Matthew 13:3-9

Tyndale(i) 3 And he spake many thynges to the in similitudes sayinge: Beholde ye sower wet forth to sowe. 4 And as he sowed some fell by ye wayessyde and the fowlles came and devoured it vp. 5 Some fell apo stony groude where it had not moche erth and a none it sproge vp because it had no depth of erth: 6 and when ye sunne was vp it cauht heet and for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye. 7 Some fell amoge thornes and the thornes sproge vp and chooked it. 8 Parte fell in good groud and brought forth good frute: some an hudred fold some sixtie fold some thyrty folde. 9 Whosoever hath eares to heare let him heare.