19 And they brought him vnto him. And assone as ye sprete sawe him he tare him. And he fell doune on the grounde walowinge and fomynge.
20 And he axed his father: how longe is it a goo sens this hath happened him? And he sayde of a chylde:
21 and ofte tymes casteth him into the fyre and also into the water to destroye him. But yf thou canste do eny thinge have mercy on vs and helpe vs.
22 And Iesus sayde vnto him: ye yf thou couldest beleve all thinges are possible to him yt belevith.
23 And streygth waye the father of the chylde cryed with teares sayinge: Lorde I beleve helpe myne vnbelefe.
24 When Iesus sawe that the people came runnynge togedder vnto him he rebuked the foule sprete sayinge vnto him: Thou domme and deffe sprete I charge the come out of him and entre no more into him.
25 And the sprete cryed and rent him sore and came out: And he was as one that had bene deed in so moche yt many sayde he is deed.
26 But Iesus caught his honde and lyfte him vp: and he roose.
27 And when he was come into the housse his disciples axed him secretly: why coulde not we caste him out?
28 And he sayde vnto them: this kynde can by no nother meanes come forth but by prayer and fastynge.
29 And they departed thens and toke their iorney thorow Galile and he wolde not that eny man shuld have knowen it.