Mark 6:7-13

Coverdale(i) 7 And called the twolue, and begane to sende them two and two, and gaue them power ouer the vncleane spretes. 8 And commaunded the, that they shulde take nothinge with them towarde their iourney, saue onely a rodde: no scrippe, no bred, no money in the gerdell, 9 but shulde be shod with sandales, and that they shulde not put on two cotes. 10 And he sayde vnto them: Where so euer ye shal entre in to an house, there abyde, tyll ye go thence. 11 And who so euer wyll not receaue you, ner heare you, departe out from thence, and shake of the dust from youre fete, for a wytnesse vnto them. I saye vnto you verely: It shal be easyer for Sodome and Gomorra in the daye of iudgment, then for that cite. 12 And they wete forth, and preached, that men shulde amede them selues, 13 and they cast out many deuyls: and many that were sicke anoynted they with oyle, and healed the.