Luke 1:27-38

Matthew(i) 27 to a vyrgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph, of the house of Dauid, and the virgins name was Mary. 28 And the aungel wente in vnto her, & sayde Hayle full of grace, the Lorde is with the: blessed art thou amonge women. 29 When she sawe hym, she was abashed at his sayinge: and caste in her mynde what maner of salutacion that shoulde be. 30 And the aungell sayed vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou haste founde grace wyth God. 31 Lo: thou shalt conceyue in thy wombe & shalt beare a sonne, and shalt call his name Iesus. 32 He shalbe greate, and shalbe called the sonne of the hiest. And the Lorde God shal geue to hym the seat of his father Dauid, 33 and he shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, & of his kingdome shall be no ende. 34 Then sayde Mary to the aungell. How shall this be, seyinge I knowe not a man? 35 And the aungell aunswered and sayd vnto her: The holye ghoste shall come vnto the, and the power of the hyest shall ouer shadowe the. Therfore also that holye thynge whiche shall be borne shalbe called the sonne of God. 36 And beholde thy cosyn Elyzabeth hath also conceyued a sonne in her age: & thys is her syxt moneth though she be called barren: 37 for with God can nothing be vnpossyble. 38 And Marye sayde: beholde the hande mayden of the Lord, be it vnto me euen as thou haste said. And the aungel departed from her.