Matthew 26:39-44

Tyndale(i) 39 And he went a lytell aparte and fell flat on his face and prayed sayinge: O my father yf it be possible let this cuppe passe from me: neverthelesse not as I wyll but as thou wylt. 40 And he came vnto the disciples and founde them a slepe and sayde to Peter: what coulde ye not watche with me one houre: 41 watche and praye that ye fall not into temptacion. The spirite is willynge but the flesshe is weake. 42 He went awaye once moare and prayed sayinge: O my father yf this cuppe can not passe away from me but yt I drinke of it thy wyll be fulfylled. 43 And he came and founde the a slepe agayne. For their eyes were hevy. 44 And he lefte them and went agayne and prayed ye thrid tyme sayinge ye same wordes.