39 Going on a little further, he threw himself on his face in prayer. "My Father," he said, "if it is possible, let me be spared this cup; only, not as I will, but as thou willest."
40 Then he came to his disciples, and found them asleep. "What!" he said to Peter, "could none of you watch with me for one hour?
41 Watch and pray, that you may not fall into temptation. True, the spirit is eager, but human nature is weak."
42 Again, a second time, he went away, and prayed. "My Father," he said, "if I cannot be spared this cup, but must drink it, thy will be done!"
43 And coming back again he found them asleep, for their eyes were heavy.
44 So he left them, and went away again, and prayed a third time, again saying the same words.