21 From yt tyme forth Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples how yt he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer many thinges of ye Elders and of ye hye prestes and of the scribes and must be killed and ryse agayne ye thirde daye.
22 But Peter toke him asyde and began to rebuke him sayinge: master faver thy sylfe this shall not come vnto the.
23 Then tourned he aboute and sayde vnto Peter: come after me Satan thou offendest me because thou sauourest not godly thinges but wordly thinges
24 Iesus then sayde to his disciples. If eny man wyll folowe me leet him forsake him sylfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me.
25 For who soever wyll save his lyfe shall loose it. And whosoever shall loose his lyfe for my sake shall fynde it.