27 to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of ye housse of David and ye virgins name was Mary.
28 And ye angell went in vnto her and sayde: Hayle full of grace ye Lorde is with ye: blessed arte thou amonge wemen.
29 When she sawe him she was abasshed at his sayinge: and cast in her mynde what maner of salutacion yt shuld be.
30 And ye angell sayde vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou hast founde grace wt god.
31 Loo: thou shalt coceave in thy wombe and shalt beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus.
32 He shalbe greate and shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David
33 and he shall raygne over ye housse of Iacob forever and of his kyngdome shalbe none ende.
34 Then sayd Mary vnto ye angell: How shall this be seinge I knowe not a man?
35 And ye angell answered and sayd vnto her: The holy goost shall come apon the and ye power of ye hyest shall over shaddowe ye. Therfore also yt holy thinge which shalbe borne shalbe called ye sonne of god.
36 And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceaved a sonne in her age. And this is hyr sixte moneth though she be called barren:
37 for wt god can nothinge be vnpossible.
38 And Mary sayd: beholde ye honde mayden of ye lorde be it vnto me even as thou hast sayde. And the angell departed from her.