Numbers 11:17-30

Tyndale(i) 17 And I wyll come doune and talke with the there and take of yt spirite which is apon the and put apon them ad they shall bere with the in the burthen of the people and so shalt thou not beare alone. 18 And saye vnto ye people: halowe youre selues agenst to morow that ye maye eate flesh for ye haue whyned in the eares of the Lorde saynge: who shall geue vs flesh to eate for we were happie when we were in Egipte? therfore the Lorde will geue you flesh and ye shall eate: 19 Ye shall not eate one daye only ether .ij. or .v. dayes ether .x. or .xx. dayes: 20 but euen a moneth longe ad vntill it come out at the nostrels of you that ye be ready to perbrake: because that ye haue cast ye Lorde a syde which is amonge you and haue wepte before him saynge: why came we out of Egipte. 21 And Moses sayde: sixe hundred thousande fotemen are there of the people amonge which I am. And thou hast sayde: I will geue them flesh and they shall eate a moneth loge 22 Shall the shepe ad the oxen be slayne for them to fynde them ether shall all the fysh of the see be gathered together to serue them? 23 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: is the lordes hande waxed shorte? Thou shalt se whether my worde shall come to passe vnto the or not. 24 And moses went out and tolde the people the sayenge of the Lorde and gathered the lxx. elders of the people and sett them rounde aboute the tabernacle. 25 And the Lorde came doune in a cloude and spake vnto him ad toke of the sprete that was apon him ad put it apon the .lxx. elders. And as the spirite rested apon them they prophecied and did nought els. 26 But there remayned .ij. of ye me in the hoste: the one called Eldad ad the other Medad. And the spirite rested apon them for they were of them that were written but they wet not out vnto the tabernacle: and they prophecied in the hoste. 27 And there ran a younge man and tolde Moses and sayed: Eldad ad Medad do prophecye in the hoste. 28 And Iosua the sonne of Nu the seruaunte of Moses which he had chosen out answered and sayed: master Moses forbyd them. 29 And Moses sayed vnto him: enuyest thou for my sake? wolde God that all the Lordes people coude prophecye and that the Lorde wolde put his spirite apon them. 30 And then both Moses and the elders of Israel gat them in to the hoste.