loge as his abstinece edureth.
4 Moreouer he shall eate nothyng yt is made of the vynetre no not so moch as ye cornels or the huske of the grape.
5 And as longe as the vowe of his abstinece endureth there shall no rasure nor sheres come apon his heed vntill his dayes be out which he fasteth vnto the Lorde and he shalbe holy and shall let the lockes of his heer growe.