Genesis 39:2-5

Tyndale(i) 2 And the LORde was with Ioseph and he was a luckie felowe and continued in the house of his master the Egiptian. 3 And his master sawe that the ORde was with him and that the LORde made all that he dyd prosper in his hande: 4 Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte and serued him. And his master made him ruelar of his house and put all that he had in his hande. 5 And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house ad ouer all that he had the LORde blessed this Egiptians house for Iosephs sake and the blessynge of the LORde was vpon all that he had: both in the house and also in the feldes.