7 And he called ye twelve and beganne to sende them two and two and gave them power over vnclene spretes.
8 And comaunded the that they shuld take nothinge vnto their Iorney save a rodde only: Nether scrippe nether breed nether mony in their pourses:
9 but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two coottes.
10 And he sayd vnto the: whersoever ye entre in to an house there abyde tyll ye departe thence
11 And whosoever shall not receave you nor heare you when ye departe thence shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you it shalbe easyer for Zodom and Gomor at the daye of iudgement then for that cite.
12 And they went out and preached that they shuld repent:
13 and they caste out many devylles. And they annoynted many that were sicke with oyle and healed them.