Mark 10:17-30

Tyndale(i) 17 And when he was come in to the waye ther came one runninge and kneled to him and axed him: good master what shall I do that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? 18 Iesus sayde to him: why callest thou me good? There is no ma good but one which is God. 19 Thou knowest the comaundementes: breake not matrimony: kyll not: steale not: bere not falce wytnes: defraude no man: honoure thy father and mother. 20 He answered and sayde to him: master all these I have observed fro my youth. 21 Iesus behelde him and had a favour to him and sayde vnto him: one thynge is lackinge vnto the. Goo and sell all that thou hast and geve to the povre and thou shalt have treasure in heven and come and folowe me and take vp thy crosse. 22 But he was discuforted with yt sayinge and wet awaye morninge for he had greate possessions. 23 And Iesus loked rounde aboute and sayde vnto his disciples: what an harde thinge is it for them that have riches to entre into the kyngdome of God. 24 And his disciples were astonneyd at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them: chyldre how harde is it for them that trust in riches to entre in to the kyngdome of God. 25 It is easyer for a camell to go thorowe ye eye of an nedle then for a riche man to entre into the kyngdome of God. 26 And they were astonnyed out of measure sayinge betwene them selves: who then can be saved? 27 Iesus loked vpon them and sayde: with men it is vnpossible but not with God: for with God all thynges are possible. 28 And Peter begane to saye vnto him: Lo we have forsaken all and have folowed the. 29 Iesus answered and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you ther is no man that forsaketh housse or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wyfe other chyldren or londes for my sake and the gospelles 30 which shall not receave an houndred foolde nowe in this lyfe: houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and chyldren and londes with persecucions: and in the worlde to come eternall lyfe.