11 All the meatoffrynges which ye shall brynge vnto the Lorde, shalbe made without leue. For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offerynge of the Lorde:
12 Notwithstondinge ye shall bryng the firstlynges of them vnto the Lorde: But they shall not come apon the alter to make a swete sauoure.
13 All thy meatofferynges thou shalt salt with salt: nether shalt thou soffre the salt of the couenaunt of thy God to be lackynge from thy meatofferynge: but apon all thyne offerynges thou shalt brynge salt.
14 Yf thou offer a meatofferynge of the firstripe frutes vnto the Lorde, then take of that which is yet grene and drye it by the fire ad beat it small, and so offer the meatofferynge of thy firstrype frutes.
15 And than poure oyle thereto, and put frankencens thereon: and so it is a meatoffrynge.
16 And the preast shall burne parte of the beten corne and parte of that oyle, with all the frakencens: for a remembraunce. That is an offerynge vnto the Lorde.