47 But the leuites in the tribe off their fathers were not numbred amonge them.
48 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
49 only se that thou numbre not the trybe of Leui nether take the summe of them amonge the childern of Israel.
50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it.
51 And when the tabernacle goeth forth the leuites shall take it doune: and when the tabernacle is pitched they shall sett it vpp: for yf any straunger come nere he shall dye.
52 And the childern of Israel shall pitch their tentes euery man in his owne companye and euery ma by his awne standert thorow out all their hostes.
53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse.