25 and the lande is defiled, and I will visett the wykednesse thereof apon it. and the lande shal spewe out hir inhabiters.
26 Kepe ye therfore myne ordinaunces and iudgementes, and se that ye commytt none of these abominacions: nether any of you nor ony straunger that soiourneth amonge you
27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whiche were there before you, and the lande is defiled)
28 lest that the lande spewe you out when ye haue defiled it, as it spewed out the nacions that where there before you.
29 For whosoeuer shall comytt any of these abhominacions, the same soules that commytt them shall perish from amonge their people.
30 Therfore se that ye kepe myne ordinaunces, that ye commytt none of these abhominable customes which were commytted before you: that ye defile not youre selues therewith for I am the Lorde youre God.