Numbers 32:1-5

Tyndale(i) 1 The childern of Rube and the childern of Gad had an exceadinge greate multitude of catell. And whe they sawe the lode of Iaeser and the lode of Gilead yt it was an apte place for catell 2 they came and spake vnto Moses and Eleazer ye preast and vnto ye lordes of ye cogregacio sayenge. 3 The lode of Ataroth Dibo and Beon 4 whiche contre ye Lorde smote before the congregacion of Israel: is a londe for catell and we thy servauntes haue catell 5 wherfore (sayed they) yf we haue founde grace in thy syghte let this londe be geuen vnto thy servauntes to possesse and bringe vs not ouer Iordane.