4 Euery couche whereon he lyeth ad euery thinge whereon he sytteth shalbe vncleane
5 He that twicheth his couch, shall wassh his clothes ad bath him selfe with water, ad be vncleane vntyll the euen.
6 He that sytteth on that whereon he satt, shall wassh his clothes and bathe him selfe with water and be vncleane vntill the euenynge
7 And he that twicheth his flesh shall wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vnto the euen.
8 Yf any soch spytt apon him that is cleane, he must wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and be vncleane vntill euen.
9 And what soeuer sadell that he rydeth apo, shalbe vncleane.